EBLC Programme


There are 50 min time slots for invited talks
20 min time slots for contributed lectures.
They both include 5 min time for discussion.

July 6, 1997 (Sunday)
16.00 - 21.00 Registration at the Conference Room (Hotel)
19.00 - 21.00 Informal Get-Together at the Conference Room (Hotel)
July 7, 1997 (Monday)
08.30 - 12.00 Registration at the Conference Room (Hotel)
Morning Session:
09.00 - 09.20 Welcome/Opening
09.20 - 10.10 Gad-el-Hak (Invited Talk):
What does it take to tame turbulence?
10.10 - 10.30 Lielausis:
Riga ideas about electromagnetic boundary layer control
Coffee Break
11.00 - 11.50 Nosenchuck (Invited Talk):
Electromagnetic turbulence control
11.50 - 12.40 Kral (Invited Talk):
Numerical simulation and analysis of turbulence control
using Lorenz forces
Afternoon Session:
14.20 - 15.10 Karniadakis (Invited Talk):
EMHD control of open and wall-bounded flows
15.10 - 15.30 Lee & Kim:
Experimental and numerical study of flow around a
circular cylinder under electromagnetic force
Coffee Break
16.00 - 16.20 Weier & Gerbeth:
Cylinder wake control by means of electromagnetic forces
16.20 - 16.40 Posdziech & Grundmann:
Numerical simulation of separation control in the cylinder flow
16.40 - 17.00 O'Sullivan & Biringen:
Numerical experiments on electromagnetic turbulence control
in a plane channel
19.00 Conference Dinner
July 8, 1997 (Tuesday)
Morning Session:
09.00 - 09.50 Meng (Invited Talk):
Seawater MHD microturbulence control perspective:
physics, concept, recent experimental results &
active turbulence control
09.50 - 10.10 Thibault, Tardu & Rossi:
Some aspects of electromagnetic flow control
10.10 - 10.30 Choi:
Control of wall-bounded turbulent flow using uniform magnetic fluxes
Coffee Break
11.00 - 11.50 J. Kim (Invited Talk):
Boundary layer control for drag reduction
11.50 - 12.10 Zikanov & Thess:
Suppression of 3-D turbulence in MHD flow at low magnetic Reynolds number
12.10 - 12.30 Mikhailov:
Electric and magnetic fields in boundary layer involved
in motion of bodies in a conducting fluid in a magnetic
Afternoon Session:
14.00 - 14.20 Shatrov:
MHD flow around a sphere with internal source of
electromagnetic field
14.20 - 14.40 Boissonneau & Thibault:
Electrolysis of seawater flow
Coffee Break
15.00 - 15.20 Noger & Touchard:
Cylinder wake modification by electro-aerodynamic effect
15.20 - 15.40 Kimball:
The MIT Water Tunnel Test Facility
15.40 Round Table Discussion, Closing

List of Participants

Patrick Boissonneau IMG, Grenoble, France
Haecheon Choi Seoul National University, Korea
Kerstin Dittes TU Dresden, Germany
John Donovan McDonell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, USA
Uwe Fey Univ. of Goettingen, Germany
Mohamed Gad-el-Hak Univ. of Notre Dame, USA
Agris Gailitis Inst. of Physics, Riga, Latvia
Gunter Gerbeth FZR, Dresden, Germany
Berkant Goeksel TU Berlin, Germany
Thorwald Herbert DynaFlow Inc., Columbus, USA
George Karniadakis Brown University, USA
John Kim UCLA, USA
Sung Jae Kim POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea
Richard Kimball MIT, USA
Linda Kral McDonell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, USA
Andreas Kraus HDW, Kiel, Germany
Gerd Lammers HSVA, Hamburg, Germany
Choung Mook Lee POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea
Olgerts Lielausis Inst. of Physics, Riga, Latvia
Jim Meng NUWC, Newport, USA
Yuri Mikhailov IZMIRAN, Moscow, Russia
Gerd Mutschke FZR, Dresden, Germany
Dan Nosenchuck Princeton University, USA
Peter L. O'Sullivan Univ. of Colorado, USA
George Pappas Arlington, USA
Ernest Platacis Inst. of Physics, Riga, Latvia
Oliver Posdziech TU Dresden, Germany
Lionel Rossi IMG, Grenoble, France
Som D. Sharma Uni Duisburg, Germany
Viktor Shatrov ITAM, Novosibirsk, Russia
Robert Stieglitz Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany
Andre Thess TU Dresden, Germany
Jean-Paul Thibault IMG, Grenoble, France
Gerard Touchard Univ. of Poitiers, France
Tom Weier FZR, Dresden, Germany
Konrad Wilke STN, Hamburg, Germany
Oleg Zikanov TU Dresden, Germany

General Information

Venue and Accomodation

The workshop will be held in Dresden at "Hotel Eckberg".
Address of the Hotel: Bautzner Str. 134
01099 Dresden
Tel.: +49-351-80990
Fax : +49-351-8099199
Rooms at special rates of DM 150 (single) and DM 220 (double) are available during the workshop.
Reservations shall be made through the organizers. We kindly ask you to inform us as soon as possible about your reservation details (dates of arrival and departure, single or double room).


Air: From Dresden airport you may take the "Airport City Liner" (DM 8) and ask to be dropped off at the railway station "Bahnhof Neustadt". There take tram No. 11, direction "Buehlau". Get off at stop "Schloss Albrechtsberg". The Hotel Eckberg is 100m uphill on the right hand side.
A taxi from the airport is about DM 25.
Train: From both, railway station "Hauptbahnhof" or railway station "Bahnhof Neustadt", take tram No. 11, direction "Buehlau". Get off at stop "Schloss Albrechtsberg".
The Hotel Eckberg is 100m uphill on the right hand side.
A taxi from the station "Bahnhof Neustadt" is about DM 15.
A taxi from the station "Hauptbahnhof" is about DM 20.
Car: Please ask the organizers for detailed information/maps.
For your convenience we'll try to organize a pick-up service. Please inform us as soon as possible about your arrival data.


The registration fee of DM 300 is due by June 20, 1997.

It covers lunches and refreshments during the workshop, get-together (Sunday) and dinner (Monday).

The fee can either be payed by cheque or bank transfer to the account:

Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
Dresdner Bank Dresden
Bank Number: 850 800 00
Account Number 0402657300
Code: EBLC 10/97 "Your Name"

or by cash upon arrival.

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Last modification: 16 Jun 1997, T. Weier weier@fz-rossendorf.de