Student practical training / Bachelor theses / Master theses / Diploma theses

Feasibility of a renewable powered N-fertilizer pro-duction in Germany (Id 124)

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As part of the Energiewende, the Institute for Fluid Dynamics at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is adapting energy intensive processes for the production of chemicals to be supplied only with electricity from renewable resources.
Ammonia is the second most produced chemical worldwide and the basis of all nitrogen-based fertilizers. Novel production paths include the combination of Haber-Bosch synthesis and water electrolysis as well as solid state ammonia synthesis.
The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the technical feasibility of operating an ammonia production facility using one of the aforementioned technologies in combination with a renewable energy source.


  • Collect data on ammonia production using renewable energies.
  • Conduct an energy balance of a wind farm/solar farm capable of covering all electricity and N-fertilizer needs.
  • Evaluate the combined use of battery storage and wind turbines for an island grid.
  • Assess the feasibility of producing fertilizers other than ammonia using also renewable energies.

Department: Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics

Contact: Dr. Rodriguez Garcia, Gonzalo, Dr. Kryk, Holger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Hampel, Uwe


  • Student of Chemical, Process or Electrical Engineering, Energy Technology (Renewable Energy Systems) or similar.
  • Experience with Aspen Plus, ChemCAD or similar is not required, but desirable.
  • High level of English.


  • 4-6 Months
  • Starting as soon as possible