Student practical training / Bachelor theses / Master theses / Diploma theses / Student Assistant / Holiday job / Compulsory internship / Volunteer internship / Research Assistant

Design and Built of an Online Sensor for Thermo Physical Properties of Water (Id 143)

No current offer!

To improve large scale process cooling systems (300kW and 1MW) an online sensor for the thermophysical properties of the coolant is needed to improve the stability of outflow temperature. Here the fluid parameters influence the precision of the power balance at the heat exchanger. The remaining misfit is compensated with a classic PID-controller. A precise knowledge of coolants properties would decrease the fraction of PID and increase the validity of set point calculation. The task would be to develop the present design further to an integrated prototype and to validate the measurement principles (direct measurement, transient hot wire, 3Omega).

The complexity of the problem will be adjusted to the abilities of the student!

Department: Magnetohydrodynamics

Contact: Dr. Seilmayer, Martin


  • subscription in to electronics, physics, process engineering or similar
  • programming languages C/C++, R, Phyton
  • experience in DIY soldering, schematic and PCB layouting


  • Einarbeiten in Messverfahren zu thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften von Fluiden (3\omega-Methode, Temperaturfeldmessung, )
  • Entwicklung und Konstruktion eines Sensors zur hydraulischen Integration in die bestehenden Anlagen
  • Schaltungsentwicklung der Messtechnik
  • Microcontroller-Programmierung
  • Validieren des Messverfahrens