
Actinide thermodynamics
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Porträt Prof. Dr. Brendler, Vinzenz; FWOA

Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Brendler

Head of Department
Thermo­dynamics of Actinides
Phone: +49 351 260 2430

Social Media


Actinide thermodynamics department

Image: FWOA department image ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Brendler


The research topics of the Department of Actinide Thermodynamics within the Institute of Resource Ecology are clustered around the determination of thermodynamic (and kinetic) parameters, their evaluation, processing, storage in respective databases and utilization for geochemical modeling. From a chemical point of view the focus is set on heavy metal contaminants, namely long-lived radionuclides. Their environmental fate, including migration and entrance into the food chain is of paramount societal concern.  Respective precaution, detoxification, separation and remediation measures need to be designed on the basis of a mechanistic understanding of all relevant physico-chemical processes. Then in turn a realistic, i.e. precise and robust forecast of their dissemination in geo- and biosphere and the risk involved for human health becomes possible.

Whereas the thermodynamic of aquatic species is often quite well understood, the picture is different for surface processes such as surface complexation, ion exchange, mineral transformation and surface precipitation - all of them considered important retardation mechanisms in complex environmental systems. With respect to solid phases research primarily deals with those minerals dominati

ng most rocks and soils. Prominent examples are the rock-forming constituents of crystalline rocks such as quartz, feldspars and mica, or alumosilicates such as kaolinite, illite, or montmorillonite. Engineered systems of interest are iron minerals and cementitious compounds.

Based on own investigations but also strongly embedded in the research topics of other departments (namely Surface Processes, Chemistry of the f-Elements,  Molecular Structure and Biogeochemistry) the identification of (surface) species and development of molecular models lays the foundation of realistic sets of species and their reaction equations - usually called model development. In a second step formation constants and other thermodynamic parameters are determined through experimental series under varying boundary conditions like pH, redox potential, ionic strength, temperature or CO2 partial pressure. This allows for the parameterization of the models derived afore. Species sets, reactions and parameters then support the compilation of respective geochemical databases providing required for the assessment of the macroscopic migration behavior of the long-lived radionuclides. Respective codes are shared with the department of Reactive Transport, where the team also provides many aspects of surface characterizations needed for our own model development. Another overarching goal is a tiered approach towards upscaling from the nano- to the macro scale, bridging the distance between atomistic investigations and the large scale prognostics required e.g. in performance assessment of nuclear waste repositories and covering distances of several km over up to one million years.

The actual major research topics of our department can be su

mmarized as follows:

Latest publication

New methodological approach for deep penetrating geochemistry and environmental studies part 1: on-site soil extraction of trace and rare earth elements

de Junet, A.; Guilleux, C.; Poszwaa Simon Devin, A.; Sarala, P.; Pospiech, S.; Middleton, M.; Pinheiro, J.-P.; Pinheiro, J.-P.


The use of on-site soil extractions for direct quantification provides a fast and efficient method for environmental monitoring and mineral prospecting. In this study, an on-site extraction protocol was developed and tested on northern boreal soils using partial extractants: 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) and 0.43 M nitric acid (HNO3). CaCl2 is commonly used as an extractant for mobile and directly available elements, while 0.43 M HNO3 is used to extract also the reactive pool with the weakly bound elements from soil particle surfaces. These two extractants were chosen because they have (i) no specific constraints for electrochemical or spectrometric analysis for element quantification and (ii) are more environmentally friendly than the ones often used for mineral exploration; e.g., the aqua regia (AR) or mobile metal ions like Ionic leachTM (IL, ALS).
Extractions with HNO3 offered the same patterns as those obtained with AR but with better contrast for anomalies, while the CaCl2 results were very similar to those obtained with IL. Nevertheless, neither HNO3 nor CaCl2 was effective in mobilizing Au, W, or Sn due to their low concentrations. Our study demonstrated that on-site soil extractions with HNO3 and CaCl2 were potentially good candidates for the detection of REEs, such as Ce and La, and some trace elements, especially Cd, for both extractions, Co, Pb and U with HNO3, and Mn and Ni with CaCl2. This work highlights the potential of on-site extraction using partial extractants. This is a key step prior to the quantification of elements by on-site voltametric techniques.

Keywords: soil; exploration; extraction; geochemistry





NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Brendler801/P2502430


NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Dr. Frank Bok801/P2023551
Rodrigo Castro
Viktor Dück801/P3063241
Alexandra Duckstein801/P1532774
Dr. Stephan Hilpmann801/P3062860
Dr. Jerome Kretzschmar801/P2073136
Dr. Elmar
Dr. Solveig Pospiech801/P2052438
Dr. Anke Richter801/P2022426
Dr. Katja Schmeide801/P2082436
Salim Shams Aldin Azzam801/P3482386
Claudia Sieber801/P2542251
Susanne Zechel801/P3523328



NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Dr. Harald Foerstendorf801/P2513664


NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Sabrina Beutner801/P2032429
Tim Gitzel801/P3162025
Dominik Goldbach801/P2033198
Karsten Heim801/P2012434
Sylvia Schöne801/P2033198