

Accommodation bookings are to be made directly with Hotel Schloss Eckberg. We have blocked a number of rooms at a special rate in Schloss Eckberg (the conferance venue) which will be available until 1st May 2017. After this date the rooms and the rate are not guaranteed. For booking please contact Hotel Schloss Eckberg via e-mail: Please mention the discount code "IISC-22 - Hotel Reservation" to get the below stated prices. In case you have any special dietary requirement (e. g. vegetarian) please inform about it in the body of the message.

Accomodation rates are as follows:

Single occupancy comfort room (per night/ Breakfast inluded) 74.00 EUR
Double occupancy comfort room (per night /Breakfast included) 122.00 EUR
Single occupancy exclusive room in castle (per night/ Breakfast inluded) 130.00 EUR
Double occupancy exlclusive room in castle (per night/ Breakfast inluded) 178.00 EUR

Alternatively you can book any other hotel nearby the conference site. However the conference takes place at Schloss Eckberg and we highly recommend booking at this place.

Alternative Hotels nearby: