Electron Magnetic Resonance

Electron magnetic resonance (EMR) includes electron spin resonance (ESR) and cyclotron resonance (CR) and can be performed in pulsed magnetic fields using a transmission-probe tunable-frequency spectrometer operated in the  frequency ranges: 0.1 - 9 THz, covered by VDI  radiation sources (0.1 - 0.6 THz), molecular-gas laser (0.4 - 3.5 THz), and free-electron laser (1.2 - 9 THz).  The spectrometer is equipped with Ca:Ge and n-InSb bolometers. The lowest temperature available for EMR experiments is 1.5 K. EMR experiments are best suited for magnet types A or B (needs a 24 mm bore); for more information please see Ref. [1].

ESR spectra and frequency-field diagram Cu-PM ©Copyright: Dr. Zvyagin, Sergei

ESR spectra and frequency-field diagram of the quasi-1D chain material Cu-PM with alternating DM interaction (Ref. [2]).

ESR spectra and frequency-field diagram Cu2OSeo3 ©Copyright: Dr. Zvyagin, Sergei

ESR spectra and frequency-field diagram of the chiral skyrmionic Mott insulator Cu2OSeO3 (Ref. [3]).

ESR spectra and frequency-field diagram DIMPY ©Copyright: Dr. Gottschall, Tino

ESR spectra and frequency-field diagram of the strong-leg ladder material DIMPY (Ref. [4]).


[1] S.A.  Zvyagin et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 80, 073102 (2009)

[2] S.A.  Zvyagin et al., Phys. Rev. B 83, 060409(R) (2011)

[3] M. Ozerov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 157205 (2014)

[4] M. Ozerov et al., Phys. Rev. B. 92, 241113 (2015)