Georesources engineering students accomplish work in Freiberg

News published on 22 August 2016

Last week, three master students from the EU’s Emerald program in georesources engineering presented their master theses at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg (HIF). During the past six months, the students have accomplished their work at the HIF and the Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing (MVTAT) of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.

The Bergakademie and the Helmholtz Institute make up, together with the Université de Liège (Belgium), the Université de Lorraine - ENSG Nancy (France), and the Luleå Tekniska Universitet (Sweden) a network of European engineering schools providing a two-year master’s program in georesources engineering to international students.

The aim of the program, supported by the EU in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus (Emerald) program, is to train a new generation of experts in the raw materials industry by integrating both a profound knowledge of mineral resources characterization and state-of-the-art processing technologies.

The range of topics is as diverse as the countries the master students originate from:

  • RJ Companero (Philippines) conducted at the HIF a lab scale froth flotation study of tungsten bearing tailings of the Barruecopardo mine within the EU Horizon2020 OptimOre Project.
  • Sibele do Nascimento (Brazil) investigated in partnership with the MVTAT drilling and blasting operations at the Wünschendorfer Dolomitwerk mine.
  • Muhammad Alfi Arinanda (Indonesia) reviewed at the MVTAT the grindability and liberation behaviour of the Buzwagi Gold Mine Ore.

Following their master theses, graduation will take place at the Université de Liège on 23 August. This year, 14 students are expected to complete the georesources engineering program. With the 13 graduates from last year the Emerald program is expected to count soon 27 graduates since its beginnings in 2013.