RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Paper Details

Bibliographic Data:

Code: LS95b
Paper Type: Article
Author(s): Ludwig C, Schindler PW
Title: Surface Complexation on TiO2: II. Ternary Surface Complexes: Coadsorption of Cu(II) and Organic Ligands (2,2′-Bipyridyl, 8-Aminoquinoline, and o-Phenylenediamine) onto TiO2 (Anatase)
Journal: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Volume: 169   Year: 1995   Pages: 291-299
ISSN-Print: 0021-9797
Internal Storage: V1781
DOI: 10.1006/jcis.1995.1036

The simultaneous adsorption of Cu2+ and organic ligands L (L: 2,2′-bipyridyl (BIPY), 8-aminoquinoline (AQ), and o -phenylenediamine (OPDA)) in 0.1 M (K)NO3 or 0.1 M (Na)ClO4 solutions at TiO2 was investigated at 298.2 K. The experiments were performed by alkalimetric titrations. The experimental results for TiO2 are explained by assuming the formation of ternary surface complexes according to the general equation >SH2 + pH+ + qCu2+ + rL = >SH2+pCuqLr(p+2q)+, where >SH2 denotes an uncharged surface site. The stability of these complexes as defined by the stability constants βp,q,(int)S = ([>SH2+pCuqLr(p+2q)+]/ ([>SH2][H+]p[Cu2+]q[L]r))e(p+2q)Fψ/RT was found to be:
(a) for L = BIPY,
log β0,1,1,(int)S = 11.37,   log β−1,1,1,(int)S = 6.00,   log β−2,1,1,(int)S = −1.57,
(b) for L = AQ,
log β0,1,1,(int)S = 9.80,   log β−1,1,1,(int)S = 4.11,   log β−2,1,1,(int)S = −2.78,
and (c) for L = OPDA,
log β0,1,1,(int)S = 8.52,   log β−1,1,1,(int)S = 1.86,   log β−2,1,1,(int)S = −4.75.
The possible structures of the postulated complexes are discussed.

Comment: Experimenal conditions: 298.2K, Ar-atmosphere, absence of light; first part:[LS95a]Surface complexation with BIPY(2,2 bipyridyl), AQ (8-amino-quinoline), OPDA (o-phenylendiamine)

Surface Area   |   Site Density / Protolysis   |   Complex Formation   |   Formatted Citation