RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Paper Details

Bibliographic Data:

Code: PS05b
Paper Type: Article
Author(s): Peacock CL, Sherman DM
Title: Surface complexation model for multisite adsorption of copper(II) onto kaolinite
Journal: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume: 69   Year: 2005   Pages: 3733-3745
ISSN-Print: 0016-7037; 0016-1258
Internal Storage: V2474
DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.12.029

We measured the adsorption of Cu(II) onto kaolinite from pH 3–7 at constant ionic strength. EXAFS spectra show that Cu(II) adsorbs as (CuO4Hn)n−6 and binuclear (Cu2O6Hn)n−8 inner-sphere complexes on variable-charge ≡AlOH sites and as Cu2+ on ion exchangeable ≡X--H+ sites. Sorption isotherms and EXAFS spectra show that surface precipitates have not formed at least up to pH 6.5. Inner-sphere complexes are bound to the kaolinite surface by corner-sharing with two or three edge-sharing Al(O,OH)6 polyhedra. Our interpretation of the EXAFS data are supported by ab initio (density functional theory) geometries of analog clusters simulating Cu complexes on the {110} and {010} crystal edges and at the ditrigonal cavity sites on the {001}. Having identified the bidentate (≡AlOH)2Cu(OH)20, tridentate (≡Al3O(OH)2)Cu2(OH)30 and ≡X--Cu2+ surface complexes, the experimental copper(II) adsorption data can be fit to the reactions

2 ≡AlOH + Cu2+ + 2 H2O = (≡AlOH)2Cu(OH)20 + 2 H+
3 ≡AlOH + 2 Cu2+ + 3 H2O = (≡Al3O(OH)2)Cu2(OH)30 + 4 H+


≡X--H+ + Cu2+ = ≡X--Cu2+ + X+.


Surface Area   |   Site Density / Protolysis   |   Complex Formation   |   Formatted Citation