RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Paper Details

Bibliographic Data:

Code: MDF97
Paper Type: Article
Author(s): Marmier N, Dumonceau J, Fromage F
Title: Surface complexation modeling of Yb(III) sorption and desorption on hematite and alumina
Journal: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Volume: 26   Year: 1997   Pages: 159-167
ISSN-Print: 0169-7722
Internal Storage: V1332
DOI: 10.1016/S0169-7722(96)00065-4

Sorption and desorption of Yb(III) were studied on hematite and on alumina using a surface complexation model. The experimental methodology was conceived to allow an analysis of the data using a constant capacitance model. The FITEQL code was used for the calculations.

The experimental results tend to show reversibility of sorption when the surface loading is small, and irreversibility when the surface loading is high. Surface complexation modeling gives a good interpretation of these two phenomena, taking into account hydroxylation of the surface complexes. In these two cases, it is possible to describe sorption and desorption curves with the same surface stoichiometries and the same surface complexation constants. The existence of these surface complexes depends on the pH of the solution, surface loading, and reaction direction.

Surface Area   |   Site Density / Protolysis   |   Complex Formation   |   Formatted Citation