%% ****** Start of file authguide.tex ****** % %% %% This file is part of the APS files in the REVTeX 4 distribution. %% Version 4.0 beta 4 of REVTeX, May, 2000. %% %% Copyright (c) 2000 The American Physical Society. %% %% See the REVTeX 4 README file for restrictions and more information. %% \documentclass[% %prl% %,preprint% ,twocolumn% ,secnumarabic% %,tightenlines% ,amssymb,aps,prl,nobibnotes]{revtex4} %\usepackage{acrofont}%NOTE: Comment out this line for the release version! %\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}% %\nofiles \begin{document} \title{Differences between \revtex~4 and \revtex~3}% \author{American Physical Society}% \email{revtex4@aps.org} \affiliation{1 Research Road, Ridge, NY 11961} \date{May 2000}% \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} This document gives a brief summary of how \revtex~4 is different from what authors may already be familiar with. The two primary design goals for \revtex~4 are to 1) move to \LaTeXe\ and 2) improve the markup so that infomation can be more reliably extracted for the editorial and production processes. Both of these goals require that authors comfortable with earlier versions of \revtex\ change their habits. In addition, authors may already be familiar with the standard \classname{article.cls} in \LaTeXe. \revtex~4 differs in some important ways from this class as well. For more complete documentation on \revtex~4, see the main \textit{\revtex~4 Author's Guide}. The most important changes are in the markup of the frontmatter (title, authors, affiliations, abstract, etc.) . Please see Sec.~\ref{sec:front}. \section{Version of \LaTeX} The most obvious difference between \revtex~4 and \revtex~3 is that \revtex~4 works solely with \LaTeXe; it is not useable as a \LaTeX2.09 package. Furthermore, \revtex~4 requires an up-to-date \LaTeX\ installation (1996/06/01 or later); its use under older versions is not supported. \section{Class Options and Defaults} Many of the class options in \revtex~3 have been retained in \revtex~4. However, the default behavior for these options can be different than in \revtex~3. Currently, there is only one society option, \classoption{aps}, and this is the default. Furthermore, the selection of a journal (such as \classoption{prl}) will automatically set the society as well (this will be true even after other societies are added). In \revtex~3, it was necessary to invoke the \classoption{floats}, but this is automatic in \revtex~4. \revtex~4 introduces two new class options, \classoption{endfloats} and \classoption{endfloats*} for moving floats to the end of the paper. The preamble commands \cmd{\draft} and \cmd{\tighten} have been replaced with new class options \classoption{draft} and \classoption{tightenlines}, respectively. The \cmd{\preprint} command is now used only for specifying institutional report numbers (typeset in the upper-righthand corner of the first page); it no longer influences whether PACS numbers are displayed below the abstract. PACS display is controlled by the \classoption{showpacs} and \classoption{noshowpacs} (default) class options. Paper size options (\classoption{letter}, \classoption{a4paper}, etc.) work in \revtex~4. The text ``Typeset by \revtex'' no longer appears by default - the option \classoption{byrevtex} will place this text in the lower-lefthand corner of the first page. \section{One- and Two-column formatting} \revtex~4 has excellent support achieving the two-column formatting in the \textit{Phys.~Rev.} style. It will balance the columns automatically. Whereas \revtex~3 had the \cmd{\widetext} and \cmd{\narrowtext} commands for switching between one- and two-cloumn modes, \revtex~4 simply has a \env{widetext} environment, \envb{widetext} \dots \enve{widetext}. One-column formatting can be specified by choosing either the \classoption{onecolumn} or \classoption{preprint} class option (the \revtex~3 option \classoption{manuscript} no longer exists). Two-column formatting is the default for most journal styles, but can be specified with the \classoption{twocolumn} option. Note that the spacing for \classoption{preprint} is now set to 1.5, rather than full double-spacing. The \classoption{tightenlines} option can be used to reduce this to single spacing. \section{Frontmatter Markup} \label{sec:front} \revtex~4 has substantially changed how the frontmatter for an article is marked up. These are the most significant differences between \revtex~4 and other systems for typesetting manuscripts. It is essential that authors new to \revtex~4 be familiar with these changes. \subsection{Authors, Affiliations, and Author Notes} \revtex~4 has substantially changed the markup of author names, affiliations, and author notes (footnotes giving additional information about the author such as a permanent address or an email address). \begin{itemize} \item Each author name should appear separately in individual \cmd\author\ macros. \item Email addresses should be marked up using the \cmd\email\ macro. \item Alternative affiliation information should be marked up using the \cmd\altaffiliation\ macro. \item URLs for author home pages can be specified with a \cmd\homepage\ macro. \item The \cmd\thanks\ macro should only be used if one of the above don't apply. \item The grouping of authors by affiliations is accomplished automatically. Each affiliation should be in its own \cmd{\affiliation} command. Multiple \cmd{\affiliation}, \cmd{\email}, \cmd{\homepage}, \cmd{\altaffiliation}, and \cmd{\thanks} commands can be applied to each author. The macro \cmd\and\ has been eliminated. \item Footnote-style associations of authors with affilitations should not be done via explicit superscripts; rather, the class option \classoption{superscriptaddress} should be used to accomplish this automatically. \item A collaboration for a group of authors can be given using the \cmd\collaboration\ command. \item \cmd\affiliation\ commmands apply to all previous authors that don't have an affiliation already declared. Furthermore, for any particular author, the \cmd\affilation\ must follow any \cmd{\email}, \cmd{\homepage}, \cmd{\altaffiliation}, or \cmd{\thanks} commands for that author. \item \cmd{\email}, \cmd{\homepage}, \cmd{\altaffiliation}, and \cmd{\thanks} commands are grouped together under a single footnote for each author. These footnotes can either appear at the bottom of the first page of the article or as the first entries in the bibliography. The journal style controls this placement, but it may be overridden by using the class options \classoption{bibnotes} and \classoption{nobibnotes}. Note that these footnotes are treated differently than the other footnotes in the article. \end{itemize} Table~\ref{tab:front} summarizes some common mistakes. \begin{table*} \begin{ruledtabular} \begin{tabular}{lll} \textbf{\revtex~3 Markup} & \textbf{\revtex~4 Markup} & \textbf{Explanation}\\ & & \\ \verb+\author{Author One and Author Two}+ & \verb+\author{Author One}+ & One name per\\ & \verb+\author{Author Two}+ & \verb+\author+ \\ & & \\ \verb+\author{Author One$^{1}$}+ & \verb+\author{Author One}+& Use \classoption{superscriptaddress}\\ \dots &\dots & class option \\ \verb+\affiliation{$^{1}$APS}+ &\verb+\affiliation{APS}+ & \\ & & \\ \verb+\thanks{Permanent address...}+ & \verb+\altaffiliation{}+& Use most specific macro \\ \verb+\thanks{Electronic address: user@domain.edu}+ & \verb+\email{user@domain.edu}+& available\\ \verb+\thanks{http://publish.aps.org/}+ & \verb+\homepage{http://publish.aps.org/}+& \\ \end{tabular} \end{ruledtabular} \caption{Common mistakes in marking up the frontmatter} \label{tab:front} \end{table*} \subsection{Abstracts} \revtex~4, like \revtex~3, uses the \env{abstract} environment \envb{abstract} \dots \enve{abstract} for the abstract. The \env{abstract} environment must appear before the \cmd{\maketitle} command in \revtex~4. The abstract will be formatted appropriately for either one-column (preprint) or two-column formatting. In particular, in the two-column case, the abstract will automatically be placed in a single column that spans the width of the page. It is unnecessary to use a \cmd{\minipage} or any other macro to achieve this result. \section{Citations and References} \revtex~4 uses the same \cmd{\cite},\cmd{\ref}, and \cmd{\bibitem} commmands as standard \LaTeX\ and \revtex~3. Citation handling is based upon Patick Daly's \classname{natbib} package. The \env{references} environment is no longer used. Instead, use the standard \LaTeXe\ environment \env{thebibliography}. Two new \BibTeX\ files have been included with \revtex~4, \file{apsrev.bst} and \file{apsrmp.bst}. These will format references in the style of \textit{Physical Review} and \textit{Reviews of Modern Physics} respectively. In addition, these \BibTeX\ styles automatically apply a special macro \cmd{\bibinfo} to each element of the bibliography to make it easier to extract information for use in the editorial and production processes. Authors are strongly urged to use \BibTeX\ to manage their bibliographies so that the \cmd{\bibinfo} directives will be automatically included. Other bibliography styles can be specified by using the \cmd\bibliographystyle\ command, but unlike standard \LaTeXe, you must give this command \emph{before} the \envb{document} statement. Please note that the package \classname{cite.sty} is not needed with \revtex~4 and is incompatible. \section{Footnotes and Tablenotes} \label{sec:foot} \revtex~4 uses the standard \cmd{\footnote} macro for footnotes. Footnotes can either appear on the bottom of the page on which they occur or they can appear as entries at the end of the bibliography. As with author notes, the journal style option controls the placement; however, this can be overridden with the class options \classoption{footinbib} and \classoption{nofootinbib}. Within a table, the \cmd{\footnote} command behaves differently. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the table. \cmd{\footnotemark} and \cmd{\footnotetext} are also available within the table environment so that multiple table entries can share the same footnote text. There is no longer a need to use a \cmd{\tablenote}, \cmd{\tablenotemark}, and \cmd{\tablenotetext} macros. \section{Section Commands} The title in a \cmd\section\marg{title} command will be automatically uppercased in \revtex~4. To prevent a particular letter from being uppercased, enclose it in curly braces. \section{Figures} Figures should be enclosed within either a \env{figure} or \env{figure*} environment (the latter will cause the figure to span the full width of the page in two-column mode). \LaTeXe\ has two convenient packages for including the figure file itself: \classname{graphics} and \classname{graphicx}. These two packages both define a macro \cmd{\includegraphics} which calls in the figure. They differ in how arguments for rotation, translation, and scaling are specified. The package \classname{epsfig} has been re-implemented to use these \classname{graphicx} package. The package \classname{epsfig} provides an interface similar to that under the \revtex~3 \classoption{epsf} class option. Authors should use these standard \LaTeXe\ packages rather than some other alternative. \section{Tables} Tables should be enclosed within either a \env{table} or \env{table*} environmnent (the latter will cause the table to span the full width of the page in two-column mode). The heart of the table is the \env{tabular} environment. This will behave for the most part as in standard \LaTeXe. Note that \revtex~4 no longer automatically adds double (Scotch) rules around tables. Nor does the \env{tabular} environment set various table parameters as before. Instead, a new environment \env{ruledtabular} provides this functionality. This environment should surround the \env{tabular} environment: \begin{verbatim} \begin{table} \caption{...} \label{tab:...} \begin{ruledtabular} \begin{tabular} ... \end{tabular} \end{ruledtabular} \end{table} \end{verbatim} Under \revtex~3, tables automatically break across pages. \revtex~4 provides some of this functionality. However, this requires adding the table a float placement option of [h] or [H] (meaning put the table ``here'') to the \envb{table} command. Furthermore, if the \env{ruledtabular} environment is not used, the \envb{tabular} command must be given an optional [v] argument. Tables set in the \env{table*} environment ignore any float placement options. Long tables are more robustly handled by using the \classname{longtable.sty} package included with the standard \LaTeXe\ distribution (put \verb+\usepackage{longtable}+ in the preamble). This package gives precise control over the layout of the table. \revtex~4 goes out of its way to provide patches so that the \env{longtable} environment will work within a two-column format. A \env{longtable} that is too wide for the narrow columns can always be set within a \env{widetext} environment. (Note that a standard \env{table} should never be enclosed in a \env{widetext} environment - use the \env{table*} enviroment instead.) To create tables with columns of numbers aligned on decimal points, load the standard \LaTeXe\ \classname{dcolumn} package and use the \verb+d+ column specifier. The content of each cell in the column is implicitly in math mode: Use of math delimiters (\verb+$+) is unnecessary in a \verb+d+ column. Footnotes within a table can be specified with the \cmd{\footnote} command (see Sec.~\ref{sec:foot}). \section{Font selection} The largest difference between \revtex~3 and \revtex~4 with respect to fonts is that \revtex~4 allows one use the \LaTeXe\ font commands such as \cmd{\textit}, \cmd{\texttt}, \cmd{\textbf} etc. This commands should be used in place of the basic \TeX\/\LaTeX\ 2.09 font commands such as \cmd{\it}, \cmd{\tt}, \cmd{\bf}, etc. The new font commands better handle subtleties such as italic correction and scaling in super- and subscripts. \section{Math and Symbols} \revtex~4 depends more heavily on packages from the standard \LaTeXe\ distribution and AMS\LaTeX\ than \revtex~3 did. Thus, \revtex~4 users should make sure their \LaTeXe\ distributions are up to date and they should install AMS\LaTeX\ as well. In general, if any fine control of equation layout, special math symbols, or other specialized math constructs are needed, users should look to the \classname{amsmath} package (see the AMS\LaTeX\ documentation). \revtex~4 provides a small number of additional diacritics, symbols, and bold parentheses. Table~\ref{tab:revsymb} summarizes this. \begin{table} \caption{Special \revtex~4 symbols, accents, and boldfaced parentheses defined in \file{revsymb.sty}} \label{tab:revsymb} \begin{ruledtabular} \begin{tabular}{ll|ll} \cmd\lambdabar & $\lambdabar$ &\cmd\openone & $\openone$\\ \cmd\altsuccsim & $\altsuccsim$ & \cmd\altprecsim & $\altprecsim$ \\ \cmd\alt & $\alt$ & \cmd\agt & $\agt$ \\ \cmd\tensor\ x & $\tensor x$ & \cmd\overstar\ x & $\overstar x$ \\ \cmd\loarrow\ x & $\loarrow x$ & \cmd\roarrow\ x & $\roarrow x$ \\ \cmd\biglb\ ( \cmd\bigrb ) & $\biglb( \bigrb)$ & \cmd\Biglb\ ( \cmd\Bigrb )& $\Biglb( \Bigrb)$ \\ & & \\ \cmd\bigglb\ ( \cmd\biggrb ) & $\bigglb( \biggrb)$ & \cmd\Bigglb\ ( \cmd\Biggrb\ ) & $\Bigglb( \Biggrb)$ \\ \end{tabular} \end{ruledtabular} \end{table} Here is a partial list of the more notable changes between \revtex~3 and \revtex~4 math: \begin{itemize} \item Bold math characters should now be handle via the standard \LaTeXe\ \classname{bm} package (use \cmd{\bm} instead of \cmd{\bbox}). \cmd{\bm} will handle Greek letters and other symbols. \item Use the class options \classoption{amsmath}, \classoption{amsfonts} and \classoption{amssymb} to get even more math fonts and symbols. \cmd{\mathfrak} and \cmd{\mathbb} will, for instance, give Fraktur and Blackboard Bold symbols. \item Use the \classoption{fleqn} class option for making equation flush left or right. \cmd{\FL} and \cmd{\FR} are no longer provided. \item In place of \cmd{\eqnum}, load the \classname{amsmath} package [\verb+\usepackage{amsmath}+] and use \cmd{\tag}. \item In place of \cmd{\case}, use \cmd{\textstyle}\cmd{\frac}. \item In place of the \env{mathletters} environment, load the \classname{amsmath} package and use \env{subequations} environment. \item In place of \cmd{\slantfrac}, use \cmd{\frac}. \item The marcros \cmd{\corresponds}, \cmd{\overdots}, and \cmd{\overcirc} have been removed. See Table~\ref{tab:obsolete}. \end{itemize} \section{Obsolete \revtex~3.1 commands} Table~\ref{tab:obsolete} summarizes more differences between \revtex~4 and \revtex~3, particularly which \revtex~3 commands are now obsolete. \begin{table*} \caption{Differences between \revtex~3.1 and \revtex~4 markup}\label{tab:diff31} \label{tab:obsolete} \begin{ruledtabular} \begin{tabular}{lp{330pt}} \textbf{\revtex~3.1 command}&\textbf{\revtex~4 replacement} \lrstrut\\ \cmd\documentstyle\oarg{options}\aarg{\classname{revtex}}&\cmd\documentclass\oarg{options}\aarg{\classname{revtex4}} \\ option \classoption{manuscript}& \classoption{preprint} \\ \cmd\tighten\ preamble command & \classoption{tightenlines} class option \\ \cmd\draft\ preamble command & \classoption{draft} class option \\ \cmd\author & \cmd\author\marg{name} may appear multiple times; each signifies a new author name.\\ & \cmd\collaboration\marg{name}: Collaboration name (should appear after last \cmd\author)\\ & \cmd\homepage\marg{URL}: URL for preceding author\\ & \cmd\email\marg{email}: email address for preceding author\\ & \cmd{\altaffiliation}: alternate affiliation for preceding \cmd\author\\ \cmd\thanks & \cmd\thanks, but use only for information not covered by \cmd{\email}, \cmd{\homepage}, or \cmd{\altaffilitiation}\\ \cmd\and & obsolete, remove this command\\ \cmd\address & \cmd\affiliation\marg{institution}\ gives the affiliation for the group of authors above\\ & \cmd\affiliation\oarg{note} lets you specify a footnote to this institution\\ & \cmd\noaffiliation\ signifies that the above authors have no affiliation\\ \cmd\preprint & \cmd\preprint\marg{number} can appear multiple times, and must precede \cmd\maketitle\\ \cmd\pacs & \cmd\pacs\ must precede \cmd\maketitle\\ \env{abstract} environment & \env{abstract} environment must precede \cmd\maketitle\\ \cmd\maketitle & \cmd\maketitle\ must follow \emph{all} frontmatter data commands\\ \cmd\narrowtext & obsolete, remove this command\\ \cmd\mediumtext & obsolete, remove this command\\ \cmd\widetext & obsolete, replace with \env{widetext} environment\\ \cmd\FL & obsolete, remove this command\\ \cmd\FR & obsolete, remove this command\\ \cmd\eqnum & replace with \cmd\tag, load \classname{amsmath}\\ \env{mathletters} & replace with \env{subequations}, load \classname{amsmath}\\ \env{tabular} environment & No longer puts in doubled-rules. Enclose \env{tabular} in \env{ruledtabular} to get old behavior.\\ \env{quasitable} environment & obsolete, \env{tabular} environment no longer puts in rules\\ \env{references} environment & replace with \env{thebibliography}\verb+{}+\\ \cmd\case & replace with \cmd\textstyle\cmd\frac\\ \cmd\slantfrac & replace with \cmd\frac\\ \cmd\tablenote & replace with \cmd\footnote\\ \cmd\tablenotemark & replace with \cmd\footnotemark\\ \cmd\tablenotetext & replace with \cmd\footnotetext\lrstrut\\ \cmd\overcirc & Use standard \LaTeXe\ \cmd\mathring\ \\ \cmd\overdots & Use \cmd\dddot\ with \classoption{amsmath}\\ \cmd\corresponds & Use \cmd\triangleq\ with \classoption{amssymb}\\ \classoption{epsf} class option & \verb+\usepackage{epsfig}+\\ \end{tabular} \end{ruledtabular} \end{table*} \section{Converting a \revtex~3.1 Document to \revtex~4}\label{sec:conv31}% \revtex~3 documents can be converted to \revtex~4 rather straightforwardly. The following checklist covers most of the major steps involved. \begin{itemize} \item Change \cmd\documentstyle\verb+{revtex}+ to \cmd\documentclass\verb+{revtex4}+, and run the document under \LaTeXe\ instead of \LaTeX2.09. \item Replace the \cmd\draft\ command with the \classoption{draft} class option. \item Replace the \cmd\tighten\ command with the \classoption{tightenlines} class option. \item For each \cmd\author\ command, split the multiple authors into individual \cmd\author\ commands. Remove any instances of \cmd\and. \item For superscript-style associations between authors and affiliations, remove explicit superscripts and use the \classoption{superscriptaddress} class option. \item Use \cmd\affiliation\ instead of \cmd\address. \item Put \cmd\maketitle\ after the \env{abstract} environment and any \cmd\pacs\ commands. \item If double-ruled table borders are desired, enclose \env{tabular} enviroments in \env{ruledtabular} environments. \item Convert long tables to \env{longtable}, and load the \classname{longtable} package. Alternatively, give the \env{table} an [h] float placement parameter so that the table will break automatically. Additionally, the \env{ruledtabular} or adding the optional [v] argument to the \envb{tabular} command is necessary. \item Replace any instances of the \cmd\widetext\ and \cmd\narrowtext\ commands with the \env{widetext} environment. Usually, the \envb{widetext} statement will replace the \cmd\widetext\ command, and the \enve{widetext} statement replaces the matching \cmd\narrowtext\ command. Note in this connection that due to a curious feature of \LaTeX\ itself, \revtex~4 having a \env{widetext} environment means that it also has a definition for the \cmd\widetext\ command, even though the latter cammand is not intended to be used in your document. Therefore, it is particularly important to remove all \cmd\widetext\ commands when converting to \revtex~4. \item Remove all obsolete commands: \cmd\FL, \cmd\FR, \cmd\narrowtext, and \cmd\mediumtext\ (see Table~\ref{tab:diff31}). \item Replace \cmd\case\ with \cmd\frac. If a fraction needs to be set in text style despite being in a display equation, use the construction \cmd\textstyle\cmd\frac. Note that \cmd\frac\ does not support the syntax \cmd\case\verb+1/2+. \item Replace \cmd\slantfrac\ with \cmd\frac. \item Change \cmd\frak\ to \cmd\mathfrak\marg{char}\index{Fraktur} and \cmd\Bbb\ to \cmd\mathbb\marg{char}\index{Blackboard Bold}, and invoke one of the class options \classoption{amsfonts} or \classoption{amssymb}. \item Replace environment \env{mathletters} with environment \env{subequations} and load the \classname{amsmath} package. \item Replace \cmd\eqnum\ with \cmd\tag\ and load the \classname{amsmath} package. \item Replace \cmd\bbox\ with \cmd\bm\ and load the \classname{bm} package. \item If using the \cmd\text\ command, load the \classname{amsmath} package. \item If using the \verb+d+ column specifier in \env{tabular} environments, load the \classname{dcolumn} package. Under \classname{dcolumn}, the content of each \verb+d+ column cell is implicitly in math mode: remove any \verb+$+ math delimiters appearing in cells in a \verb+d+ column. \item Replace \cmd\tablenote\ with \cmd\footnote, \cmd\tablenotemark\ with \cmd\footnotemark, and \cmd\tablenotetext\ with \cmd\footnotetext. \item Replace \envb{references} with \envb{thebibliography}\verb+{}+; \enve{references} with \enve{thebibliography}. \end{itemize} \end{document}