International Workshop on
Measuring Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows (MTLM)
Dresden, October 11-13, 1999
Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
in frame of the
"Innovationskolleg Magnetofluiddynamik"
New developments and different approaches in the field of measuring techniques
and signal processing methods for liquid metal flows will be presented and discussed.
The spectrum covers local probes (such as electrical potential probes, optical probes,
resistivity probes, etc.), radiation techniques (X-Rays, Gamma-Ray attenuation), ultrasonic
techniques, thermal and electromagnetic measurements.
One point of interest is the applicability of the techniques in industrial relevant processes.
Methods will be discussed to receive information about the flow and the corresponding transport
properties with respect to phenomena like solidification processes, liquid metal two-phase flows
or flows of metallic melts driven by electromagnetic fields, etc.
The goal of the workshop is to assess the state-of-the-art in the field, to
stimulate the discussion between the involved teams, and to expose our own
research program to a critical, international discussion. We want to bring
together developers of the mentioned measuring techniques and potential users
from the industrial side. Strong emphasis
will be placed on discussions among the participants.
Preliminary Programme:
The programme contains 4 invited lectures (40 min talk + 5 min discussion).
Prof. M. Iguchi (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Dr. E. Julius (AMEPA Aachen, Germany)
Prof. J. Koster (University of Colorado, USA)
Dr. Y. Takeda (PSI Villigen, Switzerland)
Furthermore, 22 contributions (20 min talk + 5 min discussion) have been accepted as an
oral presentation.
There will be no poster session at the workshop.
Preliminary time schedule
Preliminary list of participants
The publication of workshop proceedings which covers full papers of the contributions is not
planned. However, a special report including the abstracts and the copies of transparencies
will be prepared and sent to all participants after the workshop.
General Information
Conference Venue
The International Workshop on Measuring Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows will be held at
the Conference Hall of the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf.
The research center Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR) is located a few kilometers eastwards of
Dresden, the capital of Saxony,
well known for its cultural and historical highlights.
Rooms at special rates are available during the workshop at the following hotels:
These hotels are located not far from the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. A bus shuttle
will be organised during the workshop between these hotels and the Conference Venue at
the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf.
Hotel reservations shall be made through the organizers. We kindly ask the participants to
inform us as soon as possible about their reservation details (dates of arrival and
departure, single or double room).
In order to guarantee the accommodation in these hotels the reservation details should be sent
to the organizers not later than September 15, 1999. For reservations reaching us later
than September 15 we may have to look for other hotels.
For convenience we will try to organise a pick-up service between the Dresden airport,
the railway stations "Hauptbahnhof" and "Dresden-Neustadt", respectively, and the hotels.
We kindly ask the participants to send us their arrival dates as soon as possible.
Participants who will arrive by car shall ask the organizers for detailed information or
Although the programme is almost fixed, additional participants are still welcome.
Registration will be open until the workshop.
Registration Form
There will be a registration fee of 300,- DM.
It covers lunches and refreshments during the workshop, the Conference Dinner (Monday)
and the Sightseeing Tour (Tuesday) as well as the transport during the workshop.
For accompanying persons who want to take part in the Conference Dinner and the Sightseeing
Tour we will charge a reduced fee of 100,-DM.
The fee can either be payed by cheque or bank transfer to the account
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
Dresdner Bank Dresden
Bank Number: 850 800 00
Account Number: 0402657300
Code: MTLM 99.07 "your name"
or by credit card (VISA, Eurocard, Mastercard). Please use the corresponding faxform.
It will also be possible to pay by cash on the arrival.
Any questions related to that workshop should be addressed to:
Dr. Gunter Gerbeth
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
P.O.Box 510119
01314 Dresden
Tel.: +49-351-260 3484
Fax: +49-351-260 2007
Organizing committee:
A.Cramer, S.Eckert, G.Gerbeth, W.Witke
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Department Magnetohydrodynamics
Last modification: August 2, 1999, Sven Eckert