V.Shatrov, G.Mutschke, G.Gerbeth

MHD-flow and 3-D linear stability analysis in the lid-driven cavity

In strongly conducting fluids (e.g. molten metals), externally applied magnetic fields can achieve significant control of the flow.
The 2-D hydrodynamic flow of a lid-driven cavity remains steady until Re &asymp 7763. However, the 3-D transition of the 2-D steady hydrodynamic flow occurs already at Re &asymp 785. The following figure shows how an external magnetic field which is oriented parallel to the lid influences the 2-D steady flow at a Reynolds number of Re=5000. Hereby, N denotes the interaction parameter.

For stronger magnetic fields, a growing number of thin eddies arises which become slower from top to bottom. This flow is qualitatively similar to the flow in a deep cavity. The thickness of the top eddy versus interaction parameter is shown in the following figure (Re=5000).

Due to the anisotropic action of the magnetic field, interesting stability properties arise. The following figure shows the critical interaction parameter versus Reynolds number for the linear stability analysis with respect to 3-D disturbances. The instability found is of oscillatory type.

For more results, please check:
V.Shatrov, G.Mutschke and G.Gerbeth,
Three-dimensional linear stability analysis of lid-driven magnetohydrodynamic cavity flow,
Physics of Fluids 15 (2003) 2141-2151.

Last update: August 30, 2007 Gerd Mutschke