WWW.HZDR.DE 36 37 PANORAMA // THE HZDR RESEARCH MAGAZINE What’s on? 01.09.2016 HZDR Summer Student Program Presentation of First Results 29.08.-02.09.2016 EUCALL Annual Workshop HZDR | Institute of Radiation Physics 29.-30.08.2016 Workshop: Targets for Advanced Light Sources HZDR | Institute of Radiation Physics 19.-20.09.2016 FRIENDS2 Workshop – Framework of Innovation for Engineering of New Durable Solar Surfaces HZDR | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research 10.-12.10.2016 SATIF-13 – 13th Meeting of the Task-Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities HZDR | Institute of Radiation Physics 07.-10.11.2016 14th Multiphase Flow Short Course and Conference HZDR | Institute of Fluid Dynamics 22.-23.11.2016 Helmholtz Open Science Workshop HZDR | Department of Information Services and Computing 29.-30.11.2016 EERA Meeting – European Energy Research Alliance HZDR | Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research Radiation protection courses at the HZDR research site Leipzig 27.09.2016 | 10.11.2016 Continued education courses 12.-16.09.2016 | 01.-03.11.2016 Technical qualification (Modules GH, OG, GG, FA) Röntgen Medal for Michael Baumann Science at the highest level and for the benefit of cancer patients is both an obligation and a personal mission for the director of several Dresden institutions, Michael Baumann. The radiation biologist and radiation therapist heads the OncoRay Center, the Radiation Therapy Unit at Dresden University Hospital, the HZDR Institute of Radiooncology and the NCT partner site in Dresden. On April 23, he was awarded the Röntgen Medal for his outstanding scientific achievements in Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s birthplace, Remscheid. This honor is conferred on individuals by the Mayor of the city for their exceptional services to advancing and disseminating the discovery made by Röntgen. Gold for HZDR Film At the World Media Festival in Hamburg on May, 11, important film prizes were awarded in the public relations sector. HZDR was among them, winning an "intermedia-globe Gold" in the "Research and Science" category for its film on repository research. The director of the relevant institute Thorsten Stumpf was delighted: "Our Institute of Resource Ecology does basic research on issues relating to the permanent disposal of highly radioactive waste. We wanted to present this important task, which is so important to society, to a broader public. And, of course, film is a particularly suitable medium." The HZDR film scored another strike at the 49th Worldfest International Film Festival in Houston, Texas. Produced by the Dresden company Avanga, it won the Gold Remi Award in the category "Nuclear/Energy Issues". EMFL Becomes a Landmark The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has named the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) as a Landmark in its new Roadmap. EMFL is one of 29 institutions recognized for enabling European scientists to conduct unique top-level research and thus to sustainably strengthen research in Europe. EMFL amalgamates three European high field magnetic laboratories at four sites in Dresden, Grenoble, Toulouse and Nijmegen, providing the highest pulsed and static fields in Europe for internal as well as external users. Such high magnetic fields are among the most powerful tools available for modifying and studying the properties of matter. Röntgen-Museum