IMPRINT // THE HZDR RESEARCH MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY Professor Dr Dr h. c. Roland Sauerbrey and Professor Dr Dr h. c. Peter Joehnk Board of Directors of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) DATE OF PUBLICATION August 2016 ISSN: 2194-5705 // Issue 01.2016 EDITING Dr Christine Bohnet (editor-in-chief), Simon Schmitt, Jana Grämer (images) | Communications and Media Relations at HZDR EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Energy – Dr Harald Foerstendorf, Dr Frank Stefani Health – Dr Fabian Lohaus, Dr Holger Stephan Matter – Dr Stefan Facsko, Dr Andreas Wagner AUTHORS Dr Uta Bilow | Freelance science journalist, Dresden Christian Döring | Communications and Media Relations, HZDR Dr Markus Fehrenbacher | Internship @ Communications and Media Relations, HZDR Inge Gerdes | Freelance science journalist, Dresden Frank Grotelüschen | Freelance science journalist, Hamburg Sascha Karberg | Freelance science journalist, Berlin Sara Schmiedel | Freelance science journalist, Leipzig Tina Schulz | Communications officer at Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, HZDR TRANSLATION Dr Lynda Lich-Knight | ResearchComm Ltd PICTURE CREDITS HZDR staff, unless stated otherwise LAYOUT WERKSTATT X . Michael Voigt PRINTING Druckerei Missbach CIRCULATION 1,500 // printed on Inapa Infinity Silk, FSC certified CONTACT / ORDER (free of charge) Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Communications and Media Relations Dr Christine Bohnet PO Box 51 01 19 | 01314 Dresden Phone +49 (0)351 260 2450 Email: REPRODUCTION is authorized provided the source is fully acknowledged. Request copy. The HZDR research magazine "entdeckt" appears twice a year, usually also in English titled "discovered". Exact digital replicas of all printed editions can be found as ePapers on the HZDR website. HZDR on Facebook and Twitter 38 39 WWW.HZDR.DE Photo: Oliver Killig IMPRINT PO Box 510119 | 01314 Dresden Phone +49 (0)3512602450