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Broschüre EMFL English

20 Reaching Out: Making Science a Hands-On Experience What is magnetism? How are magnetic fields generated? And what are they good for? The EMFL scientists are confronted with these and other questions whenever they open their doors to students and other interested parties. With great passion and creativity, they show visitors the work they do, the huge magnet coils, and the exciting experiments that are currently being conducted. The result: answers to many questions, a lot of astonishment, and a better sense of what goes on here. The EMFL labs welcome school classes and student groups on a regular basis Every second year, the Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory organizes an Open House Day and participates annually in the »Dresden Long Night of the Sciences« Each year, the labs in Grenoble and Toulouse open their doors to the public during »La fête de la science« During »La nuit des chercheurs«, Toulouse scientists regularly present their research to the general public Nijmegen is open for guided tours, is featured in many inter- national popular science programmes on magnetism (BBC, CNN, Eurochannel), and offers lectures to schools and to the general public A team of EMFL scientists regularly visits kindergartens and shows the kids in a playful way what a magnet is
