Practical trainings, student assistants and theses

Offer Title Institute/ Department
1 Master theses
Physical separation and recovery of valuable metals from the printed circuit boards fine dust production waste (Id 456) Processing
2 Master theses
Optimization of innovative Heat Exchangers equipped with advanced structures by CFD for sCO2 power cycles (Id 454) Thermal energy technology
3 Student practical training
Bachelor theses
Compulsory internship 
Bachelor student (m/f/d) Characterization of binding, mutation and amplification properties of single phages (Id 452) Pep2Rec
4 Master theses
Diploma theses
Compulsory internship 
Numerical Investigation of Particle Mixing (Id 451) Institute of Fluid Dynamics
5 Master theses
Diploma theses
F3AST for Focused ion beam induced deposition (Id 450) Ion Induced Nanostructures
6 Master theses
Diploma theses
Compulsory internship 
Selective Separation of Platinum Group Metals by Sequential Transport through Supported Liquid Membranes (SLM) using Task Specific Organic Carriers from Secondary Waste Streams (Id 449) Process Metallurgy
7 Master theses
Diploma theses
Compulsory internship 
Numerical simulation of fibre-laden drops – mandatory internship or final thesis (Master, Diplom) opportunity (Id 448) Particle dynamics
8 Bachelor theses
Master theses
Diploma theses
Investigation and Optimization of Membrane Filtration Process for Optimal Recovery of Metals and Acids (Id 447) Process Metallurgy
9 Master theses
Diploma theses
Effective Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Spent Permanent Magnet Leachates using Task specific Impregnated Resins (Id 446) Process Metallurgy
10 Bachelor theses
Master theses
Diploma theses
Compulsory internship 
Neutron and X-ray radiographic study of foam flowing around a cylinder (Id 444) Institute of Fluid Dynamics
11 Bachelor theses
Master theses
Diploma theses
Compulsory internship 
Development and experimental investigation of a multi-channel flow body sensor (Id 421) Fluid process engineering
12 Student Assistant
Unterstützung im Rechnungswesen (Id 408) Finance, Financial Controlling and Third-party Funds
13 Bachelor theses
Master theses
Diploma theses
Automatisierte Auswertung von 1D- und 2D-Ramanspektroskopischen Meßreihen (Id 393) Nanomaterials and Transport
14 Student practical training
Compulsory internship 
Volunteer internship
Internship on experimental investigation of aerosol propagation (Id 381) Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics
15 Student practical training
Bachelor theses
Master theses
Medizinische Chemie/ Organische Synthese neuer Radioliganden für die Krebsdiagnostik und -therapie (Id 295) Medical Radiochemistry
16 Bachelor theses
Master theses
Diploma theses
Materials for new solar power plants (Id 241) Nanomaterials and Transport