Master theses / Diploma theses

Simulation of ion optical behaviour of ions in the mass range between 1 and 300 amu during coupling of a SIMS instrument with a tandem accelerator (Id 200)

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Actually, a Super-SIMS-Set-up is developed at the HZDR Ion Beam Centre (IBC) by connecting a conventional SIMS-source (SIMS = Secondary ion mass spectrometry) to a 6 MV tandem accelerator. Due to the acceleration of the extracted secondary ions to MeV-energies and their charge reversal from negative to positive ions, Super-SIMS can reach about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude lower detection limits (up to 10-12 or ppt, highly depending on analyte and matrix) as conventional SIMS.
The CAMECA 7fauto SIMS spectrometer is coupled by means of a 30 kV potential to the 6MV tandem accelerator. This potential is needed to fulfil the acceptance conditions of the accelerator. The beam transfer from the SIMS, seen as an ion source, to the entrance lens differs individually for every type of ion (mass and energy) and needs to be studied systematically.
The aim of the thesis is a systematic survey of all possible negative secondary ions (masses 1 – 300) in the energy range of the connection ion optics. The method of simulation will be SIMION® (http://simion.com/) an ion optical modelling and calculation software.

Department: Analytics

Contact: Dr. Renno, Axel, Dr. Rugel, Georg


  • interest in modern analytical techniques
  • student of physics
  • experiences in simulation calculations
  • You show initiative and good teamwork skills


start: immediately
