Bachelor theses / Master theses / Diploma theses

Looking for treasures inside rocks: from 2D to 3D (Id 204)

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Foto: 3D visualization of a sulfide vein with disseminated gold ©Copyright: HZDR/ Jose Godinho2-dimensional imaging of surfaces is the preferred method to analyse the microstructure of rocks for industrial and academic research. The main advantages of 2D imaging are the high resolution and the possibility to analyse the chemical and phase composition of surfaces. However, it is inaccurate to extrapolate bulk quantitative information from the inside of a rock based on just looking at its surface.
This project aims to develop the first experimental procedures to correlate quantitative 3D imaging (computed tomography, CT) with high resolution chemical 2D imaging (e.g. electron microscopy, SEM / MLA, and spectroscopy). You will gain hands on experience on these techniques and sample preparation. You are expected to develop the experimental workflow and to optimize the image analysis to achieve the best correlation between 2D and 3D imaging. This correlation will allow you to identify the valuable minerals and their 3D properties inside rocks from mining sites and ore processing plants.

Department: Analytics

Contact: Dr. da Assuncao Godinho, Jose Ricardo, Dr. Renno, Axel


  • Student of geology, mineralogy, material sciences or related areas
  • Good spoken and written English
  • Enthusiasm for experimental lab. work
  • Creativity and desire to do new things


  • start any time
