Student practical training / Bachelor theses / Master theses / Diploma theses

Gas phase simulation of pressure wave in a gas-injection pipe (Id 259)

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Foto: Bubble Formation ©Copyright: Dr. Ehsan Mohseni, Ehsan MohseniIn two-phase flows, the interface at which the phases are in contact to one another is of high importance. One way to manipulate the dynamic of this interface is to modulate the pressure field within the gas phase. Accordingly, it is intended to study the influence of pressure modulation in a gas pipe with multiple openings. In this content, the system characteristics should be defined and the effect of individual parameters, which influence the temporal change of the pressure field at the openings are going to be studied. These parameters include frequency and amplitude of excitations, pressure fluctuation, geometry of the pipe and the openings, gas flow rate, etc. To peruse this idea, it is intended to simulate the gas pressure field in the pipe and under the opening using COMSOL Multiphysics.

Task Spectrum:

  • Establishment of a profound scientific knowledge in the field of acoustics and wave propagation
  • Literature review on interacting two phase flows and pressure waves
  • Establishing the simulation strategy
  • Model the geometry, flow domain, establishing the initial and boundary condition
  • Performing the simulation with various geometries and post processing the result
  • Generate scientific documentation

Department: Experimental Thermal Fluid Dynamics

Contact: Dr. Mohseni, Ehsan, Dr. Reinecke, Sebastian


  • Studies in mechanical, chemical, process engineering, and similar engineering courses
  • Experience in simulation with COMSOL Multiphysics
  • Optionally but not necessarily experience with acoustic module of COMSOL Multiphysics
  • Independence, self-responsible working methods


Duration: 6 Months