Student practical training / Bachelor theses / Master theses / Diploma theses

Convection in liquid metal batteries (Id 91)

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Foto: Convection in liquid metal batteries ©Copyright: Dr. Norbert WeberLiquid metal batteries (LMBs) consist of a stable density stratification of two liquid metals, separated by a liquid salt electrolyte. They are a strong candidate for stationary energy storage in the electric grid. In order to build large cells, fluid dynamics in LMBs must be known. In frame of project work or a master thesis, an already available solver has to be validated. Especially the natural convection due to the strong heating of the electrolyte layer shall be investigated.

Depending on the interest of the candidate, other work on liquid metal batteries is possible, too. Please send your application directly via email to ensure a fast answer.

Department: Magnetohydrodynamics

Contact: Dr. Weber, Norbert


  • studies of informatics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, physics or similar
  • good marks
  • helpful: knowledge of C++, Linux, simulations (FVM)