Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Surface Processes
Ms. Maud Emilie Zilbermann
PhD student - Radiochemical analyses of materials from a German NPP for decommissioning.
Scientific career
Since 04/2024Ph.D. Student - HZDR - Institute of Resource Ecology, Surface processes division
11/2023-03/2024Research assistant in Radiochemistry - HZDR - Institute of Resource Ecology, Surface processes division
2023Double-degree - Master of Science in Chemistry/ Engineering degree - TU Dresden/ ECPM Strasbourg (France)
Research fields
- Nuclear decommissioning
- Radioanalytical chemistry on inorganic materials (concrete, metal)
- Preparation of radioactive materials for analysis
- Gamma, LSC, Autoradiography, µ-Raman, XRD
- Radiochemical separation of DTM radionuclides
- EBENE – Experimentally supported calculations of neutron fields and the resulting activities in spaces far from the reactor. Funded by BMBF (15S9447A)
Influence of the catalyst layer thickness on the determination of the OER activity of Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 core-shell nanoparticles
Royer, L.; Guehl, J.; Zilbermann, M.; Dintzer, T.; Leuvrey, C.; Pichon, B.P.; Savinova, E.; Bonnefort, A.
- Electrochimica Acta 446(2023), 141981
DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2023.141981