RSS-Feed 2.0 Highlights - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf


Terahertz Experts Determine the Exact Duration of X-ray Pulses

Highlight of 17.04.2013

Physicist Michael Gensch from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf was a member of the German-Polish research team which developed a new measurement method that permits the precise measurement of ultrafast X-ray pulses from free electron lasers. The results are published in the scientific journal "Nature Communications"



Highlight of 11.11.2008

Bild des Monats - Schachfiguren im Nanometer-Maßstab (1 Nanometer = 1 Millionstel Millimeter) dank fein gebündeltem Ionenstrahl. Die rekordverdächtig kleinen Schachfiguren sind weniger als 50 Nanometer hoch und jeweils nur 20 Mikrometer breit und tief (1 Mikrometer = 1 Tausendstel Millimeter).


Bacteria-based nanoclusters

Press Release of 14.08.2006

Scientists from the research center FZR use the survival mechanism of special bacteria to produce solid nanoclusters out of palladium. The tiny bullets, only a few billions of millimeters in size, show new properties, i.e. enhanced catalytic activity. Thus, bacteria-based nanoclusters seem to be ideally suited for building new nano-catalysts.


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