Publications of Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) - Year 2024

52 Publications


Axonal Lysosomal Assays for Characterizing the Effects of LRRK2 G2019S

Bhatia, P.; Bickle, M.; Agrawal, A. A.; Truss, B.; Nikolaidi, A.; et al. (10 authors)

PP2A and GSK3 act as modifiers of FUS‑ALS by modulating mitochondrial transport

Tziortzouda, P.; Steyaert, J.; Scheveneels, W.; Sicart, A.; Stoklund Dittlau, K.; et al. (12 authors)

MAPT Mutations V337M and N297K Alter Organelle Trafficking in Frontotemporal Dementia Patient-Specific Motor Neurons

Hartmann, C.; Anskat, M.; Ehrlich, M.; Sterneckert, J.; Pal, A.; et al. (6 authors)

High-field magnetic properties of the alternating ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic spin-chain compound Cu2(OH)3Br

Povarov, K.; Scurschii, I.; Wosnitza, J.; Graf, D. E.; Zhao, Z.; et al. (6 authors)

High-field ultrasound study of elastic constants and possible magnetic symmetry transformations in UO2

Tereshina-Chitrova, E. A.; Pourovskii, L. V.; Khmelevskyi, S.; Gorbunov, D.; Caciuffo, R.

Pressure driven iso-structural phase transition and its implication on the Néel skyrmion host hexagonal PtMnGa

Dubey, K. K.; Rastogi, S.; Jena, A. K.; Shukla, G. K.; Devi, P.; et al. (10 authors)

Anisotropic magnetism and spin fluctuations in the triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate NaYbSe2: A single-crystal 23Na and 77Se NMR study

Luther, S.; Ranjith, K. M.; Doert, T.; Wosnitza, J.; Kühne, H.; et al. (6 authors)

Dielectric relaxation in the quantum multiferroics Rb2Cu2Mo3O12 and Cs2Cu2Mo3O12

Flavián, D.; Volkov, P. A.; Hayashida, S.; Povarov, K.; Gvasaliya, S.; et al. (7 authors)

Field-driven spin structure evolution in MnCr2S4: A high-field single-crystal neutron diffraction study

Duc, F.; Qureshi, N.; Suwa, H.; Ressouche, E.; Songvilay, M.; et al. (19 authors)

Superconducting memory and trapped magnetic flux in ternary lanthanum polyhydrides

Semenok, D. V.; Sadakov, A. V.; Zhou, D.; Sobolevskiy, O. A.; Luther, S.; et al. (9 authors)

Continuum Excitations in a Spin Supersolid on a Triangular Lattice

Zhu, M.; Romerio, V.; Steiger, N.; Nabi, S. D.; Murai, N.; et al. (13 authors)

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pulsed magnetic fields

Kühne, H.; Ihara, Y.

Unusual metallic state in superconducting A15-type La4H23

Guo, J.; Semenok, D.; Shutov, G.; Zhou, D.; Chen, S.; et al. (12 authors)

Possible realization of a randomness-driven quantum disordered state in the S = 1/2 antiferromagnet Sr3CuTa2O9

Sana, B.; Barik, M.; Lee, S.; Jena, U.; Baenitz, M.; et al. (12 authors)

Quasistatic magnetism in the breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnets LiGa1−xInxCr4O8 (x = 0.2, 0.5)

Lee, W.; Yoon, S.; Choi, Y.-S.; Do, S.-H.; Ponomaryov, O.; et al. (11 authors)

Absence of Fermi surface reconstruction in pressure-driven overdoped YBCO

Tozer, S. W.; Coniglio, W. A.; Förster, T.; Bonn, D. A.; Hardy, W. N.; et al. (8 authors)

Growth of Ba2CoWO6 single crystals and their magnetic, thermodynamic and electronic properties

Hanna, A. R. N.; Islam, A. T. M. N.; Ritter, C.; Luther, S.; Feyerherm, R.; et al. (6 authors)

Dramatic elastic response at the critical end point in UTe2

Valiska, M.; Haidamak, T.; Cabala, A.; Pospisil, J.; Bastien, G.; et al. (14 authors)

Giant magnetocaloric effect in a rare-earth-free layered coordination polymer at liquid hydrogen temperatures

Levinsky, J. J. B.; Beckmann, B.; Gottschall, T.; Koch, D.; Ahmadi, M.; et al. (7 authors)

Interface Dependent Coexistence of Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Gases in Mn-doped InAs/GaSb

Riney, L.; Bac, S.-K.; Zhukovskyi, M.; Orlova, T.; Fields, S. S.; et al. (11 authors)

Origin of the metamagnetic transitions in Y0.9Tb0.1Fe2D4.3

Paul-Boncour, V.; Shtender, V.; Provost, K.; Phejar, M.; Cuevas, F.; et al. (7 authors)

Quantum oscillation signatures of the Bloch-Grüneisen temperature in the Dirac semimetal ZrTe5

Galeski, S.; Araki, K.; Forslund, O. K.; Wawrzynczak, R.; Legg, H. F.; et al. (32 authors)

Magnon-phonon interactions in the spinel compound MnSc2Se4

Sourd, J.; Skourski, Y.; Prodan, L.; Tsurkan, V.; Miyata, A.; et al. (7 authors)

Magnetic phase diagram of rouaite Cu2(OH)3NO3

Chakkingal, A. M.; Kulbakov, A. A.; Grumbach, J.; Pavlovskii, N. S.; Stockert, U.; et al. (21 authors)

Excitation spectrum and spin Hamiltonian of the frustrated quantum Ising magnet Pr3BWO9

Nagl, J.; Flavián, D.; Hayashida, S.; Povarov, K.; Yan, M.; et al. (19 authors)

Enhanced Cryogenic Magnetocaloric Effect from 4f-3d Exchange Interaction in B-Site Ordered Gd2CuTiO6 Double Perovskite Oxide

Zhang, Y.; Na, Y.; Hao, W.; Gottschall, T.; Li, L.

Anisotropic magnetoresistance in altermagnetic MnTe

Gonzalez Betancourt, R. D.; Zubáč, J.; Geishendorf, K.; Ritzinger, P.; Růžičková, B.; et al. (15 authors)

Sharp quantum phase transition in the frustrated spin-1/2 Ising chain antiferromagnet CaCoV2O7

Isha; Bera, A. K.; Kaur, G.; Stock, C.; Chakraborty, K.; et al. (24 authors)

Quantum Interference between Quasi-2D Fermi Surface Sheets in UTe2

Weinberger, T. I.; Wu, Z.; Graf, D. E.; Skourski, Y.; Cabala, A.; et al. (14 authors)

Magnetism and spin dynamics of the S=3/2 frustrated trillium lattice compound K2CrTi(PO4)3

Khatua, J.; Lee, S.; Ban, G.; Uhlarz, M.; Senthil Murugan, G.; et al. (8 authors)

Thermopower and resistivity of the topological insulator Bi2Te3 in the amorphous and crystalline phase

Osmic, E.; Barzola-Quiquia, J.; Winnerl, S.; Böhlmann, W.; Häussler, P.

Spin reorientation in GdMn2(Ge1-xSix)2 compounds

Mushnikov, N. V.; Gerasimov, E. G.; Terentev, P. B.; Gaviko, V. S.; Gorbunov, D.

Investigation of the structural and magnetic properties of the GdCoC compound featuring excellent cryogenic magnetocaloric performance

Zhang, Y.; Hao, W.; Shen, J.; Mo, Z.; Gottschall, T.; et al. (6 authors)

Experimental observation of repulsively bound magnons

Wang, Z.; Halati, C.-M.; Bernier, J.-S.; Ponomaryov, O.; Gorbunov, D.; et al. (12 authors)

Glycolic acid and D-lactate—putative products of DJ-1— restore neurodegeneration in FUS - and SOD1-ALS

Pal, A.; Grossmann, D.; Glaß, H.; Zimyanin, V.; Günther, R.; et al. (14 authors)

Quantum critical fluctuations in a transverse-field Ising magnet

Hauspurg, A.; Matsuura, K.; Arima, T.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Wosnitza, J.

Fractionalized excitations probed by ultrasound

Hauspurg, A.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Helm, T.; Felea, V.; Wosnitza, J.; et al. (11 authors)

Narrowly avoided spin-nematic phase in BaCdVO(PO4)2: NMR evidence

Ranjith, K. M.; Povarov, K.; Yan, Z.; Zheludev, A.; Horvatic, M.

A matter of performance & criticality: a review of rare-earth-based magnetocaloric intermetallic compounds for hydrogen liquefaction

Liu, W.; Gottschall, T.; Scheibel, F.; Bykov, E.; Aubert, A.; et al. (11 authors)

Cell-Type-Dependent Recruitment Dynamics of FUS Protein at Laser-Induced DNA Damage Sites

Niu, Y.; Pal, A.; Szewczyk, B.; Japtok, J.; Naumann, M.; et al. (7 authors)

Sublimed fine-grained dysprosium: Significant magnetocaloric effect

Koshkidko, Y. S.; Cwik, J.; Salazar Mejia, C.; Dormidontov, N. A.; Prokofev, P. A.; et al. (14 authors)

Role of Debye temperature in achieving large adiabatic temperature changes at cryogenic temperatures: A case study on Pr2In

Liu, W.; Scheibel, F.; Fortunato, N.; Dirba, I.; Gottschall, T.; et al. (8 authors)

Repulsive Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in the quasi-one-dimensional alternating spin-1/2 antiferromagnet NaVOPO4

Islam, S. S.; Mukharjee, P. K.; Biswas, P. K.; Telling, M.; Skourski, Y.; et al. (11 authors)

Field-induced magnetic transitions in the highly anisotropic ferrimagnet ErFe5Al7 studied by high-field x-ray magnetic dichroism

Yamamoto, S.; Gorbunov, D.; Prokhnenko, O.; Weschke, E.; Miyata, A.; et al. (15 authors)

Pressure-tuned quantum criticality in the large-D antiferromagnet DTN

Povarov, K.; Graf, D. E.; Hauspurg, A.; Zherlitsyn, S.; Wosnitza, J.; et al. (14 authors)

High-field magnetization of KEr(MoO4)2

Kutko, K.; Bernáth, B.; Khrustalyov, V.; Young, O.; Engelkamp, H.; et al. (11 authors)

Magnetocaloric effect in the Laves phases RCo2 (R = Er, Ho, Dy, and Tb) in high magnetic fields

Bykov, E.; Karpenkov, A.; Liu, W.; Straßheim, M.; Niehoff, T.; et al. (11 authors)

Order-parameter evolution in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase

Molatta, S.; Kotte, T.; Opherden, D.; Koutroulakis, G.; Schlueter, J. A.; et al. (9 authors)

Coherent Magnons with Giant Nonreciprocity at Nanoscale Wavelengths

Gallardo, R. A.; Weigand, M.; Schultheiß, K.; Kakay, A.; Mattheis, R.; et al. (10 authors)

Field-induced compensation of magnetic exchange as the possible origin of reentrant superconductivity in UTe2

Helm, T.; Kimata, M.; Sudo, K.; Miyata, A.; Stirnat, J.; et al. (15 authors)

Estimation of Physical and Electrical Properties of Various REBCO Tapes for Construction of Very High Field REBCO Magnet

Song, J.-S.; Chaud, X.; Debray, F.; Paillot, K.; Fazilleau, P.; et al. (10 authors)

Tunable room temperature nonlinear Hall effect from the surfaces of elementary bismuth thin films

Makushko, P.; Kovalev, S.; Zabila, Y.; Ilyakov, I.; Ponomaryov, O.; et al. (16 authors)

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