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43095 Publications
Verification of the code ATHLET by post-test analysis of two experiments performed at the integral test facility CCTF
Schäfer, F.; Krepper, E.
In the framework of the external validation of the thermo-hydraulic code ATHLET Mod 1.2 Cycle A, which has been developed by the GRS, post test analyses of two experiments were done, which were performed at the japanese test facility CCTF. The experiments C2-04/62 and C2-19/79 simulate a double end break in the cold leg of the PWR with ECC injection into the cold leg and with combined ECC injection into the hot and cold legs. The evaluation of the calculated results shows, that the main phenomena can be calculated in a good agreement with the experiment. Especially the behaviour of the quench front and the core cooling are calculated very well.
Keywords: ATHLET; code validation; experiments
Lecture (Conference)
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Dresden, May 15-17 2001, p. 87-90 -
Contribution to proceedings
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Dresden, May 15-17 2001, p. 87-90
The hydrolysis of uranium(VI) investigated using EXAFS and 17O-NMR
Moll, H.; Reich, T.; Szabó, Z.
The hydrolysis of uranium(VI) has been the subject of extensive studies since 50 years because uranyl forms strong comlexes with OH- in solution. A comprehensive discussion and review of the thermodynamic data is published in [1]. We investigated the structure of UO22+ as a function of pH with the aid of U LIII-edge EXAFS spectroscopy. The experiments were carried out at beamline BM20. The equipment allows excellent XAS measurements up to high k-values, 17.5 Å-1 in our case.
The speciation of uranium(VI) at a total concentration of 0.05 M in slightly acidic (pH: 3 to 4) solutions is dominated by the two polynuclear complexes (UO2)2(OH)22+ and (UO2)3(OH)5+. Sample A is an example from this pH region, where (UO2)3(OH)5+ is the dominant species. Structure investigations of these polymeric cations in solution at such uranium concentrations are rare. The formation of polynuclear complexes is clearly confirmed by the U-U interaction at 3.81 Å (Figure 1). Approximately 5 oxygen atoms are coordinated in the equatorial plane at 2.41 Å.
In the following pH region from 6 to 11, the U(VI) speciation is dominated by the precipitation of schoepite phases, UO2(OH)2xH2O (sample B). A longer U-U distance of 3.87 Å was measured. Similar U bond lengths of Ë 3.9 Å were found in schoepite phases. Their structure consists of a network of UO2(OH)2 sheets, where the uranyl centers are connected via a double OH bridge.
In the alkaline pH region (sample C and D), monomeric uranium species are formed. As compared to our previous study [2], we were able to extend the k-space region from 15 Å-1 in [2] up to 17.5 Å-1 and thereby to increase the accuracy. The EXAFS measurements confirm the speciation calculations indicating that UO2(OH)42- is the major species at 0.5 M tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMA-OH). There are two trends in the EXAFS data, the U-Oaxial bond length increases 1.79, 1.81, and 1.83 Å moving from pH 4.1 to 13.7, while the average U-Oequatorial bond length decreases, 2.41, 2.34, 2.26 Å, respectively. This indicates a stronger bonding of equatorial OH groups with increasing pH. Clark et al. have presented spectroscopic evidence for the formation of a penta-hydroxide complex at high TMA-OH concentrations, however with no information about the equilibrium constant [3]. We have tested the hypothesis of Clark et. al. using 17O-NMR spectroscopy with 17O-enriched "yl" oxygens. The spectrum recorded at 258 K (Figure 2) shows only one peak for UO2(OH)42- in 1 M TMA-OH. However, when increasing the hydroxide concentration to 3 M two peaks were obtained, one with the same shift as in the 1 M TMA-OH solution, 1132.2 ppm, the other at 1135.8 ppm presumably due to UO2(OH)53- (Figure 2). To conclude, the complex UO2(OH)42- has a very broad range of existence in strongly alkaline solution. At very high total concentrations of hydroxide [> 1 M TMA-OH], an additional OH- ligand may coordinate in an associative reaction.
Contribution to external collection
ESRF Highlights 2000, 21-22 (2001)
Copper gettering in silicon at half of the projected ion range induced by helium implantation
Peeva, A.; Fichtner, P. F. P.; Da Silva, D.; Behar, M.; Koegler, R.; Skorupa, W.
Damage has been observed in keV He + ion-implanted Si away from the projected ion range Rp, mainly around Rp/2. Cu gettering has been used for the detection of irradiation defects which are formed during rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of 800°C/10 min. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs show no visible defects at Rp/2. The Cu gettering peak at Rp/2 is well known for MeV-ion-implanted and annealed Si (Rp/2 effect). In this study the corresponding effect is observed for low energy implantation of a light ion like He. The mechanism of the cavity formation when He is implanted into silicon and its influence to the implantation induced point defects recombination during subsequent annealing is discussed.
Keywords: Gettering; Ion Implantation; Defects; Helium; Cavities
- Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 69
The Colloid Chemistry of Acid Rock Drainage Solution from an Abandoned Zn-Pb-Ag Mine
Zänker, H.; Moll, H.; Richter, W.; Brendler, V.; Hennig, C.; Reich, T.; Kluge, A.; Hüttig, G.
Acid rock drainage (ARD) solution from an abandoned ore mine (pH 2.7, sulfate concentration 411 mMol/L, Fe concentration 93.5 mMol/L) was investigated by photon correlation spectroscopy, centrifugation, filtration, ultrafiltration, scanning electron microscopy, ICP-MS, AAS, ion chromatography, TOC analysis and X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. A colloid concentration of $ 1 g/L was found. The prevailing particle size was < 5 nm. The most probable mineralogical composition of the colloidal particles is a mixture of hydronium jarosite and schwertmannite. Conclusions as to the type of binding of arsenic onto the particles are drawn.
Keywords: Key words: acid rock drainage; colloids; iron hydroxy sulfates; arsenic
- Applied Geochemistry 17 (2002) 633-648
The Modeling of Fuel Rod Behaviour under RIA Conditions in the Code DYN3D
Rohde, U.
A description of the fuel rod behaviour and heat transfer model used in the code DYN3D for the simulation of reactivity initiated accidents (RIA) is given. The model comprises a detailed description of the heat transfer in the gas gap between fuel and cladding by conduction, radiation and fuel-cladding contact. The gas gap behaviour is modeled in a mechanistic way taking into account transient changes of the gas gap parameters based on given conditions for the steady state. Thermal, elastic and plastic deformations of fuel and cladding are taken into account. Metal-water reaction of the cladding material in the high temperature region is considered. The cladding-coolant heat transfer regime map covers the region from one-phase liquid convection to dispersed flow with superheated steam.
For the validation of the model, experiments on fuel rod behaviour during RIAs performed in Russian and Japanese pulsed ressearch reactors with shortened probes of fresh fuel rods are calculated. Comparisons between calculated and measured results are shown and discussed. Numerical studies concerning the fuel rod behaviour under RIA conditions in power reactors are reported about. It is demonstrated, that the fuel rod behaviour at high pressure and mass flow rate in power reactors is different from the behaviour at low pressure and stagnant flow conditions in the experiments. It is shown that the mechanisms of fuel rod failure known from the literature can be qualitatively reproduced by the DYN3D fuel rod model.
Keywords: nuclear reactors; reactivity initiated accidents; fuel rod behaviour; heat transfer; validation; pulsed research reactors
Lecture (Conference)
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, Deutschland, 15.-17.5.2001, Tagungsband S. 339-344, Inforum Verlags- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Bonn 2001 -
Contribution to proceedings
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, Deutschland, 15.-17.5.2001, Tagungsband S. 339-344, Inforum Verlags- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Bonn 2001
Boundary Layer Control by Means of Wall Parallel Lorentz Forces
Weier, T.; Fey, U.; Gerbeth, G.; Mutschke, G.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.
Lorentz forces can be used to control the near wall flow of low conducting liquids like sea-water. To achieve force densities strong enough to modify the flow, both magnetic and electric fields have to be applied to the fluid. Here, wall parallel Lorentz forces in streamwise direction were used to influence the velocity profile of a flat plate boundary layer as well as the flow around a symmetric hydrofoil. Velocity measurements inside the boundary layer and direct force measurements are given for the flat plate.
At moderate force strength, the mean velocity profile is characterized by a momentum thickness smaller than in the unforced case, whereas at high enough Hartmann numbers a wall jet develops. Additionally, a turbulent, but approximately non-growing boundary layer has been observed. The effect of a suction-side, streamwise Lorentz force on a NACA-0017-like hydrofoil is quantified by means of force balance measurements. Depending on the angle of attack, two different effects are observed. (1) At small angles of incidence, a moderate increase in lift due to additional circulation is observed. Simultaneously, a decrease in drag of the hydrofoil is caused by the momentum added. (2) At higher angles of attack, where the unforced hydrof oil would normally stall, a more pronounced lift increase and a corresponding drag reduction are observed due to separation prevention.
- Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 37, No. 1/2, 177-186, 2001
Post-test analysis of two accident management experiments performed at the Bethsy test facility using the code ATHLET
Schäfer, F.; Krepper, E.; Weiß, F.-P.
In the framework of the external validation of the thermal-hydraulic code ATHLET Mod 1.1 Cycle D, which has been developed by the GRS, post test analyses of two experiments were done, which were performed at the french integral test facility BETHSY. During the experiment 5.2 C the complete loss of steam generator feedwater was simulated. The depressurization of the primary circuit and high pressure injection is assumed as an emergency measure. During the experiment 9.3 the break of a steam generator U-tube is simulated. The failure of the high pressure injection is assumed. As accident management measures, the depressurization of the steam generator secondary sides and finally of the primary circuit by opening of the pressurizer valve was investigated. The results show, that the code ATHLET is able to describe the complex scenario in good accordance with the experiment. For both tests the safety related statement could be reproduced.
Keywords: accident-management; codes; simulations
Lecture (Conference)
ICONE - Ninth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Nice, France, April 8-12 2001, Track 7 (407.pdf on CD-ROM) -
Contribution to proceedings
ICONE - Ninth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Nice, France, April 8-12 2001, Track 7 (407.pdf on CD-ROM)
Evolution of Ion Beam Synthesized Au Nanoclusters in SiO2 under Ion Irradiation
Schmidt, B.; Heinig, K.-H.; Mücklich, A.
Au nanoclusters have been synthesized in a 500 nm thick SiO2 layer on (001)Si by 330 keV Au+ implantation of 2x1016 cm-2 and subsequent annealing at T = 1000 °C for 1h in dry oxygen. XTEM images show arround the projected ion range Rp = 100 nm a layer of crystalline Au clusters. At Rp the Au clusters have a mean size of 5 nm and a broad size distribution resembling approximately the LSW distribution of diffusion controlled Ostwald ripening. The Au nanoclusters were subsequently irradiated by 4.5 MeV Au+ ions with a fluence of (0.5...1.0)x1016 cm-2 at 190...210 °C . The high energy Au+ ions come to rest at a depth of 1 µm, i.e. in the Si substrate far below the Au nanoclusters and even below the SiO2 layer. The high energy Au+ irradiation causes a strong decrease of the mean size and of the width of the size distribution of Au nanoclusters. The observed Au nanocluster evolution under ion irradiation agrees qualitatively with recent theoretical predictions and kinitic lattice Monte-Carlo simulations.
Keywords: Nanocluster; Ion beam synthesis; Ostwald ripening
Proceedings MRS 2000 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 27.11.-01.12.2000 -
Contribution to proceedings
Proceedings MRS 2000 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 27.11.-01.12.2000
Synthesis of Spatially Controlled Nanostructures by Ion Implantation in V-Grooves on (001) Si Surfaces
Müller, T.; Heinig, K.-H.; Schmidt, B.; Mücklich, A.; Möller, W.
The synthesis of spatially controlled Ge nanowires and nanoclusters by Ge+ ion implantation in oxidized V-grooves on (001) Si surfaces has been studied experimentally as well as theoretically. The V-grooves were prepared by anisotropic wet chemical etching and thermal oxydation. The SiO2-covered V-grooves were implanted with 70 keV Ge+ ions up to a fluence of 1017 cm-2. Ge accumulates within the SiO2 at the bottom of the V-groove which has been proven by analytical TEM (EDX-mapping). Theoretical studies have shown that Ge accumulation is caused by the V-groove geometry, forward sputtering, and re-deposition. During subsequent annealing the redistributed Ge forms a nanowire by precipitation, ripening and coalesence. Kinetic lattice Monte Carlo simulations of the nanowire formation process show growth instabilities and self-organization phenomena.
Keywords: Ion beam synthesis; nanowires; Ostwald ripening
Lecture (Conference)
Proceedings MRS 2000 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 27.11.-01.12.2000
Model for radial gas fraction profiles in vertical pipe flow
Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Prasser, H.-M.
One-dimensional codes are frequently used for the simulation of two phase flow in the field of design, optimization and safety analysis of nuclear and chemical plants. Most of the correlations used by these codes e.g. for pressure drop or heat and mass transfer are valid only for a given flow regime. Steady flow maps are not able to predict the flow pattern in case of transient flows. Recently attempts were made to solve this problem by the introduction of additional equations for the bubble density or corresponding parameters like bubble diameter, bubble volume or interfacial area. Bubble coalescence and break-up rates, which form the source terms in these equations, are determined by local events. That means, they depend on local parameters of turbulence as well as on the local bubble size distribution.
Experimental and theoretical investigations for vertical pipes have shown, that the probability of radial residence of a bubble strongly depends on their diameter. Whereas smaller bubbles tend to move towards the wall, large bubbles are preferably found in the centre of the tube. For the water-air system at ambient conditions a change of the maximum in the radial profiles was found to occur at a bubble diameter of about 5 - 6 mm. This change is very important for the development of the flow.
A one-dimensional model is presented, which predicts the radial volume fraction profiles from a given bubble size distribution. It bases on the assumption of an equilibrium of the forces acting on a bubble perpendicularly to the flow path (non drag forces). For the prediction of the flow pattern this model could be used within an procedure together with appropriate models for local bubble coalescence and break-up.
Lecture (Conference)
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, 15.-17. Mai 2001, Tagungsband, S. 83-86 -
Contribution to proceedings
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, 15.-17. Mai 2001, Tagungsband, S. 83-86
Stability analysis of the flow inside an electromagnetically levitated drop
Shatrov, V.; Galindo, V.; Gerbeth, G.
The stability of the flow driven by the electromagnetic force of a HF levitation coil inside a drop is studied numerically using a spectral code. In the uniform or almost uniform external alternating magnetic field the first instability of the flow is three-dimensional with an azimuthal wave number of m = 3. The corresponding critical Reynolds number varies from 108 to 81 for various skin depth.
- Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 37, No. 1/2, pp 45-54, 2001
Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
Brauer, G.
The practical application of positron annihilation spectroscopies to SiC, i.e. conventional positron lifetime and Doppler broadening measurements as well as slow positron implantation studies, will be demonstrated and discussed. It will be shown how to finally obtain materials characteristics which are of general interest, i.e. well beyond the ordinary positron annihilation parameters. As a second example, some results from the investigation of Pt layers on alumina will be presented.
Keywords: positron annihilation; defects; SiC; Pt; thin films
Lecture (others)
Seminar am Lehrstuhl für Tieftemperaturphysik, Karlsuniversität Prag, Prag, 04.12.2000
Innovative Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Druckstößen und Kavitationsschlägen
Dudlik, A.; Hagemann, O.; Fahlenkamp, H.; Prasser, H.-M.
Druckstöße und Kavitationsschläge in Rohrleitungen entstehen immer dann, wenn die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit schnell geändert wird. Als Folgen kann man an Rohrleitungs-systemen laute Schläge, von den Halterungen springende Leitungen bis hin zu Leitungsrissen beobachten. In dem Beitrag werden nach einer Aufstellung bekannter Maßnahmen und Diskussion deren Einsatzgrenzen zwei neue, von Fraunhofer UMSICHT und dem Forschungszentrum Rossendorf entwickelte Verfahren zur Vermeidung unerwünschter Drücke in Rohrleitungen, insbesondere von Druckstößen und Kavitationsschlägen, vorgestellt. Durch Anordnung einer Hilfsarmatur hinter der eigentlichen Absperrarmatur ist eine Schnellabsperrung der Rohrleitung ohne Kavitationsschläge möglich. Der Einsatz von Rückschlagklappen stellt hierbei eine kostengünstige Variante dar. Die Kavitationsschläge hinter der Absperrarmatur werden vollständig unterdrückt. Darüber hinaus wird ein neues passives Sicherheitssystem (ABS-Armatur) zur Verhinderung von Druckstößen vorgestellt. Hierbei wirkt der Leitungsdruck stromaufwärts der Absperrarmatur auf ein Scheibenbremssystem, das die Schließbewegung der Armatur beim Ansteigen des Leitungsdruck unterbricht. Sinkt der Druck wieder ab, so wird der Schließvorgang fortgesetzt. Durch Kombination beider neuer Verfahren können sowohl der Druckanstieg stromaufwärts der Armatur als auch die Kollabierung von Kavitationsblasen stromabwärts der Armatur sicher vermieden werden. Durch diese innovativen Maßnahmen kann der Systemdruck in der Rohrleitung niemals unerwünschte Beträge annehmen. Einzeln für sich sowohl als auch in Kombination stellen beide Verfahren passive Sicherheitssysteme für Rohrleitungen dar.
Keywords: Schnellschlussarmaturen; Druckstöße; Kavitationsschläge; passive Sicherheitstechnik
- 3R international 39 (2000) 11, S. 673-677.
Evolution of the Two-Phase Flow in a Vertical Tube - Decomposition of Gas Fraction Profiles according to Bubble Size Classes using Wire-Mesh Sensors
Prasser, H.-M.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D.
The wire-mesh sensor developed by the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf produces sequences of instantaneous gas fraction distributions in a cross section with a time resolution of 1200 frames per second and a spatial resolution of about 2-3 mm. At moderate flow velocities (up to 1-2 m/s), bubble size distributions can be obtained, since each individual bubble is mapped in several successive distributions. The method was used to study the evolution of the bubble size distribution in a vertical two-phase flow. For this purpose, the sensor was placed downstream of an air injector, the distance between air injection and sensor was varied. The bubble identification algorithm allows to select bubbles of a given range of the effective diameter and to calculate partial gas fraction profiles for this diameter range. In this way, the different behaviour of small and large bubbles in respect to the action of the lift force was observed in a mixture of small and large bubbles.
Keywords: two-phase flow; gas-liquid flow; bubble size measurement; gas fraction measurement; flow pattern; wire-mesh sensors
- International Journal of Thermal Sciences 41 (2002) pp. 17-28.
PET radiopharmaceutical production - a unit of preparation and quality control
Füchtner, F.; Steinbach, J.; Johannsen, B.
The view on the production of radiopharmaceuticals for human use in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has been changing considerably during the last few years. PET has developed from an elitist research method only to a tool covering the research purpose as well the clinical application.
Accordingly, the radioactive substances which have been applied as radiotracers underwent a transformation to radiopharmaceuticals. This is accompanied by the transfer of the pharmaceutical legislation to PET radiopharmaceuticals. Consequently, Marketing and Manufacturing Authorisation becomes more and more important for the production of PET radiopharmaceuticals. To get the manufacturing Authorisation the manufacturer has to apply the guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practise (GMP) by consideration of monographs in pharmacopoeia.
In the lecture, the translation of the GMP regulations to the manufacturing conditions of PET radiopharmaceuticals is presented. This is illustrated by the example of the Rossendorf PET-Centre.
Lecture (others)
Sixth TESLA Workshop: Positron Emission Tomography at the Cyclotron Center of the Slovak Republic, Castá-Papiernicka, Slovak Republic, November 24-25, 2000
Integrated Transport Code Sytem for Multicomponent High-ß Plasmas in the Gas Dynamic Trap
Karpushov, A. N.; Anikeev, A. V.; Noack, K.; Strogalova, S. L.
The Budker Institute Novosibirsk made the proposal for a high-power 14 MeV neutron source on the base of a gas dynamic trap (GDT). The GDT is an axisymmetric open trap with a high mirror ratio confining a collisional plasma. To be able to calculate the dynamics of the particle fields appearing inside the existing experimental GDT device of the Budker Institute, and later, inside the neutron source an Integrated Transport Code System (ITCS) is under development. It is to consider the full dependencies of the transport phenomena on space, time, energy and angle variables as well as the interactions between the fields. The paper briefly describes the theoretical and numerical models of the code system and illustrates its first application to calculate the particle fields inside the experimental GDT facility.
Keywords: plasma; fusion; neutron source; gas dynamic trap; mirror; theoretical methods; numerical methods; code system
EPS 27th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 12-16 June 2000, Poster P3.019, Proceedings will be published -
Contribution to proceedings
EPS 27th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 12-16 June 2000, Poster P3.019, Proceedings will be published
Actinide elements
Hübener, S.
This encyclopedia article is a comprehensive overview of the actinide elements. Subdivided in the sections
- Discovery, Occurrence, and Synthesis of the Actinides,
- Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions of Actinides,
- Applications of Actinides,
- Actinide Metals,
- Actinide Ions, and
- Actinide Compounds and Complexes
the current knowledge of the actinide elements that is generally accepted within the field is presented.
Book (Authorship)
The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology - Third Edition, Academic Press
CHT'01 validation exercise: Natural convection in an air filled cavity
Krepper, E.
The paper presents calculations of a benchmark problem using the CFD code CFX-4 and the comparison with published experiments. The benchmark comprises the calculation of natural convection in a air-filled cavity with differentially heated walls. The experiments were performed for different orientations of the heated and cooled faces. The calculated Nusselt numbers correspond quite well to the experimental results. The steady state problem was approached by transient calculations. Not for each test case a stable final solution was found. In those cases the correspondent time averaged values were close to the experiment.
Keywords: natural convection; cfd-benchmark; experiments; CFX-4 calculations
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Conf. on "Advances in computational heat transfer", Palm Cove, Australien Mai 2001, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 1351-1356 -
Contribution to external collection
Int. Conf. on "Advances in computational heat transfer", Palm Cove, Australien Mai 2001, Proc. Vol. 2, pp. 1351-1356
Modeling of radial gas fraction profiles for bubble flow in vertical pipes
Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Prasser, H.-M.
The paper presents a method for the prediction of local bubble size distributions from a given bubble size distribution for the entire cross section. The method bases on the assumption of the equilibrium of the forces acting on a bubble perpendicularly to the flow direction. Assuming a large number of bubble size classes radial distributions are calculated separately for all bubble classes. The sum of these distributions is the radial profile of the gas fraction. The results of the model are compared with experimental data for a number of gas and liquid volume flow rates. The experiments were performed at a vertical test loop (inner diameter 50 mm) in FZ-Rossendorf using a wire mesh sensor. The sensor enables the determination of void distributions in the cross section of the loop. A special evaluation procedure supplies bubble size distributions as well as local distributions of bubbles within a predefined interval of bubble sizes. There is a good agreement between experimental and calculated data. In particular the change from wall peaking to core peaking is well predicted.
Keywords: flow; two-phase; simulations
Lecture (Conference)
Ninth International Conference On Nuclear Engineering - ICONE-9, Nice, France, April 8-12, 2001, Conference-CD, Paper 279 -
Contribution to proceedings
Ninth International Conference On Nuclear Engineering - ICONE-9, Nice, France, April 8-12, 2001, Conference-CD, Paper 279
Simulation of subcooled flow instability for high flux research reactors using the extended code ATHLET
Hainoun, A.; Schaffrath, A.
Considering the specific features of high flux research reactors given by both high heat flux and high flow velocity, the ATHLET condensation model especially in subcooled flow conditions has been extended and a new correlation of critical heat flux (CHF) is implemented. To validate the extended program, the Thermal-Hydraulic Test Loop (THTL) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was modeled with ATHELT and an extensive series of experiments concerning the onset of thermohydraulic flow instability (OFI) in subcooled boiling regime were calculated
- Nuclear Engineering and Design 207 (2001) 2, 163-180
4-[18-F]Fluorbenzoyl-carboxymethyllysin (18-FB-CML) - ein neuer potentieller PET-Tracer für Probenecid-sensitive organische Anionentransporter
Bergmann, R.; Helling, R.; Heichert, C.; Wittrisch, H.; Hinz, R.; Steinbach, J.; Johannsen, B.
Verschiedene Probenecid-sensitive multispezifische organische Anionentransporter sind in Leber, Niere und Dünndarm an der aktiven Ausscheidung von organischen Anionen beteiligt und werden mit der Medikamentenresistenz bei Chemotherapie in Zusammenhang gebracht. Deshalb wurde als potentieller Radiotracer auf der Basis des anionischen Stoffwechselendproduktes, Carboxymethyllysin und zum Vergleich Carboxyethyllysin und Lysin, mit 18-F markiert und in vitro und in vivo charakterisiert.
Methodik: [N-Alpha-4-[18-F]FB-N-Epsilon-Carboymethyllysin (18-FB-CML), N-Alpha-4-[18-F]FB-N-Epsilon-Carboxyethyllysin (18-FB-CEL) und N-Alpha-4-[18-F]FB-Lysin (18-FB-Lys) wurden mit [18-F]N-Succinimidyl-4-fluorbenzoat unter Trägerzusatz synthetisiert, die in vivo Stabilität mit HPLC und die Bioverteilung und -Kinetik durch Organenentnahme und PET (dynamisch, 30 Aufnahmen, 0-120 min, ECAT HR+) an Ratten charakterisiert.
Alle drei Tracer werden renal (>20 %ID, 5 min p.i., >85 %ID 2 h p.i.) ausgeschieden. Die vorübergehende Akkumulation von 18-FB-CML und 18-FB-CEL in der Niere und der Leber wird durch Probenecid (10 min vor Tracerinjektion, 5 mg/kg Körpergewicht) zu mehr als 50 % gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe gehemmt (5 min p.i.). Unter Probenecid werden auch 2 h p.i. weniger als 50 % der Radioaktivität der Kontrolle in Leber und im Darm gefunden. 18-FB-CML und 18-FB-CEL werden nicht metabolisiert. Durch Probenecid wird in der Leber K1 (18-FB-CML) von 0.42 1/min auf 0.05 1/min verringert.
Die Stabilität von 18-FB-CML in vivo, die Möglichkeit der Hemmung der Akkumulation in Leber, Darm und Niere durch Probenecid, die Halbwertszeit von 18-F, die einfache Biokinetik und die fehlende Chiralität, lassen 18-FB-CML als PET-Tracer für Probenecid-sensitive organische Anionentransporter geeignet erscheinen.
Lecture (Conference)
39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 25.-28.4.2001 in Hamburg -
Abstract in refereed journal
Nuklearmedizin 40 (2001) A24
Neptunium(V) Complexation by Various Humic Acids in Solution Studied by EXAFS and NIR Spectroscopy
Pompe, S.; Schmeide, K.; Reich, T.; Hennig, C.; Rossberg, A.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Heise, K. H.; Bernhard, G.
The structure of Np(V) humic acid (HA) complexes at pH 7 was studied by EXAFS. For the first time, the influence of phenolic OH groups on the complexation of HA and Np(V) in the neutral pH range was investigated using a modified natural HA with blocked phenolic OH groups and Bio-Rex70, a cation exchange resin having carboxyl groups as proton exchanging sites. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic measurements verified the formation of Np(V) humates under the applied conditions. Coordination numbers and bond distances were determined for the axial and equatorial coordination shells of neptunium. These were compared to structural parameters of Np(V) hydrates and carboxylates.
Keywords: Humic Acid; Complexation; Neptunium; Np(V); EXAFS; NIR Spectroscopy; Structure
Contribution to proceedings
Proceedings of the 2nd NEA and Euroconference Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources. Grenoble, France, 10.-12.09.2000, p. 277-284.
Nanocluster Based Memories
von Borany, J.
The talk starts with a short survey of the concepts for non-volatile memories designed for nanoelectronics. Among different approaches memories based on the charge storage in small semiconductor quantum dots are of particular interest, as they offer an opportunity for integration in the present CMOS-technology. Following this route the "Nanocrystal Memory" - which was first introduced by IBM in 1996 - is discussed in detail regarding its working principle and the corresponding technological challenges. One of the critical points is the fabrication of a shallow band of small semiconductors in the gate oxide of a FET very close, but well separated to the Si/SiO2-interface. Different deposition and ion beam techniques have been successfully applied to realize small Si or Ge nanoclusters with a typical size of 2-5 nm and a density between 10E11
10E12 cm-2. One very promising technique is the ion beam synthesis of nanoclusters, which is mainly applied in the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Microstructural investigations have shown, that IBS enables the fabrication of delta-like nanocluster bands, which fulfill very well the requirements for a "nanocrystal" memory. Electrical investigations revealed, that cluster containing thin SiO2 films show a remarkable storage effect even at room temperature, which are characterized by the shift of flatband or threshold voltage of MOS- or FET-structures, respectively. Despite these successful results main questions are still open, so that hopes and challenges are close together.
Lecture (others)
Japanese-German Symposium "Strategies in Nanotechnology", October 30-31, 2000, Berlin; organized by the Community of German Competence Centers for Nanotechnology
18-F-markierte Neurotensinderivate zur Tumordarstellung: Bioverteilung, -kinetik und Katabolismus
Bergmann, R.; Wittrisch, H.; Heichert, C.; Kretzschmar, M.; Rodig, H.; Mäding, P.; Steinbach, J.; Reubi, J.-C.; Johannsen, B.
Entwicklung 18-F-markierter Neurotensinderivate zur Darstellung von hochaffinen Neurotensinrezeptoren (NTR1), die in humanen duktalen Pankreaskarzinomen mit hoher Inzidenz überexprimiert werden, dagegen bei chronischer Pankreatitis oder im normalen Pankreas nicht vorkommen (1).
4-[18-F]Fluorbenzoyl-NT(8-13) [1], 4-[18-F]FB-ArgPsi(CH2-NH)Arg-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu [2] und 4-[18-F]FB-ArgPsi(CH2-NH)Arg-Pro-Tle-Leu [3] und weitere Modellpeptide wurden synthetisiert, in vitro mittels Rezeptor Autoradiographie an NTR-exprimierenden humanen Adenokarzinomen und in vivo an humanen (Adenokarzinomzellen) HT-29 und WiDr tumortragenden Mäusen charakterisiert.
Die Tracer binden in vitro, ex vivo und in vivo an NTR1 von tumortragenden Mäusen. Alle Substanzen werden in vitro internalisiert und mobilisieren intrazellulär Ca2+. Die Tracer unterscheiden sich in vivo in ihrer proteolytischen Stabilität und ihren Residenzzeiten im Blut. Die moderate Tumoraufnahme begründet sich in unterschiedlicher Bindungsaffinität der Peptide zum NTR1 im proteolytischen Abbau und rezeptorunabhängiger Aufnahme der entstanden 18-F-markierten Kataboliten in Tumor und Muskel. Alle radioaktiven Spaltprodukte wurden identifiziert.
Ligand....IC50± SEM (nM).........Tumor/Muskel Verhältnis (MW±SEM)
..............(humane Ca)...............................(HT-29 Tumor Maus)
.......................................................................(5mg/kg KG)........Bindung
NT..........0.86±0.10 (6)........... ......-..........................-...................-.................-
1............0.42±0.05 (6)..........7,27±0,45 (5)........6,89±0,19 (4).........0,38........>0.01
2............0.91±0.20 (6)..........4,68±1,28 (4)........2,12±0,97 (4).........2.56........<0.01
3..............4.1±0.60 (6)..........2,63±0,83 (5)........1,25±0,23 (5).........1.38........<0.005
Es wird ein Schema des Abbaus der 18-F-markierten Peptide vorgeschlagen. Die untersuchten Tracer dienen als Leitsubstanzen für die Entwicklung neuer 18-F-markierter Peptidderivate mit höherer proteolytischen Stabilität bei Erhaltung der Bindungsaffinität zum humanen NTR1 für PET von Pankreastumoren.
(1) Reubi et al., Gut 1998;42:, 546-50
Lecture (Conference)
39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin vom 25.-28. April 2001 in Hamburg -
Abstract in refereed journal
Nuklearmedizin 40 (2001) A22
Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der Abbauprodukte 18F-markierter Neurotensinderivate
Wittrisch, H.; Bergmann, R.; Heichert, C.; Fischer, K.; Mäding, P.; Johannsen, B.
Entwicklung einer schnellen Untersuchungsmethode zur Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von radioaktiv markierten Peptiden am Beispiel des Neurotensins (NT). Neurotensinrezeptoren (NTR1) werden in humanen duktalen Pankreaskarzinomen mit hoher Inzidenz überexprimiert. 18F-markierten NT-Derivate sollen als Tracer zur hochaffinen Darstellung von NTR1 mittels PET eingesetzt werden.
Zur Ermittlung der in vitro Stabilität wurden 4-[18F]FB-NT(8-13) (1), 4-[18F]FB-[Arg8Psi(CH2-NH)Arg9]-NT(8-13) (2) und 4-[18F]FB-[Arg8Psi(CH2-NH)Arg9]-NT(8-13) (3) in Rattenblut bzw. -plasmsa bei 37°C über 8 Stunden inkubiert. Die in vivo Untersuchungen wurden an Wistar-Ratten durchgeführt, denen nach Injektion der jeweiligen Verbindung (spezifische Aktivität 5-15 GBq/mmol) über einen Zeitraum von 2 Stunden in regelmäßigen Abständen aterielles Blut entnommen wurde. Die erhaltenen Proben wurden aufgearbeitet und die vorhandenen Abbauprodukte mittels RP-HPLC getrennt. Zur Identifizierung der Katabolite wurde das Eluat fraktioniert und die Fraktionen massenspektrometrisch untersucht.
Es wurden signifikante Unterschiede in der Stabilität der verwendeten Verbindungen erhalten. In vitro konnte ein proteolytischer Abbau nur für (1) und (2) nachgewiesen werden. Dagegen war (3) unter den gewählten Bedingungen stabil. In vivo wurden deutliche Unterschiede bei den Residenzzeiten der Verbindungen beobachtet. (1) und (2) waren bereits 5 min p.i. nicht mehr nachweisbar. Dagegen wurden für (3) 24 min p.i. noch 50 % der Ausgangsverbindung beobachtet. Als Abbauprodukte der Verbindung (1) wurden sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo 4-[18F]FB-Arg-Arg und 4-[18F]FB-Arg ermittelt. Die Katabolite von (2) sind dagegen 4-18F]FB-[Arg8Psi(CH2-NH)Arg9]-Pro-Tyr und 4-[18F]FB-[Arg8Psi(CH2-NH)Arg9]-Pro. Bei (3) wurde nur 4-[18F]FB-[Arg8Psi(CH2-NH)Arg9]-Pro als Abbauprodukt nachgewiesen.
Mit der verwendeten Untersuchungsmethode konnten die Katabolite der untersuchten Neurotensinderivate getrennt werden. Durch die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der Abbauprodukte wurden wichtige Informationen über die protolytischer Stabilität der Peptidbindungen in den einzelnen Verbindungen erhalten, die beim Design neuer 18F-markierter Neurotensinderivate mit höherer protolytischer Stabilität von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.
Lecture (Conference)
39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin vom 25.-28. April 2001 in Hamburg -
Abstract in refereed journal
Nuklearmedizin 40 (2001) A23
186/188Re-markierte Stents zur Prävention von Restenose
Noll, B.; Muschik, P.; Dinkelborg, L.; Tepe, G.; Johannsen, B.
Intraluminale Betabestrahlung nach Ballonangioplastie führt zu einer Erniedrigung der neointimalen Proliferation. Eine erfolgversprechende Variante stellt der Einsatz radioaktiv markierter Stents dar (1,2). In der Studie wird die technische Durchführbarkeit der 186/188Re-Markierung vaskulärer Stents und deren biologischer Effekt zur Inhibition der neointimalen Proliferation im Tiermodell getestet.
Palmaz Stents werden in einem "kitlike"-Verfahren mit 186/188Re markiert und die Markierungsbedingungen, die Stentoberfläche, die Aktivitätsverteilung, die Thrombogenität sowie die in-vitro Stabilität untersucht. Die markierten Stents und Kontroll Stents werden nach Fütterung einer 0.5%igen Cholesterindiät und Ballonangioplastie in die infrarenalen Aorta von Neuseeland-Kaninchen implantiert. Es erfolgten szintigraphi-sche Messungen zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten und nach 6 Wochen wurden die Gefäße immunhistologisch untersucht.
In Abhängigkeit von der Markierungszeit und der vorgelegten Aktivität gelingt es, definierte Aktivitätsmengen stabil und reproduzierbar auf die Stentoberfläche zu fixieren. In-vitro Untersuchungen in isotonischer Kochsalzlösung und Humanblut beweisen, dass nach 72 Std. Inkubation bei 37°C >95 % der abgeschiedenen 186/188Re Aktivität am Stent gebunden bleiben. Thrombogenitätsuntersuchungen an markierten Stents ergaben keine Veränderungen im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten Vergleichs-stents. Die Implantation der Stents war bei allen Tieren erfolgreich, nach 14 Tagen verblieben mehr als 90 % des aufgebrachten Rheniums auf der Stentoberläche. Die Neointimafläche ließ sich von 2,2±0,2 mm bei den Kontrollstents auf 0 mm bei den markierten Stents reduzieren.
Es ist gelungen, Palmaz Stents reproduzierbar mit 186Re und 188Re zu markieren, wobei die aufgebrachte Aktivität in einem weiten Bereich variiert werden kann. Es wird eine hohe in-vitro und auch in-vivo-Stabilität erreicht, die Stents sind nicht trombogen. Innerhalb von 6 Wochen ließ sich die neointimale Proliferation komplett unterbinden.
1) Fishell et al., Circulation 1994; 90: 2956-2963
(2) Waksman et al., Circulation 1998; 98: I-651:3721
Lecture (Conference)
39. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin vom 25.-28. April 2001 in Hamburg -
Abstract in refereed journal
Nuklearmedizin 40 (2001) A23
Methodische Grundlagen für die Tomographie durch gefilterte Rückprojektion an einer Axialpumpe
Hoppe, D.
Ein zweiphasiges, aus einer gashaltigen Flüssigkeit bestehendes Medium wird in einer Axialpumpe von einem propellerartigen Laufrad senkrecht zur Drehachse die ses Laufrades transportiert. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen der Gasphase und dem Laufrad soll unter Verwendung von Gamma-Strahlung mittels Tomographie unter sucht werden. Dabei ist für die Rekonstruktion des Objektbildes das Prinzip der so genannten gefilterten Rückprojektion vorgesehen. Die methodischen Grundlagen für die Nutzung dieses Prinzips unter den vorgesehenen geometrischen und meßtech nischen Bedingungen sind Gegenstand dieser Arbeit.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-306 November 2000
ISSN: 1437-322X
Ion beam synthesis of shallow Ge nanocluster bands in thin SiO2 films for non-volatile memory applications
von Borany, J.; Gebel, T.; Heinig, K.-H.; Klimenkov, M.; Stegemann, K.-H.; Thees, H.-J.; Wittmaack, M.
Ion beam synthesis has been applied to fabricate semiconductor (Si, Ge) nanoclusters in thin gate SiO2 films for non-volatile memory applications. The cluster size (2-3 nm), the cluster density (>5x10E11 cm-2) and the short distance to the Si/SiO2 fulfill main requirements for a cluster related memory cell. The charge storage have been clearly established at MOS and transistor structures by the shift of the flatband or threshold voltage, respectively. Typical programming windows are in the order of 1-2 V and the endurance is > 10E6 w/e-cycles. Differences of Si- and Ge-cluster containing SiO2 films with respect to the retention behaviour are finally discussed.
Keywords: ion beam synthesis; nanoclusters; nanoelectronics; non-volatile memories
Poster presented at IEEE Intern. Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON 2000), Oct. 22-28, 2000, Nagoya, Japan; Proceedings, pp. 1900-1904, ed. by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society -
Contribution to proceedings
Poster presented at IEEE Intern. Conference on Industrial Electronics (IECON 2000), Oct. 22-28, 2000, Nagoya, Japan; Proceedings, pp. 1900-1904, ed. by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
The Riga dynamo experiment
Gailitis, A.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.; Gerbeth, G.; Stefani, F.
Cosmic magnetic fields, including the magnetic field of the Earth, are produced by the homogeneous dynamo effect in moving electrically conducting fluids. We sketch the history of the underlying theory and comment on previous attempts to realize homogeneous dynamos in laboratory. For the main part, we report on two series of experiments carried out at the Riga dynamo facility. In November 1999 a slowly growing magnetic field eigenmode was observed for the first time in a liquid metal experiment. In July 2000, the magnetic field saturation regime was studied and a number of interesting back-reaction effects were observed. A preliminary interpretation of the measured data is also presented.
- Surveys in Geophysics 24 (2003) 247-267
PET-Radiopharmaka: Stand und Perspektiven
Steinbach, J.
Lecture (Conference)
7. Jahrestagung, Berlin-Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin e.V., Brielow, 11.11.2000
Trägerarme Markierung aromatischer Verbindungen mit C-11 und F-18
Steinbach, J.
Lecture (others)
Institutsseminar, Institut für Nuklearchemie, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 28.05.2000
Lipophilicity and pKa measurements of technetium and rhenium complexes as potential radiopharmaceuticals by using RP-HPLC
Berger, R.; Spies, H.; Friebe, M.; Johannsen, B.
99mTc is the most widely used radionuclide for nuclear medicine diagnostics. Efforts are made to design this unphysiological element for targeting specifically organs and cells. In this respect, lipophilic properties are of importance. We studied lipophilicity on a series of "3+1" mixed ligand oxoTc and -Re complexes with an [S-(CH2)2-E-(CH2)2-S] chelate unit [E = O, S, N-Me, N-Et] and a thiol ligand with various residues [alkyl, aryl; (CH2)2-NMe2, -NEt2,-NBu2, -piperidinyl, -morpholinyl].
The lipophilicity/pH profiles were determined by RP-HPLC. A Perkin-Elmer HPLC Model 1022 equipped with a UV/VIS detector (254 nm) and a PRP-1 column (Hamilton, 250 x 4.1 mm, 10mm) was employed [mobile phase: isocratic eluent acetonitrile / buffer (volume ratio 3:1; pH range: 1.5 - 11); flow rate: 1.5 ml/min].
The lipophilicity determination is based on the linear relationship between the chromato-graphic retention (log k') and log D/P and results in DHPLC/PHPLC values. Aniline, benzene, and brombenzene were used as internal standards. The pKa values were estimated from the turning point of sigmoidal curves and were corrected by using a calibration curve of amine standards since the measurements are performed in organic/aqueous solutions.
For amine group containing complexes (R2), that are used as models of neuroreceptor affine tracers, the influence of lipophilicity and/or pKa on brain uptake was studied. High brain uptake relates with low pKa, so that the highest uptake was found for morpholino-bearing complexes (0.9-2.0 % injected dose per rat brain, <5 min p.i.; pKa 7.1-7.6). The log PHPLC values for Tc complexes are higher than for the corresponding Re complexes.
LogP2000, The Second Lipophilicity Symposium: "Lipophilicity in Drug Disposition: Practical and Computational Approaches to Molecular Properties Related to Drug Permeation, Disposition and Metabolism" Lausanne, March 5-9, 2000 -
Contribution to proceedings
LogP2000, The Second Lipophilicity Symposium: "Lipophilicity in Drug Disposition: Practical and Computational Approaches to Molecular Properties Related to Drug Permeation, Disposition and Metabolism" Lausanne, March 5-9, 2000
Monte Carlo Simulations of Neutral Gas and Fast Ion Dynamics in GDT Experiments
Noack, K.
The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Novosibirsk proposed a highly intense 14 MeV neutron source on the base of a gas dynamic trap (GDT). The GDT is an axisymmetric mirror plasma device. In case of the complete effectiveness at the necessary parameters this type of neutron source promises several advantages in comparison to other proposals. Its actual disadvantage is the incomplete data basis which does not yet allow a reliable interpolation of its feasibility. To close this gap is the goal of the experimental and computational research presently being under way. Here the Monte Carlo codes TUBE for the hydrogen gas and MCFIT for the fast ions which have been developed by Forschungszentrum Rossendorf in collaboration with the Budker Institute take an important part. The paper shortly describes the MCFIT code, compares some numerical with measured results and draws certain conclusions.
Keywords: neutron source; gas dynamic trap; mirror plasma device; neutral gas; fast ions; monte carlo method
Lecture (Conference)
Monte Carlo 2000, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, October 23-26, 2000 - Lisbon, Portugal; Proc. will be published by Springer-Verlag -
Contribution to proceedings
Monte Carlo 2000, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, October 23-26, 2000 - Lisbon, Portugal; Proc. will be published by Springer-Verlag
Reactivity of Technetium(I) Thioether Carbonyl Complexes towards Histidine - An EXAFS Study in Solution
Seifert, S.; Künstler, J.-U.; Gupta, A.; Funke, H.; Reich, T.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Alberto, R.; Johannsen, B.
Technetium(I) thioether carbonyl complexes and their reaction products with histidine were prepared and characterized by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy , various chromatographic and electrophoretic methods and electrospray mass spectrometry. Their behaviour in aqueous solutions was studied on the carrier-added (99Tc) and the no-carrier-added (99mTc) levels. HPLC and electrophoretic studies show the identity of reaction products at both concentration levels. Technetium(I) carbonyl complexes containing a bidentate dithioether ligand, [Tc(CO)3Cl(S-S)], as well as a tridentate carboxylato thioether ligand, [Tc(CO)3(S-S-O)], undergo a ligand exchange reaction with histidine and form the complex [Tc(CO)3His]. EXAFS measurements were performed to estimate structural parameters of the dissolved technetium(I) carbonyl complexes and their reaction products after the challenge experiments. The calculated bond lengths and coordination numbers are in accordance with the expected values and confirm the ligand exchange reactions.
- Inorganica Chimica Acta 322 (2001) 79-86
An Integrated Transport Code System for the Calculation of Multi-Component, High-ß Plasmas in the Gas Dynamic Trap
Anikeev, A.; Karpushov, A.; Collatz, S.; Noack, K.; Otto, G.; Strogalova, S.
The Budker Institute Novosibirsk made a proposal for a highly intense neutron source on the base of a gas dynamic trap. It is mainly intended for fusion material irradiation. The gas dynamic trap is an axisymmetric open system with a high mirror ratio for the confinement of a collision dominated plasma and a high-energetic ion component which is fed by an oblique neutral beam injection. In addition to research at the experimental facility of the Budker Institute an Integrated Transport Code System is under development in collaboration with the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. It is to calculate the relevant physical effects connected with the target plasma, fast ions, neutral gas and the neutrons appearing inside the central cell of the device. The paper briefly describes the functions of the main modules and reports on the first exercise devoted to the planned upgrade of the facility.
Keywords: Neutron Source; Fusion; Materials; Gas Dynamic Trap; Plasma; Mirror; Target Plasma; Fast Ions; Neutral Gas; Transport Code System
Lecture (Conference)
3rd International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement, July 3-6, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan; Proc. published in Transactions of Fusion Technology, Vol 39, p. 183 (2001) -
Contribution to proceedings
3rd International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement, July 3-6, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan; Proc. published in Transactions of Fusion Technology, Vol 39, p. 183 (2001)
TOPFLOW - eine neue Mehrzweck-Thermohydraulik-Versuchsanlage zur Untersuchung stationärer und transienter Zweiphasenströmungen
Schaffrath, A.; Krüssenberg, A.-K.; Weiß, F.-P.; Carl, H.
Am Institut für Sicherheitsforschung (FWS) des Forschungszentrums Rossendorf (FZR) e.V. wird die Mehrzweckthermohydraulikversuchsanlage TOPFLOW (Transient Two Phase Flow Test Facility) zur Untersuchung stationärer und transienter Phänomene in Zweiphasenströmungen sowie zur Entwicklung und Validierung der in Computational Fluiddynamic (CFD) Codes enthaltenen Modelle aufgebaut. Die Versuchsanlage soll im Rahmen des Kompetenzerhaltungsprogramms Kerntechnik von dem Kompetenzzentrum Sachsen bestehend aus der Technischen Universität Dresden, der Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Soziales Zittau/Görlitz (FH) sowie dem Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V. betrieben werden.
Keywords: TOPFLOW; stationäre und transiente Zweiphasenströmungen; Strömungsformen in vertikalen Rohrleitungen
Lecture (Conference)
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, 15.-17. Mai 2001, Tagungsbericht S. 125-131 -
Contribution to proceedings
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, 15.-17. Mai 2001, Tagungsbericht S. 125-131
Production of a0+- mesons in the reaction pp to da0+
Müller, H.
We investigate the reaction pp to da0
+ at COSY and SIS energies together with accompanying background reactions and inclusive particle yields. The a0
+ is considered as a usual quark model state with two decay channels a0
+ to K+K0 and a0
+ to pi+ eta. Cross sections for a0
+ production as well as for the corresponding nonresonant channels pp to dK+K0 and pp to dpi+eta are compared. Especially in case of the final channel dpi+eta high statistics measurements are necessary to extract the a0
+ signal from the nonresonant background.
- The European Physical Journal A 11, 113-119 (2001)
Investigation of Co/Cu/NiFe-Multilayers by X-Ray Reflectometry and Diffraction
Hecker, M.; Tietjen, D.; Prokert, F.; Schell, N.; Schneider, C. M.
Structural properties of sputtered multilayers with different Co-, Cu- and NeFe- sequences of about 2nm individual layer thickness were investigated by means of synchrotron radiation techniques. Correlations between the layer combination and structural parameters such as layer thickness and rms interface roughness derived from specular scans were obtained, whereas the lateral characteristics of the interface morphology investigated by diffuse scattering were found to be similar for all multilayers. Wide angle diffraction measurements yielded lattice plane information, e.g. size-strain effects due to profile broadening and predominating <111> fibre textures.
Keywords: Reflectometry; synchrotron radiation; multilayers; GMR-effects
- Mikrochim. Acta 133, 239-241 (2000)
Particle excitations and rotational modes in Nuclei with A = 70 -90
Schwengner, R.; Schnare, H.; Borcan, C.; Dönau, F.; Käubler, L.
In nuclei in the mass region of $A \approx 70 - 90$ a variety of phenomena
is observed which are based on single-particle and collective motion of the
nucleons. We discuss the properties of Br and Rb isotopes with neutron numbers
of 38 - 48. In light Br isotopes ($N$ = 37, 38) rotational bands have been
observed up to spins of 65/2 and rotational frequencies of 1.8 MeV. Both
features can be described in terms of the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky formalism.
In Rb nuclei with $N$ = 45, 47 we found regular magnetic dipole bands
evolving at high spin whereas the low-spin structure of those less deformed
nuclei is irregular. These magnetic dipole bands represent magnetic rotation,
a new rotational mode predicted by the tilted-axis cranking model.
In nuclei at $N$ = 48 we found small collectivity in low-spin states and
multiplets based on multi-particle excitations at high spin. These properties
are interpreted in terms of the shell-model.
Keywords: Nuclear structure; particle excitations; rotational modes; gamma spectrometer GASP and EUROBALL; cranking model; titlted-axis craniking model; shell model
Contribution to external collection
XIII. International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Nuclear Energy, Varna, Bulgaria, 27.9. - 3.10. 1999, Bg NS Transactions, Vol. 5, No. 1, (2000), 136-144
Pre-Test Calculations for the EC-FOREVER-2-Experiment
Willschütz, H.-G.; Altstadt, E.; Weiss, F.-P.; Sehgal, B. R.
Assuming the hypothetical scenario of a severe accident with subsequent core meltdown and formation of a melt pool in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower plenum of a Light Water Reactor (LWR) leads to the question about the behaviour of the RPV. One accident management strategy could be to stabilize the in-vessel debris configuration in the RPV as one major barrier against uncontrolled release of heat and radio nuclides.
To get an improved understanding and knowledge of the melt pool convection and the vessel creep and possible failure processes and modes occurring during the late phase of a core melt down accident the FOREVER-experiments (Failure Of REactor VEssel Retention) are currently underway at the Division of Nuclear Power Safety of the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (Sehgal, 1999). These experiments are simulating the behaviour of the lower head of the RPV under the thermal loads of a convecting melt pool with decay heating, and under the pressure loads that the vessel experiences in a depressurization scenario. The geometrical scale of the experiments is 1:10 compared to a common LWR.
During the first series of experiments the creep behaviour (FOREVER-C) of the vessel under the thermal attack of the melt pool and varying internal pressure loads is investigated. It is intended to enforce the creep process until vessel failure.
Due to the multi axial creep deformation of the vessel with a non-uniform temperature field these experiments are on the one hand an excellent source of data to validate numerical creep models which are developed on the basis of uniaxial creep tests. On the other hand the results of pre-test calculations can be used to optimize the experimental procedure and can help to make on-site decisions during the experiment.
Therefore an axisymmetric Finite Element (FE) model is developed based on the multi-purpose code ANSYS/Multiphysics®. Using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) module the temperature field within the melt pool and within the vessel wall is evaluated. The transient structural mechanical calculations are then performed applying a creep model which takes into account large temperature, stress and strain variations.
Keywords: Scaled Light Water Reactor Experiments; Core Melt Down; Finite Element Model; Creep and Damage Model; Pre-Test Calculations
Lecture (Conference)
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, May 15-17, 2001, Tagungsband S.187-192 -
Contribution to proceedings
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2001, Dresden, May 15-17, 2001, Tagungsband S.187-192
Uranyl(VI) Carbonate Complex Formation: Validation of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.) Species
Bernhard, G.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Reich, T.; Amayri, S.; Nitsche, H.
We recently discovered a neutral dicalcium uranyl tricarbonate complex, Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.), in uranium mining related waters /1/. We are now reporting a further validation of the stoichiometry and the formation constant of this complex using two analytical approaches with time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) species detection: i) titration of a non-fluorescent uranyl tricarbonate complex solution with calcium ions, and quantitative determination of the produced fluorescent calcium complex via TRLFS; and ii) variation of the calcium concentration in the complex by competitive calcium complexation with Na2EDTA.
Slope analysis of the log (fluorescence intensity) versus log [Ca2+] with both methods have shown that two calcium ions are bound to form the complex Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.). The formation constants determined from the two independent methods are: i) log ßo213 = 25.26 ± 0.71 and ii) log ßo213 = 25.57 ± 0.37.
A bathochrome shift of 0.35 nm between the UO2(CO3)34- complex and the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.) complex was observed in the UV-vis absorption spectrum and in the laser-induced photoacoustic spectrum (LIPAS), giving additional proof for the formation of the calcium uranyl carbonate complex.
EXAFS spectra at the LII and LIII - edges of uranium in uranyl carbonate solutions with and without calcium did not differ significantly. A somewhat better fit to the EXAFS of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.) complex was obtained by including the U-Ca shell. From the similarities between the EXAFS of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq.) species in solution and the natural mineral liebigite, we conclude that the calcium atoms are likely to be in the same positions both in the solution complex and in the solid.
This complex influences considerably the speciation of uranium in the pH region from 6 to 10 in calcium-rich uranium-mining-related waters.
- Radiochimica Acta 89, 511-518 (2001)
Interaction of Neptunium(IV) with Humic Substances Studied by XAFS Spectroscopy
Schmeide, K.; Pompe, S.; Reich, T.; Hennig, C.; Funke, H.; Rossberg, A.; Geipel, G.; Brendler, V.; Heise, K. H.; Bernhard, G.
We studied the complexation of neptunium(IV) with various natural and synthetic humic and fulvic acids at pH 1 using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy to observe the local structure around the neptunium ion. The results were compared to the interaction of neptunium(IV) with Bio-Rex70, a cation exchange resin having solely carboxylic groups. For both neptunium humate complexes and neptunium Bio-Rex70 complexes, 11 oxygen atoms were found at a mean distance of 2.36 Å. This verified that the carboxylic groups of humic substances are responsible for binding neptunium(IV) in the acidic pH range. The humic acid carboxylate groups are predominantly monodentately coordinated to neptunium(IV) ions.
Keywords: Neptunium; tetravalent; humic acid; fulvic acid; natural; synthetic; Bio-Rex70; complexation; EXAFS
Contribution to proceedings
Proceedings of the 2nd Euroconference and NEA Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources. Grenoble, France, 10.-12.09.2000, p. 287-294 (2002).
Mixed-ligand technetium(III) complexes with tetra-dendate/monodendate NS3/isocyanide coordination: A new nonpolar Technetium chelate system for the design of neutral and lipophilic complexes stable in vivo
Pietzsch, H.-J.; Gupta, A.; Syhre, R.; Leibnitz, P.; Spies, H.
Starting from the tripodal ligand 2,2',2"-nitrilotris(ethanethiol) (NS3) and isocyanides (CNR) as co-ligands neutral mixed-ligand technetium(III) complexes of the general formulation [Tc(NS3)(CNR)] have been synthesized and characterized. The 99Tc complexes can be obtained by a two-step reduction/substitution procedure starting from [TcO4]- via the phosphine-containing precursor complex [Tc(NS3)(PMe2Ph)]. As shown by X-ray structural analyses the complexes adopt a nearly ideal trigonal-bipyramidal geometry with the trigonal plane formed by the three thiolate sulfurs of the tripodal ligand. The central nitrogen atom of the chelate ligand and the monodendate isocyanides occupy the apical positions.
The no-carrier-added preparation of the corresponding 99mTc complexes was performed by a one-step procedure starting from 99m[TcO4]- with stannous chloride as reducing agent.
Biodistribution studies in the rat demonstrated for the nonpolar, lipophilic compounds a significant initial brain uptake. In vitro challenge experiments with glutathione clearly indicated that no transchelation reaction occurs. Furthermore, there were no indications for reoxidation of Tc(III) to Tc(V) species or pertechnetate. We propose this type of complexes as a useful tool in designing of lipophilic 99mTc or 186Re/188Re radiopharmaceuticals.
Keywords: Tc(III) mixed ligand complexes; 4+1 complexes; X-ray structural analysis; biodistribution studies
- Bioconjugate Chem. Vol.12 Nr. 4 (2001) 538-544
Thermal diffusion in laser beam welding of metals
Avilov, V.
A theoretical investigation is carried out of the temperature and hydrogen concentration as a function of space in an aluminum workpiece during laser beam welding. The driving force for hydrogen transport is thermal diffusion, where a diffusion current is brought about by a temperature gradient. The sign of the respective transport coefficient is negative for H in Al, which implies that hydrogen will accumulate in the heated regions. Analytical solutions are obtained for the temperature and concentration fields which comprise convective and conductive heat transfer, and hydrogen transport by convection, diffusion and thermal diffusion. The spatial characteristics are discussed in detail using various approximations for the upstream and the downstream region as well as the region close to the keyhole.
Lecture (Conference)
Kolloquium Thermo- und Fluiddynamik an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau, November 7, 2000
Permeation studies in vitro and in vivo of potential radiopharmaceuticals with affinity to neuro receptors
Friebe, M.; Suda, K.; Spies, H.; Syhre, R.; Berger, R.; Johannsen, B.; Chiotellis, E.; Kramer, S. D.; Wunderli-Allenspach, H.
To check the influence of structural characteristics on their permeation through the blood-Brain barrier (BBB), a set of radioactive [99mTc]chelates bearing amine groups was synthesized and tested in vitro as well as in vivo.
Compounds with different log P and pKa values were obtained by complex forming reactions of [99mTc]pertechnetate with varying substituents. Transport was studied in rats and mice, as well as in an ECV304 cell culture model.
In vitro higher permeation was found for compounds with electron attracting substituents in beta-position to the amine group (pKa values 7.4 to 8.3) than for those with more basic amine groups (pKa values > 8.9) even for similar logDph 7.4. In vivo brain uptake between 0.8 and 4.8% of the injected dose (ID) per organ was found for the former, whereas < 0.4% ID were present for the latter.
Three structurally diverse classes of [99mTc]chelates showed distinct patterns with regard to brain uptake in vivo and BBB permeability in vitro which could not be predicted by their lipophilicity alone. The close correlation between the data from rats and mice and those obtained with cell cultures render the ECV304 cells an attractive model for the screening of new compounds.
Keywords: radioactive tracer molecules; technetium; blood-brain barrier (BBB); permeation; log P; ECV304 cells; brain uptake
- Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 17, No. 6 (2000) 754-760
Confinement in the Big Bang and Deconfinement in the Little Bangs at CERN-SPS
Kämpfer, B.; Gallmeister, K.; Pavlenko, O.
The evolution of strongly interacting matter during the cosmological confimement transition is reviewed. Despite of many proposed relics non specific signal from the rearrangement of quarks and gluons into hadrons has been identified by observations. In contrast to this, several observables in heavy-ion collisions at CERN-SPS energies point to the creation of a matter state near or slightly above deconfinement. We focus here on the analysis of dileptons and direct photons. Similarities and differences of the Big Bang and the Little Bang confinement dynamics are elaborated.
Keywords: deconfinement; big bang; little bang
Contribution to proceedings
World Scientific, Fundamental Problems.., Konferenz November 2000, Luederitz, Namibia, World Scientific (2001), p. 309
EXAFS analyses of technetium(I) and rhenium(I) tricarbonyl complexes - ligand exchange studies.
Künstler, J.-U.; Seifert, S.; Reich, T.; Funke, H.; Johannsen, B.
Tc(I) thioether tricarbonyl complexes were prepared and characterised by chromatographic and spectrometric methods. The complexes undergo various ligand exchange reactions in aqueous solutions. In Tc(I) dithioether tricarbonyl complexes of the formula [Tc(CO)3Cl(S-S)] (S-S = bidentate dithioether ligand) chlorine is substituted by water in aqueous solution. Moreover, we found that Tc(I) tricarbonyl complexes containing a bidentate dithioether ligand, [Tc(CO)3Cl(S-S)], as well as a tridentate carboxylato dithioether ligand, [Tc(CO)3Cl(S-S-O)], react with histidine and form the complex [Tc(CO)3His]. EXAFS measurements were performed to estimate structural parameters of the dissolved Tc(I) tricarbonyl complexes and their substitution products with water and histidine.
Second Euroconference and NEA Workshop on Speciation, Techniques, and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Grenoble, France, 10.09 - 12.09. 2000 -
Contribution to proceedings
Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources, Workshop Proceedings Grenoble, France, 10 -12 September 2000, OECD/NEA 2002, 245-251
Strukturbildung unter Berücksichtigung der Hydrodynamik bei der Erstarrung von Nd-Fe-B-Schmelzen; Teilprojekt: Strömungskontrolle über Magnetfelder
Gerbeth, G.
Gesamtziel des Vorhabens ist es, den Einfluß der Strömungen in der Schmelze auf die Phasengrenze flüssig-fest im Erstarrungsprozeß zu untersuchen und darüber hinaus eine gezielte Beeinflussung der Konvektion durch geeignete, für den jeweiligen Zweck maßgeschneiderte Magnetfelder vorzunehmen. Die Vielfalt der alternierenden (Strömungsantrieb) und statischen (Strömungsunterdrückung) Magnetfelder erlaubt eine Beeinflussung metallischer Schmelzen in sehr weiten Bereichen.
Umfangreiche Erfahrungen liegen z. B. für die Wirkung rotierender Magnetfelder auf die Strömung vor. Der sich daraus ergebende Einfluß auf das resultierende Erstarrungsgefüge bei reinen Metallen oder binären Legierungen ist teilweise aus der Literatur bzw. eigenen Arbeiten bekannt. Langjährige Vorarbeiten für die Schmelzkontrolle bei Halbleiter-Kristallzüchtungsprozessen bis hin zur industriellen Nutzung derart optimierter Magnetsysteme liegen ebenfalls vor.
Im Projekt sollen systematische Untersuchungen zur Beeinflussung der Erstarrung von Nd-Fe-B-Schmelzen über die Kontrolle der Schmelzströmungen durchgeführt werden. Dazu werden die am IFW Dresden vorhandenen Techniken der Floating-Zone-Züchtung und der elektromagnetischen Levitation eingesetzt. Am Beispiel der Floating-Zone-Züchtung wird demonstriert, wie auf der Basis einer theoretisch-numerischen Analyse der prozeßbedingt im System vorhanden Strömungsarten (Marangoni, HF-Heizung, Auftrieb) eine optimierte und flexible Strömungskontrolle über ein zusätzliches Magnetsystem möglich ist.
Für die elektromagnetische Levitation werden Ergebnisse zur Strömung im Tropfen präsentiert, die sowohl für das Verständnis der Erstarrungsvorgänge als auch die Ermittlung thermophysikalischer Parameter aus derart prozessierten Proben wichtig sind.
Lecture (Conference)
Kick-Off-Meeting-Meeting zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1120: Phasenumwandlungen in mehrkomponentigen Schmelzen 30./31.10.2000, Bonn
Coexistence of single and double quantum vortex lines
Parts, Ü.; Avilov, V.; Koivuniemi, J. H.; Kopnin, N. B.; Krusius, M.; Ruohio, J. J.; Ruutu, V. M. H.
We discuss the configurations in which singly and doubly quantized vortex lines coexist in a rotating superfluid. General principles of energy minimization lead to the conclusion that in equilibrium the two vortex species segregate within a cylindrical vortex cluster in two coaxial domains where the singly quantized lines are in the outer annular region. This is confirmed with simulation calculations on descrete vortex lines. Experimentally the coexistence can be studied in rotating superfluid 3He-A. With cw NMR techniques we find the radial distrubution of the two vortex species to depend on how the cluster is prepared: (i) By cooling through Tc in rotation, coexistence in the minimum energy configuration is confirmed. (ii) A disordered agglomerate is formed of one starts with an equilibrium cluster of single quantum vortex lines and adds to it sequentially double quantum lines, by increasing the rotation velocity in the superfluid state. This proves that the energy barriers, which seperate different cluster configurations, are too high for metastabilities to anneal.
- Physical Review B, Vol. 62, No. 9, pp. 5865-5876, 1 September 2000-I
Structural peculiarities of metal alloy and multilayer films synthesized from the laser erosion plasma
Gorbunov, A.; Tselev, A.; Levin, A.; Mensch, A.; Meyer, D.; Noetzel, J.; Prokert, F.; Pompe, W.
Results of experimental investigations of thin films and multilayers of binary systems deposited by PLD at room temperature are presented. Poles of sputtering, implantation, rapid quenching, and solid state diffusion in microstructure formation of thin metal an alloy films synthesized prom pulsed erosion jets are considered. Examples of non-conventional microstructure (amorphization, pseudomorphism, superstructures) formation are given.
Keywords: PLD; thin films; ion beams; microstructure; amorphization; superstructure
Proc. SPIE -
Abstract in refereed journal
Laser-Assisted Microtechnology 2000, ed. by V. P. Veiko, Proc. SPIE 4157, 257-262 (2001) -
Contribution to external collection
Proc. SPIE
Ausnutzung der anomalen Streuung bei Reflektivitätsuntersuchungen an Fe-Cr-Doppelschichten mittels Synchrotronstrahlung
Prokert, F.; Gorbunov, A.; Schell, N.
Reflektometrieuntersuchung von Fe-Cr-Schichten, die durch Laserablation (PLD) auf einem oxidierten Si(100)-Wafer aufgebracht wurden, mittels Synchrotronstrahlung unter Ausnutzung der anomalen Streuung im Bereich der Fe- bzw.Cr-Absorptionskante. Bestimmung der Interfacebreiten (Sigma rms Rauigkeit) und der Rauigkeitsstruktur (laterale Korrelationslänge und Rauigkeitsexponent) der Fe/Cr-bzw.Cr/Fe-Doppelschichten durch Simulationsrechnungen mit dem Programmcode REFS ( Bede Scientific).
Keywords: Reflektivitätsuntersuchungen; Synchrotronstrahlung; anomale Streuung; Fe-Cr-Multischichten; Interfacerauigkeit
Abstract in refereed journal
Supplement Issue No. 18. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie -
Abstract in refereed journal
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) vom 12.-15. März 2001 in Bayreuth. (Oldenbourg Verl. München) Referate, S.100 Supplement No. 18 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
Winkelabhängige Mößbauerspektroskopie an Eisensilizid-Einkristallen
Reuther, H.
An Eisendisilizid-Einkristallen wurden winkelabhängige Mößbaueruntersuchungen durchgeführt.
Lecture (Conference)
X. Mößbauerkolloquium Freiberg, 4.-5.10.2000
Untersuchung von durch Ionenimplantation hergestellten dünnen Fe-Mg-Legierungsschichten
Reuther, H.; Betzl, M.; Richter, E.
Eisen und Magnesium sind über den gesamten Konzentrationsbereich nicht miteinander mischbar. Durch Ionenimplantation ist es jedoch möglich, dünne Legierungsschichten mit beiden Metallen herzustellen.
Bei der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden Eisenionen in Magnesium implantiert (Energie 200 keV, Dosis bis 1018 /cm²). Die Charakterisierung der so hergestellten Schichten erfolgte mittels Augerelektronen-Spektroskopie, Konversionselektronen-Mössbauerspektroskopie sowie Röntgendiffraktion. Es zeigte sich, dass durch die Implantation Eisenkonzentrationen von über 90 Atom-% erreicht werden konnten. Bei solchen hohen Konzentrationen waren die Schichten magnetisch, es entstand eine Schicht aus a-Eisen, in das Magnesium eingelagert war. Bei niedrigen Eisenkonzentrationen wurde das Eisen auf zwei unterschiedlichen Positionen im Magnesium eingelagert. Temperte man die Schichten bei Temperaturen bis 400 °C, schied sich das Eisen erwartungsgemäss aus
11. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, AOFA 11, Leipzig, 24.-28.9.2000
Tiefenselektive Phasenanalyse der Fe-Disilizid-Bildung in Fe-ionenimplantiertem Si mittels DCEMS
Walterfang, M.; Kruijer, S.; Keune, W.; Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.
Mittels DCEMS wurde eine tiefenselektive Phasenanalyse der Fe-Disilizid-Bildung in Fe-ionenimplantiertem Si durchgeführt.
Lecture (Conference)
Frühjahrstagung der DPG, Regensburg, 27.-31.3.2000
High Dose Nitrogen and Carbon Shallow Implantations in Silicon by PIII
Ueda, M.; Reuther, H.; Guenzel, R.; Beloto, A. F.; Abramof, E.; Berni, L. A.
Silicon was implanted with high doses of nitrogen and carbon Shallow by PIII.
Lecture (Conference)
Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 2000, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 3.-8.Sept.2000
Reciprocal Space Mapping of Silicon Implanted with Nitrogen and Carbon by PIII
Abramof, E.; Beloto, A. F.; Ueda, M.; Guenzel, R.; Reuther, H.
Reciprocal Space Mapping was performed on Silicon Implanted with Nitrogen and Carbon by
Lecture (Conference)
Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 2000, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 3.-8. Sept.2000
Porous Silicon Implanted with N by PIII
Beloto, A. F.; Ueda, M.; Abramof, E.; Senna, J. R.; Leite, N. F.; Silva, M. D.; Reuther, H.
Porous silicon was implanted with N by PIII.
Lecture (Conference)
Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 2000, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 3.-8. Sept.2000
Experimental Result of a DC Glow Discharge Source with Controlled Plasma Floating Potential for Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation
Berni, L. A.; Ueda, M.; Gomes, G. F.; Beloto, A. F.; Reuther, H.
In some PIII devices the sputtering of the surface under treatment is a problem to overcome.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (2000) 1592-1595
Depth analysis of buried iron disilicide formation by Fe ion implantation into Si
Walterfang, M.; Kruijer, S.; Keune, W.; Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.
200 keV Fe ions were implanted into Si(111) at 350 °C .
- Applied Physics Letters 76 (2000) 1413-1415
Plasma immersion ion implantation using a glow discharge source with controlled plasma potential
Ueda, M.; Gomes, G. F.; Berni, L. A.; Rossi, J. O.; Barroso, J. J.; Beloto, A. F.; Abramof, E.; Reuther, H.
A DC glow discharge plasma source was used in a PIII experiment.
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 161-163 (2000) 1064-1068
Analysis of X-ray rocking curves in (001) silicon crystals implanted with nitrogen by plasma immersion ion implantation
Abramof, E.; Beloto, A. F.; Ueda, M.; Gomes, G. F.; Berni, L. A.; Reuther, H.
High-resolution X-ray diffraction methods have been used to characterize nitrogen doped silicon obtained by PIII.
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 161-163 (2000) 1054-1057
High quality screen-printed and fired-through silicon nitride rear contacts for bifacial silicon solar cells
Lenkeit, B.; Steckemetz, S.; Mücklich, A.; Metz, A.; Hezel, R.
A simple industrially feasible screen printing process for bifacial silicon (Si) solar cells has been developed. The process sequence is based on co-firing of front and rear contacts through surface-passivating remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposited (RPECVD) silicon nitride (SiN) antireflection coatings. Due to the thermal stability of the RPECVD silicon nitride films the firing step results in an excellent front and rear surface passivation which is comparable to a high-efficiency process with vacuum-evaporated metal contacts. The proposed rear surface design is also well-suited for the improvement of the front efficiency of screen-printed monofacial Si solar cells presently produced by the photovoltaic industry. Special attention is paid to the optimisation of the rear efficiency as well as to the understanding of the mechanism of contact formation in the firing-through-SiN process.
Keywords: c-Si - 1: Bifacial - 2: Screen Printing - 3
Lecture (Conference)
Proc. 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1 - 5 May 2000 -
Contribution to proceedings
Proc. 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 1 - 5 May 2000
The Rossendorf broad-range magnetic spectrometer for high resolution RBS and NRA
Grötzschel, R.; Klein, C.; Kruse, O.
A simple magnetic spectrometer for high resolution RBS and NRA has been designed and installed at a dual beam facility, where both beams from a 3 MV Tandetron and a 500 kV implanter are available. The spectrometer is attached to an UHV scattering chamber with a precision 5 axes goniometer for channeling experiments. The spectrometer is described and details of the design are discussed.
Keywords: RBS; NRA; high resolution; magnetic spectrometer; focal surface detector
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 183 (2001) 3-9
Spectroscopic characterization of Uranium(VI) complexes with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans types
Merroun, M.; Reich, T.; Hennig, C.; Selenska-Pobell, S.
Uranium (VI) complexes formation at surfaces of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans types was studied using uranium LIII-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. In all samples the uranium is coordinated by two axial oxygen atoms (Oax) at distance of 1.77-1.78 Å. The distance between uranium and the equatorial oxygen atoms (Oeq) is 2.35 Å. To within the experimental error, there are no differences in the U-O bond distances between samples from the 3 types of A. ferrooxidans. The coordination number for Oeq is 5-6. The fit to the EXAFS data of samples measured as wet pastes gave the same results as for dried samples. No significant structural differences were observed for the uranium complexes formed by the eco-types of A. ferrooxidans. However, the EXAFS spectra are indicating formation of uranium complexes which are different from those formed by Bacilli. In addition, Time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) and Infrared spectroscopy (IR) were performed to obtain complementary information about the exact chemical structure of the uranium complexes formed on the surfaces of A. ferrooxidans types.
Fig:1. k3-weighted ULIII-edge EXAFS spectra (left) and the corresponding Fourrier transform (right) of uranyl complexes with A. ferrooxidans type.
7. International Summer School on Biophysics 14.9.-25.9.2000, Rovinj, Croatien
Intrauterine growth restriction induces upregulation of aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) in piglets
Brust, P.; Walter, B.; Bergmann, R.; Vorwieger, G.; El-Hallag, E.; Fritz, A.; Hinz, R.; Füchtner, F.; Steinbach, J.; Bauer, R.
INTRODUCTION: The importance of the intrauterine environment for the fetal brain development has been revealed by studies showing persistent behavioral abnormalities in prenatally stressed animals. Inadequate nutritional supply, mainly due to uteroplacental insufficiency or restricted maternal protein intake in the late gestation period, is mostly responsible for asymmetrical intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). The immature dopaminergic system appears to be sensitive for inadequate prenatal nutritional supply followed by IUGR in offsprings, because the dopamine content in brainstem of fetal IUGR guinea-pigs is increased despite an unchanged oxygen delivery and an altered dopamine release persisted in IUGR born rats after maternal protein malnutrition. This, is suggested to contribute to etiological factors of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder with prefrontal and nigrostriatal dysfunction. However, the effects of IUGR on regional in vivo brain dopamine metabolism have yet not been determined. Therefore, we estimated the AADC activity, the ultimate enzyme in dopamine synthesis, together with the regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), the brain tissue PO2 and the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) in newborn normal weight (NW) and IUGR piglets.
METHODS: PET studies using FDOPA as tracer were performed in two groups of ten anesthetized (0.5% isoflurane, 70% N2O, 30% O2), 2-5 days old NW and IUGR piglets [1]. Blood pressure, gases, glucose and lactate, EEG and ECG were monitored. PET scans (three planes, 35 frames between 30 and 600 s) began simultaneously with the FDOPA injection (30-50 Mbq). 49 arterial blood samples were taken and plasma activity was measured. Plasma metabolites of FDOPA were determined by HPLC in 9 samples (between 2 and 120 min p.i.). The blood-brain clearance K1
FDOPA, the clearance rate constant from brain k2FDOPA, the decarboxylation rate constant (k3
FDOPA) and a constant for the clearance pathway (kcl
FDA+acids) of F-dopamine metabolites were calculated using a compartment model which corrects for the blood-brain transfer of 3-O-methyl-FDOPA [2]. Additionally, the cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured with colored microspheres in both groups of animals [3].
RESULTS: In IUGR piglets the body weight was pronouncedly reduced (42% of NW group). Naturally occurring growth restriction in swine is asymmetrical with an increase in the mean ratio of brain weight to liver weight from 0.61±0.16 to 1.42±0.24 (P < 0.01). The reduction in brain weight was quite small (83 % of NW group). In contrast, the decrease in liver weight (35 % of NW group) was similar compared to that in body weight (42 % of NW group). All differences in organ weight were significant (P < 0.01). Physiological values measured for newborn NW and IUGR piglets were consistent with other data obtained from mildly anesthetized and artificially ventilated newborn piglets. The arterial blood pressure, the heart rate, and the arterial glucose content were mildly but significantly lower in IUGR piglets (P < 0.05). Other obtained physiological values such as the CMRO2, the brain tissue PO2, and the regional CBF were similar in NW and IUGR piglets. PET time curves of 18F activity accumulated in the striatum showed a distinctly higher tracer amount in IUGR piglets (P < 0.05). The regional transport of FDOPA to the brain indicated by K1
FDOPA and PSFDOPA, and the clearance rate of labelled metabolites from brain tissue (kcl
FDA+acids) were similar in both groups. However, the regional rate constants for backflux from the brain (k2
FDOPA) was markedly increased in IUGR piglets in the striatum (72%) and the frontal cortex (83%) (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the
Abstract in refereed journal
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 21(Suppl.1) (2001) S102 -
Lecture (Conference)
Brain 01, Taipei/Taiwan, 9.6.-13.6. 2001.
Behavior of gas bubbles in liquid metals
Eckert, S.
Due to significant differences in material properties such as density or
surface tension the behavior of gas bubbles reveals some pecularities in
liquid metal applications as compared with ordinary water flows. Moreover,
questions about the wetting of solid surfaces or the role of impurities which
have a minor importance in water systems show a more dominant influence in
metallic melts.
In this lecture some examples with respect to the bubble generation process,
the dispersion of gas bubbles or the momentum and heat transfer properties
of liquid metal bubbly flows will be presented.
The variety of standard measuring techniques to characterize liquid metal
flows is limited due to the nature of metallic melts. A selection of measuring
techniques will be discussed with respect to their capabilities and
restrictions in various applications.
An interesting point is the possibility to control liquid metal two-phase flows
by the application of external magnetic fields. Some examples will be presented
showing the influence of a stationary magnetic field on the generation of gas
bubbles, on the interfacial momentum transfer or on the turbulent dispersion
of gas bubbles.
Keywords: liquid metal two-phase flow; bubble injection; bubble motion; measuring techniques; magnetic fields
Lecture (others)
Lecture series 'Fluid Dynamics in Continous Casting', von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Brüssel, 23-27 April 2001
Das Rigaer Dynamo-Experiment
Gerbeth, G.; Stefani, F.; Gailitis, A.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.
Die Erzeugung eines Magnetfeldes allein durch die Strömung einer leitfähigen Schmelze wird von Astro- und Geophysik allgemein als Quelle kosmischer Magnetfelder akzeptiert. Dieser grundlegende physikalische Mechanismus wurde jedoch bis vor kurzem noch nie in einem Laborexperiment nachgewiesen. Am Institut für Physik Riga (Lettland) wurde in enger Kooperation mit der Abteilung MHD des Forschungszentrums Rossendorf seit etwa 6 Jahren ein solches Experiment aufgebaut, das im wesentlichen aus einer helikalen Strömung flüssigen Natriums besteht. Bei den Messungen im November 99 wurde erstmals der Effekt der Magnetfeldselbsterregung beobachtet: Bei maximaler Strömungsgeschwindigkeit wurde ein allmählich wachsendes Magnetfeld gemessen. Die charakteristischen Werte der gemessenen Magnetfeldsignale (Frequenz und Wachstumsrate) stimmen sehr gut mit den vorausberechneten überein. Weitere Messungen vom Juli 2000 bestätigten diese Ergebnisse und lieferten ein konsistentes Bild des Rigaer Dynamos: exponentielles Anwachsen des Magnetfeldes oberhalb der kritischen Strömungsrate, stabiles Magnetfeld auf Sättigungsniveaus im Bereich einiger Hundert Gauss, und axial veränderliche Sättigungsniveaus auf Grund der Rückwirkung der Lorentzkraft auf die Strömung
Lecture (Conference)
im Greifswalder Physikalischen Kolloquium, Greifswald, 19.10.2000
Stability of levitation of solid and liquid conducting spheres in high frequency electromagnetic field
Gelfgat, Y. M.; Mikelsons, A.; Romancuks, A.; Gerbeth, G.
Experimental results for the stability of electromagnetically levitated solid and liquid spheres are presented. It is shown that the stability is solely determined by the non-dimensional frequency as predicted by theory. Quantitative values are derived for the critical frequency threshold above which rotational or oscillatory motions of the levitated sample occur.
- Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol.36, No.2, 167-179, 2000
Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopic Studies on Chemically Modified and Unmodified Synthetic and Natural Humic Acids
Sachs, S.; Bubner, M.; Schmeide, K.; Choppin, G. R.; Heise, K. H.; Bernhard, G.
Carbon-13 cross-polarization magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-CP/MAS-NMR) was applied to study the chemical modification process of humic acids (HA) with diazomethane and the subsequent alkaline hydrolysis of the methylated HA, which results in HA with blocked phenolic OH groups. We investigated different chemically modified and unmodified natural and synthetic HA with carbon-13 of natural abundance. In addition, we studied carbon-13 labeled modified synthetic HA, that were synthesized with [13C]diazomethane as methylation reagent, to confirm the assumed modification process and to determine the type of functional groups that have the highest affinity for methylation.
The results of the NMR studies with carbon-13 labeled HA show that carboxyl and acidic (phenolic) OH groups are methylated with diazomethane. Due to the alkaline saponification of the methylated HA, methyl esters of carboxyl groups are hydrolyzed, whereas phenolic OH groups remain methylated. Carboxyl groups show the highest affinity for methylation.
From the spectra of the modified and unmodified HA with carbon-13 of natural abundance it can be concluded that the applied modification procedure causes only the desired structural changes in HA.
Keywords: Humic Acid; Modification; 13C-CP/MAS-NMR Spectroscopy; Carbon-13 Labeling
- Talanta, 57, 999-1009 (2002)
Synthese von Radiofluor-markiertem [18F]Perchlorylfluorid im pikomolaren Konzentrationsbereich
Jordanova, A.; Steinbach, J.
Die bildgebende Darstellung funktioneller Vorgänge im lebenden Organismus bei gleichzeitiger Möglichkeit ihrer Quantifizierung ist nur mittels der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie möglich. Dazu ist die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Radiotracern erforderlich, die mit Positronen emittierenden Radionukliden markiert sind. Das entsprechende Radionuklid mit den günstigsten kernphysikalischen Eigenschaften ist Fluor-18 (Halbwertszeit 110 min)[1]. Eine spezielle Aufgabenstellung ist die Darstellung von Rezeptorarealen, die nur in sehr niedrigen absoluten Stoffmengen vorliegen, weshalb auch der Radiotracer in sehr niedrigen Konzentrationen eingesetzt werden muss. Dementsprechend müssen Fluor-18 - markierte Verbindungen mit einer sehr hohen molaren Aktivität (spez. Aktivität) zum Einsatz kommen. Dies bedeutet ein sehr kleines Verhältnis zwischen den identischen fluorierten Molekülen, die mit nicht-radioaktivem Fluor und Fluor-18 versehen sind.
Anwendungsgebiete sind in der Nuklearmedizin und die Anwendung von deren Methoden in der Pharmakaentwicklung sowie biochemischen Grundlagenforschung.
Der Fluorierungsschritt, die Markierung mit Fluor-18, ist bei der Synthese solcher Radiotracer von besonderer Wichtigkeit.
Zunehmendes Interesse haben Verbindungen, bei denen das Fluoratom an elektrophile Gruppen gebunden ist. Die elektrophile Einführung von Fluor-18 in entsprechende Moleküle wurde bisher stets ausgehend von [18F]F2 durchgeführt, wobei die Zugabe einer großen Menge an nicht-radioaktivem Fluor (10...100 µmol F2) erforderlich ist.
Bei der Suche nach einer Alternative zur Verwendung elementaren Fluors bieten sich elektrophile Fluorierungsmittel an, die ausgehend von [18F]Fluorid ohne Zusatz von nicht-radioaktiven Fluoriden hergestellt werden müssen [2].
Perchlorylfluorid FclO3 ist die einzige elektrophile Verbindung, die z.Zt. ausgehend von Fluorid, d.h. ohne die Verwendung elementaren Fluors, hergestellt werden kann. Ausgehend von Literaturdaten wurde eine Synthese erarbeitet die es gestattet, [18F]FclO3 ohne Trägerzusatz in Stoffmengen von ca. 50 nmol bei einem hohem Radioaktivitätsniveau herzustellen. Ausgangsprodukt ist stets wässrige [18F]HF- Lösung.
Die Umsetzung erfolgt nach Entfernung des Wassers unter streng wasserfreien Bedingungen als Eintopf-Reaktion. Die wasserfreie HclO4 wird durch Destillation durch P4O10 gewonnen, die HF-Lösung mittels Oleum entwässert.
Vorgehensweise: Wasserfreie HclO4 wird in ein Gemisch von Oleum/[18F]HF aqu. eindestilliert. Nach kurzer Wartezeit wird das entstandene [18F]FclO3 (Gl.1) in eine Vorlage abdestilliert, in der sich eine Lösung eines metalliertern Präkursors (Carbanionen in Form von Na-diethylmalonsäurediethylester oder Phenyllithium) befindet. Durch die Umsetzung mit diesen Substanzen (Gl.2, Gl.3) erfolgt gleichzeitig der Nachweis des gebildeten [18F]FclO3 unter Nutzung der Radio-HPLC.
[18F]HF + HClO4 _ _ [18F]FClO3 (1)
[18F]FClO3 + NaCH(COOEt)2 _ [18F]FCH(COOEt)2 (2)
[18F]FClO3 + C6H5Li _ [18F]C6H5F (3)
Der mögliche Mechanismus wird diskutiert.
Die bisher erreichte radiochemische Ausbeute liegt bei 6 % (zerfallskorrigiert). Damit können erstmals elektrophile Radiofluorierungen mit Fluor-18 ohne Trägerzusatz vorgenommen werden.
[1] Yu-Shin Ding, J. Fluorine Chem.101(2000) 291-295
[2] J. Steinbach, Chr. Fischer, K. Neubert, B. Johannsen, XIIth International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry,
Uppsala, Sweden, June 15-19, 1997, Abstracts S. 14-16
Lecture (Conference)
Deutsche Fluortage, Schmitten/Taunus, 24.-27.09.2000
Phase transformations in nitrogen implanted iron layers
Jagielski, J.; Kopcewicz, J.; Matz, W.; Grötzschel, R.; Thomé, L.
It has been found that phase transformations in implanted iron may strongly depend on the sample thickness. The effect essentially relies on lower impurity concentration required for given phase formation in thin films when compared with thick layers or bulk samples and most likely should be attributed to the stress formed during layer deposition. The phase transformation in thin films is also more complete, for example full transformation of thin iron layers into iron nitrides was observed, whereas in thick and bulk samples about 20 % of Fe atoms in implanted layer remain in crystalline alpha-Fe phase.
Lecture (Conference)
IBMM 2000 conference, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2-6 September 2000 - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 175-177 (2001) 448-452
Influence of thermal treatment and cyclic plastic deformation on the defect structure in ultrafine-grained nickel
Thiele, E.; Bretschneider, B.; Hollang, L.; Schell, N.; Holste, C.
Ultrafine-grained (UFG) high purity nickel samples produced by equichannel angular pressing were submitted to thermal treatment and cyclic plastic deformation at different temperatures in order to investigate the stability of the defect structure. After annealing recrystallization already occurs in a temperature range between 425K - 475K. Impurities increase the recrystallization temperature. At room temperature cyclic plastic deformation induces a coarsening of grains and subgrains and at 425K a dynamic recrystallization. Additionally , the mean volume expansion, long-range and short-range internal strains, investigated by synchrotron radiation diffraction for the UFG deformation stage are diminished in consequence of cyclic plastic deformation.
Keywords: ultrafine-grained nickel; synchrotron X-ray diffraction; diffraction profile analysis; internal strains and stresses
Contribution to HZDR-Annual report
Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic Deformation, Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, T.C. Lowe and R.Z. Valiev (eds.), Moscow, 2-6 August 1999; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 173-178.
Kalorimetrische und FTIR-Untersuchungen zur sicheren Betriebsführung einer Grignardreaktion
Hessel, G.; Hulzer, G.; Kryk, H.; Schmitt, W.
Für die Bewertung des Gefahrenpotentials bei der Herstellung von Grignard-Reagenzien sind neben der sehr hohen Exothermie der Grignard-Reaktionen vor allem deren spontanes Startverhalten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Um Störfälle in industriellen Chemieanlagen zu vermeiden, darf ein Reaktionsstart nicht mehr bei einer hohen Akkumulation des Arylhalogenids erfolgen. Zu diesem Zweck werden die reaktions-technischen Parameter des Startprozesses am Beispiel einer häufig industriell angewendeten Grignard-Reaktion in einem geschlossenen Reaktionskalorimeter untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass neben online-FTIR-Konzentrationsmessungen auch der Anstieg der Reaktortemperatur und des Druckes zur Überwachung des Startens der Grignard-Reaktion genutzt werden können.
5. Fachtagung "Anlagen-, Arbeits- und Umweltsicherheit", Köthen 9./10. Nov. 2000, S. 347-352 -
Contribution to proceedings
5. Fachtagung "Anlagen-, Arbeits- und Umweltsicherheit", Köthen 9./10. Nov. 2000, S. 347-352
Investigations on exothermic semi-batch reactions as a basis of the prevention of dangerous operating states
Kryk, H.; Hessel, G.; Schmitt, W.; Seiler, T.; Willms, T.
The aim of the presentation is to give an overview of the equipment and the experimental activities of the Dep. of Experimental Fluid Dynamics relating to the investigations on exothermic chemical processes.
The experimental equipment consists of several reaction calorimeters, analytical instruments and a modular computer controlled miniplant.
With the help of this equipment a number of processes were investigated on the basis of industrial contracts and research projects.
The research results are presented with two examples:
- the calorimetric investigations of the formation of Grignard reagents
- the characterization of reaction pathways and process kinetics of the catalytic hydrogenation process of a special nitroaromatic compound.
Lecture (Conference)
Fall 2000 DIERS Users Group meeting, October 16-18, 2000,Brookline (Boston), MA, USA
Verifikation des ATHLET-Rechenprogrammes anhand der Nachanalyse zweier Experimente an der CCTF-Versuchsanlage
Krepper, E.; Schäfer, F.
Im Rahmen der externen Validierung des von der Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit entwickelten Störfallcodes ATHLET, der in der Version Mod 1.2 Cycle C vorlag, wurden zwei Experimente nachgerechnet und analysiert, die an der japanischen Versuchsanlage CCTF durchgeführt wurden.
Die Versuchsanlage CCTF ist ein 1:25 volumenskaliertes Modell eines 1000 MW Druckwasserreaktors. Bei den Experimenten handelt es sich um die Versuche C2-04/62 und C2-19/79, in denen jeweils ein 2F-Bruch im kalten Strang mit kaltseitiger bzw. kombinierter Notkühleinspeisung simuliert wurde. Die Versuchsanlage wurde so ausgelegt, daß die Wiederfüll- bzw. Wiederflutphase bei Druckwasserreaktor-Störfällen mit großem Leck simuliert werden kann.
Die Auswertung der Rechnungen zeigt, daß die wesentlichen Phänomene im Verlauf der Transiente gut wiedergegeben werden. Das betrifft vor allem das zeitliche Verhalten der Wiederbenetzungsfront und die damit verbundene Kühlung der Brennelemente. Wie eine Analyse der experimentellen Daten zeigt, spielen im Reaktorkern radiale Effekte eine wesentliche Rolle. In der CCTF Anlage wird sowohl eine axiale als auch eine radiale Leistungsverteilung im Kern simuliert. Radiale Effekte treten insbesondere bei der kombinierten Notkühleinspeisung auf. Hier wird die Einspeisung über das Obere Plenum durch den in Gegenrichtung strömenden Dampf teilweise behindert. Die Wiederbenetzungsfront schreitet in den Randbereichen schneller voran als im Zentrum. Dieses Verhalten wurde in den ATHLET-Rechnungen durch eine Zweikanal-Modellierung des Reaktorkerns nachgebildet. Die Ergebnisse der ATHLET Rechnungen zeigen sowohl für das Zentrum als auch für die Randbereiche des Kerns eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Daten.
Die Schwachstellen der Rechnungen liegen vor allem bei der Notkühleinspeisung in der Anfangsphase der Transiente. Hier wird kaltes Notkühlwasser in Volumina mit reinem Dampf eingespeist. Die Rechnungen liefern dabei zu hohe Kondensationsraten, welche mit einer unrealistischen Druckabsenkung verbunden sind. Desweiteren wird der Druckaufbau durch die Verdampfung beim Wiederbenetzen der Brennelemente offensichtlich unterschätzt.
Die Ergebnisse der Rechnungen zeigen darüberhinaus, daß die sicherheitsrelevanten Aussagen der Experimente durch den Code ATHLET reproduziert werden.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-315 März 2001
ISSN: 1437-322X
Mass separated Focused Ion Beams using alloy Liquid Metal Ion Sources
Bischoff, L.; Akhmadaliev, C.; Teichert, J.
An overview of the research activities of the FIB group in the Research Centre
Rossendorf is given. More in detail the fabrication technology of alloy LMIS as well
as their characterization is discussed. The FIB system IMSA-100 is briefly
introduced and typical applications are presented: writing implantation of Co ions
into a heated Si target in order to create maskless sub-micron CoSi2 structures,
bombardment of semiconductor materials with different ions in a wide range of
current density, dose and temperature allows to study the damage creation and
dynamic annealing process.
Keywords: Focused Ion Beam; Alloy Liquid Metal Ion Source; Mass Separation
Lecture (Conference)
4th European FIB Users Group Meeting (EFUG2000), October 2 , 2000, Dresden, Germany
Linearization approaches in VGF models: decoupling global radiation transfer and the Stefan problem
Grants, I.; Gerbeth, G.; Pätzold, O.; Wunderwald, U.; Jenkner, K.
Simplified theoretical models are presented for the highly coupled phenomena of heat transfer, convection and solidification during VGF crystal growth. The models are essential in order to inverse the general approach: optimal conditions at the solidification front can be translated into temperature conditions at the heaters and the corresponding heater regimes. The Stefan problem of the unknown geometry of the solidification front is solved in a simplified analytical way in good approximation with the full numerical solution.
Lecture (Conference)
DGKK-Jahrestagung, Freiberg, 11-12.10.2000
Magnetic field self-excitation in the Riga dynamo experiment
Gerbeth, G.; Stefani, F.; Gailitis, A.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.
The theory of magnetic field generation in cosmic bodies due to the homogeneous dynamo effect has been widely elaborated during the last decades. However, an experimental verification of this effect was still missing until recently. At the Riga dynamo facility, self-excitation of a magnetic field in a liquid metal flow has been observed for the first time in November 1999. For increasing rotation rate of the driving propeller, the amplification of an applied magnetic field has been measured. At the highest rotation rate of 2150 rpm, an exponentially increasing 1.3 Hz signal has been detected on the background of the amplified 1 Hz signal. Additionally, after switching off the excitation current at a slightly lower rotation rate, a slowly decreasing eigenmode was observed. The results are shown to correspond convincingly with numerical predictions.
Lecture (Conference)
ICTAM 2000, 20th Int. Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, USA, 27.8.-2.9.2000
Cathodic arc deposition of nanoscale multilayers: experiments and computer simulations
Chun, S. Y.; Chayahara, A.; Horino, Y.; Posselt, M.; Möller, W.
Informations can be requested. Email:
12th International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Canela, Brazil, September 3-8, 2000
Untersuchung der Kühlmittelvermischung in Druckwasserreaktoren
Höhne, T.
Ein wichtiges Thema der Sicherheitsforschung zum Störfallverhalten von Druckwasserreaktoren sind Reaktivitätsstörfälle. Beispiele für solche Transienten sind Lecks im Frischdampfsystem und Borverdünnungstransienten. Wenn zu kaltes Wasser oder Wasser mit einer zu geringen Borkonzentration in den Reaktorkern gelangt, kann es zu einem so hohen Reaktivitätseintrag kommen, dass der abgeschaltete unterkritische Reaktor wieder kritisch wird. Einerseits kann es bei einem Leck auf der Dampferzeuger-Sekundärseite zu einer Unterkühlung des Kühlwassers auf der Primärseite in dem entsprechenden Loop kommen. Die Unterkühlung kann bis zu 100 K gegenüber der normalen Kereintrittstemperatur betragen. Andererseits besteht die Möglichkeit, dass sich bei einem kleinen bis mittleren Leck im Primärkreis bei teilweisen Ausfall der HD-Notkühlung und Reflux-Condenser-Bedingungen Kondensat in den Dampferzeuger-Kollektoren und den Pumpenbögen ansammelt. Nach dem Wiederauffüllen des Kreislaufes und Anlauf der Kühlmittelzirkulation würde unterboriertes Wasser in den Kern gelangen. Ob der zuvor abgeschaltete Reaktor wieder kritisch wird und wie hoch die Leistungsspitze dabei ist, hängt davon ab, wie weit sich das kalte oder zu schwach borierte Wasser auf dem Wege von den Kühlschleifen durch den Ringraum und das untere Plenum zum Reaktorkern mit dem heißeren und hochborierten Kühlmittel im Reaktor vermischt. Aus diesem Grunde werden an der ROCOM-Versuchsanlage im Institut für Sicherheitsforschung des FZR generische Vermischungsuntersuchungen durchgeführt. Sie dienen vorrangig der Validierung von CFD-Berechungen zur Simulation der verschiedenen Vermischungsszenarien.
- atw 12, S. 774-775
Doubly-charged ions from liquid metal ion sources: direct field-evaporation or post-ionization
Mair, G. L. R.; Ganetsos, T.; Bischoff, L.; Teichert, J.
We investigate the temperature dependence of the mass spectrum of the ion beam emitted by an Au77Ge14Si9 liquid metal alloy ion source. Our results strongly point towards the co-existance of two mechanisms for the emission of doubly-charged monomer ions: direct field evaporation and post-ionization.
Keywords: liquid metal alloy ion source; mass spectra; emission mechanism; field evaporation post-ionization
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics; 33 (2000) L86 - L89
Defects remaining in Si after MeV ion implantation and annealing away from the peak of the nuclear energy deposition profile
Kögler, R.; Skorupa, W.; Yankov, R. A.; Posselt, M.; Danilin, A. B.
Informations can be requested. Email:
Contribution to external collection
Proc. 1998 Int. Conf. on Ion Implantation Technology, Kyoto, Japan, June 22-26, 1998, eds.: J. Matsuo, G. Takaoka, Y. Yamada; IEEE, Piscataway, USA, 1998, IEEE Publications 98EX144, p. 1117
Defect production and evolution during and after ion implantation studied by a combination of time-ordered BCA and MD simulations
Posselt, M.
Informations can be requested. Email:
Contribution to external collection
Proc. 1998 Int. Conf. on Ion Implantation Technology, Kyoto, Japan, June 22-26, 1998, eds.: J. Matsuo, G. Takaoka, Y. Yamada; IEEE, Piscataway, USA, 1998, IEEE Publications 98EX144, p. 678
Atomistic simulation of ion implantation into different polytypes of SiC
Ster, A.; Posselt, M.; Hallen, A.; Janson, M.
Informations can be requested. Email:
13th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, Alpbach, Austria, September 17-22, 2000 -
Contribution to external collection
Proc. 2000 Int. Conf. on Ion Implantation Technology, Alpbach, Austria, September 17 -22, eds.: H. Ryssel, L. Frey, J. Gyulai, H. Glawischnig, IEEE, Piscataway, USA, 2000, IEEE Publications 00EX432, p. 220
Development and calibration of physical models for processes relevant to deep submicron technologies
Erlebach, A.; Benistant, F.; Krause, U.; Matveev, D.; Strecker, N.; Meniailenko, V.; Mickevicius, R.; Simeonov, S.; Al-Bayati, A.; Tandon, S.; Gallo, B.; Foad, M. A.; Ng, B.; Trowbridge, T.; Posselt, M.
Informations can be requested. Email:
Lecture (Conference)
13th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, Alpbach, Austria, September 17-22, 2000
Application of indium ion implantation for halo doping: experimental and simulation results for advanced CMOS devices
Variam, N.; Jeong, U.; Falk, S.; Mehta, S.; Posselt, M.; Feudel, T.; Horstmann, M.; Krüger, C.; Ng, C.-H.
Informations can be requested. Email:
Lecture (Conference)
13th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, Alpbach, Austria, September 17-22, 2000 -
Contribution to external collection
Proc. 2000 Int. Conf. on Ion Implantation Technology, Alpbach, Austria, September 17 -22, eds.: H. Ryssel, L. Frey, J. Gyulai, H. Glawischnig, IEEE, Piscataway, USA, 2000, IEEE Publications 00EX432, p. 42
Defect formation and evolution in Si within the first nanosecond after ion impact
Posselt, M.
Informations can be requested. Email:
Invited lecture (Conferences)
5th International Conference on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, Penn State University, State College, USA, July 24-28, 2000 (invited talk)
Magnetic Field Saturation in the Riga Dynamo Experiment
Gailitis, A.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.; Dement'Ev, S.; Cifersons, A.; Gerbeth, G.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.; Christen, M.; Will, G.
After the dynamo experiment in November 1999 had shown magnetic field self-excitation in a spiraling liquid metal flow, in a second series of experiments emphasis was placed on the magnetic field saturation regime. The dependence of the strength of the magnetic field on the rotation rate is studied. Various features of the saturated magnetic field are outlined and possible saturation mechanisms are discussed.
- Physical Review Letters 86 (2001) 3024-3027
MBE-grown GaAs/AlGaAs and strained InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs quantum cascade lasers
Strasser, G.; Gianordoli, S.; Schrenk, W.; Gornik, E.; Mücklich, A.; Helm, M.
We demonstrate the realization of a quantum cascade laser (QCL) based on strained InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs grown on GaAs substrate using molecular beam epitaxy. The material is compared to a GaAs/AlGaAs structure with nominally identical radiative transitions. Lasing at 10 microns was achieved in the strained and the unstrained material. The strained material shows an improved temperature performance with a T0=112K between 125 K and 200 K and a maximum working temperature of T=200 K.
Keywords: quantum cascade laser; infrared laser; unipolar laser; intersubband laser; strained InGaAs
- Journal of Crystal Growth 227-228 (2001) 197-201
RES3T-Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics
Brendler, V.; Arnold, T.; Bernhard, G.; Fanghänel, T.
This paper presents a digitized version of a thermodynamic sorption database, implemented as a relational database with MS Access. It is mineral-specific and can therefore also be used for additive models of more complex solid phases such as rocks or soils. An integrated user interface helps users to access selected mineral and sorption data, to extract internally consistent data sets for sorption modeling, and to export them into formats suitable for other modeling software. Data records comprise of mineral properties, specific surface area values, characteristics of surface binding sites and their protolysis, sorption ligand information, and surface complexation reactions. An extensive bibliography is also included, providing links not only to the above listed data items, but also to background information concerning surface complexation model theories, surface species evidence, and sorption experiment techniques.
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (2003)61, 281-291
A Study of Positron Properties in Quartz Crystals and Synthetic Silica Glass
Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Hasegawa, M.; Dersch, O.; Rauch, F.
The monoenergetic positron beamline SPONSOR' at Rossendorf has been used to investigate the positron behaviour in a naturally grown Brasilian quartz, two synthetic quartz crystals of different origin, and synthetic silica glass. The measurements allow to obtain the positron diffusion length of free positrons and Bloch para-positronium (p-Ps), if formed, in these materials.
In addition, hydrothermal treatment of a synthetic quartz has been used to introduce hydrogen into the crystal up to a certain depth. The presence of hydrogen is found to influence the formation of p-Ps. The depth distribution of hydrogen has been measured independently by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), and will be discussed in comparison with the depth results deduced from the positron studies.
- Acta Physica Polonica A 99 (2001) 321-328
Lecture (Conference)
32nd Polish Seminar on PositronAnnihilation, Jarnoltowek, Poland, September 18-22, 2000
Nutzung der Rauschdiagnostik für Nachweis und Überwachung der Schwingungen von Reaktordruckbehältereinbauten und zur Aufklärung ihrer Ursachen in ostdeutschen Kernkraftwerken mit WWER-440/230-Reaktoren der russischen Baureihe
Schumann, P.
Im vorliegenden Bericht werden Anwendung und Ergebnisse rauschdiagnostischer Untersuchungen von Schwingungen, die zu Beschädigungen der Einbauten des Reaktordruckgefäßes geführt haben, im Detail beschrieben. Sie waren in den Jahren 1975 bzw. 1985 an den WWER-440/230-Reaktoren der russischen Baureihe der Blöcke 1 und 2 des Kernkraftwerkes Greifswald aufgetreten. Der Bericht enthält die wesentlichen Angaben zum Betriebsverhalten während des gestörten Betriebes, die Inspektionsergebnisse, die charakteristischen experimentellen Befunde unter Verwendung rauschdiagnostischer Analysemethoden, die physikalische Aufklärung des Schwingungsprozesses und seiner Ursachen durch spezielle Untersuchungen sowie einige Empfehlungen zur Schwingungsüberwachung und -minimierung.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, FZR-304 Oktober 2000
ISSN: 1437-322X
Improvement of the High Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of TiAl Alloy by Cl Implantation using PIII
Hornauer, U.; Günzel, R.; Richter, E.; Wieser, E.; Möller, W.; Schumacher, G.; Dettenwanger, F.; Schütze, M.
The intermetallic compound TiAl is very interesting for high temperature application due to its high temperature strength and low density. Above 700 °C, the use in e.g. aircraft engines is hindered because of a low oxidation resistance. Even though the compound contains 50at% Al, this is not sufficient to form a protective Al2O3 scale. Instead, a mixed oxide scale composed of TiO2 and Al2O3 is formed. Extended alloy development has shown, that additional elements which are beneficial for the oxidation often have a bad influence on the mechanical bulk properties. Cl doping has a strong effect even in very low concentrations of about 500 ppm ("Microalloy"). Ion Implantation of 1016 Cl/cm2 protects TiAl at 900 °C for up to 1000 h against oxidation in a wide range of implantation energies.
In order to apply this effect for complicated shaped parts, the high temperature oxidation behavior after plasma immersion ion implantation of chlorine into different TiAl alloys was investigated. A specialized chamber has been setup up for the strongly etching Cl plasma. Particularly with regard to contaminations, the chamber and the RF- antenna had to be made from aluminum. Since it is known that the Cl effect in TiAl requires a well defined Cl concentration, a variation of the implantation parameters has been performed. The resulting depth profiles of Cl are investigated using depth profiling with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). After treatment (3*105 to 3*106 30 kV pulses of 5µs at a repetition rate from 150 Hz to 1500 Hz), the Cl is located close to the surface. The process is governed by the interplay between etching and implanting during the HV pulses. Therefore the retained dose depends mainly on the temperature during implantation, which is controlled by the repetition rate of the pulses. Oxidation tests at 900°C in air for 100 h showed a strong reduction of the oxidation, which are comparable to conventional beam line im-plantations of Cl.
Lecture (Conference)
PSE 2000, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, 17-21.9.2000
Bewertung der Genauigkeit eines Gittersensors zur Visualisierung einer Zweiphasenströmung durch Vergleich mit optischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnahmen
Scholz, D.
In der Energie- und der Verfahrenstechnik spielen Zweiphasenströmungen eine wichtige Rolle. Sie treten in Rohrleitungen und Apparaten auf, und beeinflussen dort chemische Reaktionen, sowie Wärme- und Stoffübergänge. Um die komplexen Vorgänge in den Zweiphasenströmungen modellieren zu können, bedarf es der Ergebnisse umfangreicher Experimente. Zur Ermittlung der charakterisierenden Parameter einer Zweiphasenströmung, wie die Phasenverteilung und die Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten, ist eine Messtechnik notwendig, die eine räumlich und zeitlich hochaufgelöste Visualisierung der Strömung ermöglicht. Für diese Aufgabe eignen sich bspw. konduktive Messverfahren.
Im Institut für Sicherheitsforschung des FZ Rossendorf wurde in den vergangenen Jahren ein Gittersensor zur Untersuchung von Zweiphasenströmungen entwickelt. Dieser basiert auf der Messung der momentanen lokalen elektrischen Leitfähigkeit des Zweiphasengemischs. Er ermöglicht eine hochaufgelöste Visualisierung der Strömung. Bei einer Reihe unterschiedlicher Experimente wurde die Anwendbarkeit des Gittersensors zur Ermittlung der Phasenverteilung in einer Zweiphasenströmung nachgewiesen.
In dieser Arbeit soll die Genauigkeit des Gittersensors bei der Ermittlung von Blasengrößen untersucht werden. Dafür wurde ein Plexiglaskanal angefertigt, in den die Elektroden des Sensors direkt eingebaut wurden. Da es nicht möglich war, für einen Vergleich in der Kanalströmung einzelne Blasen mit einem definierten Volumen zu erzeugen, wurde die Bewegung der Blasen in diesem Kanal mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Videoeinrichtung erfasst. Mit beiden Verfahren wurden synchron Messungen bei unterschiedlichen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten und mit verschiedenen Blasenvolumen durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe von Rechnerprogrammen wurden aus den Kamerabildern die Durchmesser der Blasen bestimmt und daraus die Volumen berechnet. Damit konnten die ermittelten Blasenvolumen des Gittersensors mit denen der Kameraaufnahmen verglichen werden. Dieser Vergleich ließ qualitative und teilweise quantitative Aussagen über die Genauigkeit des Gittersensors zu.
Keywords: Gittersensor; Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnahmen
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-300 September 2000
ISSN: 1437-322X
Experimental Investigations on the Four-Loop Test Facility ROCOM
Höhne, T.; Grunwald, G.; Prasser, H.-M.
For the analysis of the core behaviour during boron dilution transients and main steam line breaks, coupled neutron kinetic / thermal hydraulic codes are necessary. These codes (e.g. DYN3D-ATHLET) must contain models of the coolant mixing on its way from the inlet noz-zles to the core entrance, because the reactivity insertion strongly depends on the distribution of temperature and boron concentration at the core inlet. The coolant mixing mainly happens in the three-dimensional flow field inside the complex geometry of the downcomer and lower plenum. The modelling of coolant mixing was carried out by detailed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations with the code CFX 4.3. For the validation of the computational results, the ROCOM test facility was built, a fluid dynamic 1:5 scaled model of the Konvoi reactor. The reactor vessel is made of Plexiglas for flow visualisation and LDA measure-ments. The use of a system of wire-mesh sensors allows to measure salt concentrations at over 1000 locations with a maximum time resolution of 200 Hz. In case of stationary coolant flow in all loops a disturbance of boron concentration or temperature is transferred to a sector of the core inlet plane, which corresponds to the location of the inlet nozzle. A short plug of boron diluted water experiences a better mixing: due to the vortices in the downcomer different por-tions of the disturbance are transported with different velocities. This causes a dispersion of the front and the end of the plug (axial mixing). Further, experiments and calculations are go-ing on to investigate mixing under transient conditions (start of circulation).
- Kerntechnik 65/5-6, S. 212-215
Surface Processes and Diffusion Mechanisms of Ion Nitriding of Stainless Steel and Aluminium
Möller, W.; Parascandola, S.; Telbizova, T.; Günzel, R.; Richter, E.
Model experiments with low-energy ions under controlled vacuum conditions have been performed in order to identify the surface processes and the diffusion mechanism associated with the nitrogen transport during ion nitriding of stainless steel 316 and pure aluminium. A necessary condition for an efficient nitriding is the transmission of the implanted ions through a surface oxide layer which results from a balance of ion sputtering and re-oxidation from the residual gas. For ion energies around 1 keV and ion current densities around 0.2 mA/cm2, oxygen partial pressures of less than about 3A10-6 mbar and 3A10-7 mbar are required for stainless steel and aluminium, respectively. Diffusion under the influence of traps controls the transport of nitrogen in stainless steel, with dynamic trapping at the Cr atoms of the alloy. In contrast, stoichiometric AlN grows on aluminium due to Al diffusion from the underlying bulk. From the surface and diffusion mechanisms, limitations of plasma nitriding and plasma immersion ion nitriding are derived, and the implications for industrial applications are discussed.
Keywords: Nitriding; Ion Implantation; Diffusion; Plasma Immersion; Wear Reduction
- Surface and Coatings Technology 136 (2001) 73 - 79
Synthesis and characterization of novel trigonal-bipyramidal technetium(III) mixed-ligand complexes with SES/S/P coordination (E = O, N(CH3), S)
Pietzsch, H.-J.; Tisato, F.; Refosco, F.; Leibnitz, P.; Drews, A.; Seifert, S.; Spies, H.
Five-coordinate oxotechnetium(V) mixed-ligand complexes [TcO(SES)(S-p-C6H4-OMe)], where SES is a tridentate dithiolato fragment of the type -S(CH2)2E(CH2)2S- (E = O, 1; E = S, 2; E = NMe, 3) are converted via reduction-substitution reactions in the presence of PMe2Ph into the corresponding five-coordinate Tc(III) complexes [Tc(SES)(S-p-C6H4-OMe)(PMe2Ph)] (E = O, 4; E = S, 5; E = NMe, 6). Rearrangement of the original square pyramidal '3 + 1' oxo-species to the trigonal bipyramidal '3+1+1' Tc(III) complexes occurs by placing the three thiolate donors on the basal plane, the phosphine phosphorus and the heteroatom of the tridentate ligand at the apexes of the bipyramid. These Tc(III) complexes are diamagnetic species, thereby allowing multinuclear NMR characterization in solution, which confirm their structures to be identical to those observed in the solid state via X-ray determinations.
Keywords: Oxotechnetium(V) complexes; Tc(III) mixed ligand complexes; NMR spectroscopy; cyclic voltammetry; X-ray structural analysis
- Inorg. Chem. 40 (2001), 40, 59-64
Transport of choline and carnitine at the blood-brain barrier in vitro
Friedrich, A.; Ganapathy, V.; Brust, P.
Choline is the metabolic precursor of neurotransmitter acetylcholine and of the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylcholine. This amine is not synthesized by the brain and is therefore taken up from the blood. It is transported by a specific transport system which is much less characterized than the transporter for glucose and amino acids. Carnitine which is important for the intracellular transport of fatty acids has been found to inhibit the choline transport. On the other hand specific transporters for carnitine are known (OCTN1, OCTN2) which have not been described at the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) up to know. Therefore we have studied the transport of the two amines at an in vitro model of the BBB. In this study, we have demonstrated that at least two different transport systems for choline and carnitine are functionally expressed.
The RBE4 cell line was used as an in-vitro model of the BBB and it has been shown that these cells express typical BBB markers such as gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase(1). Tracer uptake studies were performed in 24 multi-well plates using buffers containing either 25 mM Tris/Hepes (pH 8.5 for choline uptake) or 25 mM Hepes/Tris (pH 7.5 for carnitine uptake), supplemented with 0.5% albumin, 5 mM glucose, 5.4 mM KCl, 1,8 mM CaCl2, 0.8 mM MgSO4 and 140 mM NaCl. Whenever Na+-free buffers were used, NMDG chloride replaced NaCl isoosmotically. Cells were washed before starting the uptake and then incubated at room temperature (choline uptake) or 37°C (carnitine uptake) with radiolabeled substrates added to the incubation buffer. Km values and Vmax values were calculated from the uptake data. Specific inhibitors of the transporters were added to the incubation buffer to study the specificity of the process.
An RBE4 cell cDNA library was constructed using the Superscript plasmid system. This plasmid cDNA library, grown on NitroPure transfer membranes, was screened by the colony screening method as described by Vogeli and Kaytes (2). The cDNA probe used for screening was 2.1 kb pair long and consisted of most of the coding region of rOCTN2 cDNA. The probe was labeled with [alpha-32P]dCTP using the ready-to-go oligolabeling kit, and used to screen the RBE4 cDNA library under low stringency conditions. The cDNA was functionally expressed in HeLa cells by vaccinia virus expression system (3). Transport measurements were made at room temperature using the same uptake buffer as described above without albumin.
The RBE4 cells express a Na+-independent choline transporter. Hemicholinium, an inhibitor for the Na+-dependent choline transporter, also inhibits the choline uptake found in these cells while tetraethylammonium (TEA) does not. The uptake of choline is saturable with a Km value of 22 µM and a Vmax of 515 pmol/(mg protein * 10 min).
We also isolated a full-length OCTN2 clone from the RBE4 cDNA library. HeLa cells transfected with this clone express Na+-independent TEA uptake and Na+-dependent carnitine uptake. These transfected cells also take up fatty acid esters of carnitine like propionylcarnitine and acetylcarnitine. The Km value for the carnitine uptake at 37°C in RBE4 cells is about 50 µM. Specific inhibitors for the OCTN2 transporter (MPP+ and TEA) inhibit the carnitine uptake in RBE4 cells.
In summary, we have found two separate transporters for choline and carnitine are expressed in the RBE4 cells. While the choline transporter is expected to supply the brain with choline for neurotransmitter synthesis OCTN2 is described as an carnitine carrier which also transports short fatty acids as carnitine esters through the cell membrane. The expression of OCTN2 at the BBB may help to understand the way of supplying the brain with acetyl groups for the synthesis of acetylcholine ...
Symposium Signal Transduction in the Blood-Brain Barrier, Potsdam, 22.-24.9.2000
Influence of the bubble size distribution on radial gas fraction profiles in vertical pipe flow
Lucas, D.; Krepper, E.; Prasser, H.-M.
The paper presents a method for the prediction of the radial gas fraction profile in vertical pipe flow for a given bubble size distribution. A large number of bubble classes is considered. An equilibrium of the forces acting on a bubble perpendicular to the flow direction is assumed. On basis of the radial profile of the liquid velocity, radial distributions of the volume fraction are calculated separately for all bubble classes according to a given bubble size distribution. The sum of these distributions is the radial profile of the gas fraction. It again influences the liquid velocity. The final solution is obtained by an iteration process, which consideres the feedback between the gas fraction profile and the profile of the liquid velocity. The model is the basis of a fast running one-dimensional steady state computer code. The results of the model are compared with experimental data for a number of gas and liquid volume flow rates.
Keywords: Two-phase flow; Flow regime; Bubble flow
Lecture (Conference)
Second Japanese-European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, September 25-29, 2000, Proceedings on CD-ROM: K-2.pdf -
Contribution to proceedings
Second Japanese-European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, September 25-29, 2000, Proceedings on CD-ROM: K-2.pdf
Fast wire-mesh sensors for gas-liquid flows and decomposition of gas fraction profiles according to bubble size classes
Prasser, H.-M.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D.
The wire-mesh sensor developed by the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf produces sequences of instantaneous gas fraction distributions in a cross section with a time resolution of 1200 frames per second and a spatial resolution of about 2-3 mm. At moderate flow velocities (up to 1-2 m/s), bubble size distributions can be obtained, since each individual bubble is mapped in several successive distributions. The method was used to study the evolution of the bubble size distribution in a vertical two-phase flow. For this purpose, the sensor was placed downstream of an air injector, the distance between air injection and sensor was varied. The bubble identification algorithm allows to select bubbles of a given range of effective diameter and to calculate partial gas fraction profiles for this diameter range. In this way, the different behaviour of small and large bubbles in respect to the action of the lift force was observed in a realistic flow situation.
Keywords: two-phase flow; wire-mesh sensor; gas fraction; bubble size; gas fraction profiles
Lecture (Conference)
Second Japanese-European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, September 25-29, 2000, proceedings on CD-ROM: D-3.pdf -
Contribution to proceedings
Second Japanese-European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, September 25-29, 2000, proceedings on CD-ROM: D-3.pdf
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