Words of Welcome
Online Annual Report 2018
Dear Readers,
Scientific Director Professor Roland Sauerbrey (left) & Administrative Director Dr. Ulrich Breuer
Foto: HZDR/André Wirsig
One of the highlights in 2018 was the inauguration of our new Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research. The €36 million new development is Europe’s leading-edge preclinical center for the development and production of radioactive and radioimmunological pharmaceuticals. The HZDR has considerable expertise in this field, and is a highly valued research partner throughout the world; now we have first-class infrastructure at our disposal
Investing in the future
The Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) has also made significant progress: under the coordination of the HZDR, the European XFEL X-ray laser in Schenefeld, near Hamburg, is set to provide novel experimental possibilities. Much of the instrumentation for the High-Energy Density (HED) scientific instrument is provided by the HIBEF. The first ultra-high power short-pulse laser was installed in 2018. In the future, scientists will be able to simulate conditions such as those found in the interior of planets.
Another building project had just got underway: 2018 saw the laying of the foundation stone for a new metallurgy pilot plant in Freiberg. The building, financed by the Free State with an investment exceeding €10 million, should help speed up the process of transforming innovative methods of extracting and recycling reusable materials developed in the laboratory into methods of practical use.
Focusing on young researchers
Even the best equipped labs and an excellent infrastructure cannot guarantee good science. What it needs is brilliant ideas, enthusiasm and interest. It is also essential to succeed in engaging talented young researchers. This is exactly what we have been doing for years with our DeltaX School Lab. An ultra-modern laboratory wing, completed in 2018, gives students even better wide-ranging and exciting opportunities to discover the diversity of research for themselves
The first few months of the year were also strongly influenced by the scientific evaluation of the HZDR in preparation for the fourth period of program-oriented funding by the Helmholtz Association. In January, the international committee of experts focused on the institutes and departments engaged in the research field Matter. In February and March, it was the research field Energy’s turn. One thing is for sure: With the energy transition in mind, the Helmholtz Association will primarily strengthen research into energy systems. A number of joint research projects on this issue, in which the HZDR also plays a crucial role, have already been initiated.
Collaborative research
“CROSSING“, one of the first projects within the “Helmholtz European Partnering“ program launched by the Helmholtz Association, is also based at the HZDR; our partner is the Jožef Stefan Institute in Slovenia. Two “Helmholtz-RSF Joint Research Groups” were also launched – with partners in Perm and Moscow, and in Chelyabinsk and Darmstadt.
We hope you enjoy reading our Online Annual Report 2018. The HZDR’s more detailed Progress Report (Zentrumsfortschrittsbericht, in German only) can also be viewed on request.
Professor Roland Sauerbrey (Scientific Director) & Dr. Ulrich Breuer (Administrative Director)