
Simon Schmitt

Head Communication & Media Relations
Science Editor
Communication & Media Relations
Phone: +49 351 260 3400

Personnel Matters & Awards

Online-Jahresbericht 2018

Nominations / Appointments / Functions / Habilitations

  • Dr. Ulrich Breuer took on the role of Administrative Director of the HZDR on January 1. The physicist succeeded Professor Peter Joehnk, who retired after serving on the Board of Directors for fifteen-and-a-half years. Breuer has been engaged in research management for many years, most recently in the capacity of Vice-President for Business Affairs and Finance at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

  • Hematologist and oncologist Hanno Glimm was appointed Professor of “Translational Medical Oncology” at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden on March 1. He also became a member of the NCT Directorate in April. Glimm uses state-of-the-art molecular techniques to explore the genome of tumor cells. He is also developing novel therapeutic approaches for solid tumors. NCT Dresden is a joint institution of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus at the Technische Universität Dresden, the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).
  • On April 1, Ralf Schützhold took on the Chair of Theory of Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Solids or Plasmas (a joint appointment with the HZDR) at the Faculty of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Technische Universität Dresden. At the HZDR, Schützhold leads the recently established “Theoretical Physics” research group, which reports directly to the Scientific Director, Professor Roland Sauerbrey, and is therefore on a par with the Center's eight institutes. Professor Schützhold explores the theory of strong-field physics, which is advanced experimentally at the Institute of Radiation Physics. Quantum electrodynamics in extremely strong fields is relevant to the high-performance lasers DRACO und PENELOPE, for instance.
  • In July, Professor Markus Reuter (Director at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology of the HZDR) was awarded an honorary professorship by Curtin University in Perth, Australia. The expert in mining technologies, metallurgical processes, and recycling will visit the university in Western Australia once a year and co-supervise doctoral students.
  • At the end of 2018, Michael Gensch was offered a professorship for Terahertz and Laser Spectroscopy at the Technische Universität Berlin. At HZDR, Gensch established the “High-field THz-driven Phenomena” research group and the project group of the same name at the Institute of Radiation Physics. The terahertz user facility “TELBE” at the ELBE Center for High-Power Radiation Sources of the HZDR is currently the only dedicated large-scale research facility in this field of research.
  • Dr. Moritz Schmidt, radiochemist at the Institute of Resource Ecology, qualified to become a professor at the Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, after completing his post-doctoral thesis on the “Influence of structures and reactions at the water/mineral interface on radionuclide mobility”.
  • Dr. Agnieszka Beata Kuc (Institute of Resource Ecology, HZDR research site Leipzig) qualified to become a professor at the Jacobs University Bremen, Department Physics & Earth Sciences, having written her post-doctoral theses on the “Electronic properties of 2D and 1D inorganic materials for applications in nano(opto)electronics”.


Dr. Frank Stefani ©Copyright: HZDR / R. Weisflog

Dr. Frank Stefani

Source: HZDR/R.Weisflog

  • The European Research Council (ERC) awarded Dr. Frank Stefani (Institute of Fluid Dynamics) an ERC Advanced Grant. The physicist will receive around €2.5 million for his research over the next five years. Frank Stefani intends to use the funds to explore different magnetic phenomena in geophysics and astrophysics. To this end, the new DRESDYN experimental platform is being established at the HZDR Main Campus in Dresden.
  • The Behnken-Berger Prize 2018 went to Dr. Patrick Wohlfahrt from HZDR’s Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay for his doctorate on the topic of “Dual-Energy Computed Tomography for Accurate Stopping-Power Prediction in Proton Treatment Planning”. The medical physicist conducted his research within the “High Precision Radiotherapy” research group, led by Dr. Christian Richter. The prize, worth €15,000, is awarded by the Behnken-Berger Foundation.
  • Toni Hache (Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research) was awarded the Georg Simon Ohm Prize 2018 by the German Physical Society (DPG) for his outstanding Master’s thesis in the field of spintronics. In his thesis, Hache explored the generation of autooscillations in ferromagnetic nanostructures by pure spin currents. Such nanodevices have tremendous potential for application in information and sensor technology, for instance.
  • In February 2018, Dr. Nana Nishida began a two-year Humboldt Research Fellowship at the HZDR. Within the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group led by Dr. Helmut Schultheiß at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, the physicist explores special phenomena of magnonics: She investigates the autooscillation of spin waves in the areas between adjacent magnetic domains.