- Virtual Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2021, Hamburg: Status of the HED science instrument & Meeting of the HIBEF user consortium (PDF program)
- HIBEF Opening and Symposium, August 2021
- Workshop on SAXS@XFELs and HI & HE laser driven matter, Nov. 4-5, 2021
- Virtual Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2020, Hamburg: Status of the HED science instrument & Meeting of the HIBEF user consortium (PDF program)
- Virtual Workshop on 27./28.01.2020 "First experiments with a high-intensity shortpulse laser at HED/HIBEF"
- Virtual Workshop on 27./28.01.2020 "Static Pressure Experiments at XFEL" (PDF Program)
- Virtual workshop for preparing first experiments with DIPOLE Laser in October 2020 (PDF Program)
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2019, Hamburg: Status of the HED science instrument & Meeting of the HIBEF user consortium (PDF program)
- ICRME, Hefei, China, ASIA-PACIFIC 2. HIBEF user meeting, June 2019
- Workshop in Abingdon, October 2019, England: Route map to first DIPOLE experiments (PDF program)
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2018, Hamburg: Status of the HED science instrument & Meeting of the HIBEF user consortium (PDF program)
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2018, Hamburg: X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy in very high magnetic fields at the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (PDF program)
- HIBEF - Science using high-energy optical laser systems (kJ) at High Energy Density beamline (PDF program)
- Polametrie workshop at HZDR, July 2018 (PDF program)
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2017, Hamburg: Status of the HED science instrument & Meeting of the HIBEF user consortium (PDF program)
- Workshop: High Intensity Laser Matter Science at The HED Instrument at The European XFEL, 5-6 April 2017, Hamburg
- AIRAPT Bejing, China, August 2017, HIBEF round table discussion (PDF talk Prof. Cowan)
- Satellite meeting to the European XFEL Users meeting, January 2016, Hamburg: Status and Science at HED instrument and of the HIBEF UC (PDF program)
- The 1st Asia-Pacific User Meeting for the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Field (HIBEF 2016) in June 2016, Shanghai, China (PDF program)
- Workshop: Building a Target Network for Advanced Laser, August 2016, Dresden
- Workshop: Dynamic Laser Compression Experiments at the HED Instrument at European XFEL, September 2016, Hamburg
- HIBEF User Meeting and General Assembly, January 2015, Hamburg
- European XFEL HED Instrument User Workshop, January 2015, Hamburg
- European XFEL HED Instrument User Workshop, January 2014, Hamburg