
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer
Secretary: Vanessa Tschorn
Phone: 0351 260 - 4404

PD Dr. Simone Raatz
Administrative Manager

Sekretary: Louise Schulze
Phone: 0351 260 - 4403

Anne-Kristin Jentzsch
Press Officer
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4429

Renate Seidel
Phone: 0351 260 - 4430


HIF networks and spin-offs


Foto: Logo Helmholtz ©Copyright: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

The Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres is the largest scientific organisation in Germany. It is a union of 18 research centers. The official mission of the Association is "solving the grand challenges of science, society and industry". Scientists at Helmholtz therefore focus research on complex systems which affect human life and the environment.

Foto: Logo Netztwerk Ressourceneffizienz ©Copyright: Netzwerk Ressourceneffizienz

NeRess - Network Resource Efficiency

The Resource Efficiency Network (NeRess) bundles interdisciplinary and practice-oriented know-how and experience on resource-saving production, products and management and serves to provide mutual information and networking among a wide range of players.

GERRI Logo ©Copyright: HZDR/Taufrisch

GERRI - German Resource Research Institute
GERRI blends competences together in an interdisciplinary manner. This links the various interfaces along the value chain of mineral and metal-containing materials, enabling technically sound and sustainable operations.

Logo Netflot ©Copyright: Netflot NetFlot is a network of infrastructure on modelling the flotation process across Europe
Logo rECOmine ©Copyright: rECOmine rECOmine - Local alliance on mining legacies with support of a broad public community Video (only in German)
Logo Initiative Rohstoff Wissen ©Copyright: Initiative Rohstoff Wissen

Rohstoff Wissen! - Initiative to support the raw materials sector

EIT Raw Materials ©Copyright: EIT Raw Materials EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide.
EIT Raw Materials ©Copyright: EIT Raw Materials EIT RawMaterials - Regional Center Freiberg to foster the regional promotion of science and research, public and professional education, as well as environmental protection.
Logo ERMA European Raw Materials Alliance ©Copyright: ERMA ERMA European Raw Materials Alliance - European Alliance for a more resilient and greener Europe
Eco Mining Concepts Logo ©Copyright: Eco Mining Concepts Eco Mining Concepts - The German-Chilean Network for Green Mining and sustainably recovered minerals


Logo Biconex ©Copyright: Biconex BICONEX coats plastic parts with functional metal surfaces. The products made of special plastics are suitable as cost-effective substitutes for light metal parts. By electroplating plastics with nickel, copper or silver, we create components with metallic properties.
Logo Erzlabor Advanced Solutions GmbH ©Copyright: Erzlabor Advanced Solutions GmbH ERZLABOR is your reliable partner for automated materials characterization and complex resource analytics – ranging from ores to mobile phones. We are specialists in analyzing rocks, mineral resources and manufactured inorganic materials, helping you to increase the resource efficiency and sustainability of your processes and products. You benefit from our innovative analytical approach to advanced materials characterization, providing you with options for the reduction of raw materials losses and thus process-, energy- and production costs. 
Foto: Logo TheiaX ©Copyright: TheiaX TheiaX offers efficient, non-invasive mineral exploration using innovative sensors. The sensors can be installed on various platforms, for example on drones, and provide precise images of the raw material deposits in the ground from a distance. High-tech metals in particular can thus be tracked down in an environmentally friendly way. In addition, TheiaX uses the potential of artificial intelligence and virtual reality to provide an economical, fast, non-invasive decision-making tool for raw material exploration and extraction. To this end, the Freiberg scientists have developed novel digital mapping processes.