About us


The HZDR AI Lab is the central hub for AI-related topics at HZDR. Our goal is to strengthen the networking of researchers at the HZDR by creating a collaborative environment and through a variety of activities. This will foster research, innovation, and scientific collaboration, facilitate the acquisition of funding, increase operational efficiency, and ultimately achieve a sustainable impact on industry and society.

To achieve this, we support peer-to-peer consulting and training, collaborative projects, and the development of shared resources and competencies in the field of AI. This includes organizing events, providing networking tools, and establishing information portals.

The HZDR AI Lab also serves as a first point of contact for external organizations such as universities, companies, NGOs, and consortia that want to engage in AI research.

Our mission is clear: we want to make the benefits of AI more accessible to our researchers and external partners, and to create an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration.

Core Team

Foto: HZDR AI Lab Logo ©Copyright: HZDR/Blaurock

Dr. Uwe Konrad (Information Services and Computing)

Dr. Attila Cangi (Center for Advanced Systems Understanding)

Dr. Peter Steinbach (Helmholtz AI Support Team)

Dr. Helene Hoffmann (Helmholtz AI Support Team)

Dr. Stella Winkler (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Research)

Mr. Aldino Rizaldy (Machine Learning in Exploration)

Dr. Vladimir Voroshnin (Technology Transfer and Innovation)

Get in touch with us

  • Contact the AI Lab core team via email.
  • Subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed. 
  • Join the AI Lab network on Mattermost.
  • Provide feedback on the AI Lab website via a voucher.