CoSilFlot+ Project: Optimisation and upscaling of reagent systems in froth flotation
Flotation, used for separating fine particles based on their surface properties, is predominantly applied in processing raw materials. However, testing new reagents in industrial flotation is often costly and time-consuming, with current optimization practices being reductionist and heavily reliant on personal experience. Laboratory testing alone does not suffice to optimize complex beneficiation processes. The CoSilFlot+ project introduces an innovative workflow for optimizing and scaling up new reagents in the flotation process. By uniquely combining statistical design of experiments, numerical optimization techniques, and digitalization strategies, CoSilFlot+ addresses the inefficiencies and high costs associated with traditional reagent testing.
The concept of CoSilFlot+
Concept of the CosilFlot+ project
Source: Enkhjargal, Enkhnomin
The project's approach allows for the implementation, optimization, and scaling up of reagent systems in flotation plants with minimal production downtime. It also reduces the risk of operating under unsuitable conditions, thereby preventing operational failures due to optimization attempts and minimizing financial losses.
We have a design of experiments workflow to understand and quantify the influence of each of these process conditions, and their interaction, in the outcome of the process at batch scale. This workflow is available as an open source and intuitive web-platform.
Advantages for mining companies and reagent manufacturers
The improvement in KPIs in a scheelite processing plant after using our optimised process conditions
Source: Ben Said, Borhane, Lucas Pereira & Martin Rudolph
Successfully demonstrated in a European industrial flotation plant, the project achieved up to a 16% increase in mineral grade (42% improvement ratio related to Benchmark) and a 2-3% improvement in recovery. CoSilFlot+ offers a compelling solution for mining companies and flotation reagent manufacturers, driving the adoption of efficient, environmentally friendly reagents and optimizing process outcomes.
This success provides a strong incentive for mining companies to adopt efficient and environmentally friendly reagents while optimizing process outcomes. Beyond mining companies, flotation reagent manufacturers can benefit from this service by finding new applications and markets for their reagents, enabling them to improve sourcing and deliver customized chemicals to customers.
The project is funded by the SAB (Sächsische Aufbaubank) as part of the EFRE - Validation Funding 2021-2027 program. The program aims to improve technology transfer between research and industry. Funding is provided for projects to validate research results that are promising for commercial exploitation. The project period started on 01.05.2024, lasts for 18 months and is conducted by the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at HZDR.
For more information about the project contact:
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Projekt: CoSilFlot+Borhane Ben Said
Geometallurgy and Particle Based Process Modelling
Phone: +49 351 260 4479