Online Annual Report 2014
Science and Technology Transfer
The HZDR boosts its international standing
One of last year's highlights was the successful integration of the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) EIT Raw Materials. Together with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf is coordinating the set-up of the largest European resource network, which will help unite more than 100 companies, universities, and research institutes from the raw materials sector under one roof. This will help improve the innovation potential of this branch of industry while securing the European economy's supply with critical resources. For the HZDR, this means access to a better network within the European raw materials economy as early as the application process.
The HZDR's international reputation extends to other areas as well. As such, in 2014, the HZDR entered into several collaboration agreements with a number of European big businesses, including with IBA, the World's leading manufacturer of proton beam therapy facilities. The HZDR was also able to strengthen its existing ties within the knowledge and industry site Dresden. Together with the Technical University, the HZDR has initiated ECO, a project that is being funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. Here, the HZDR is developing the concept for setting up a cross-institutional transfer fond for Dresden-based research institutes.
The proportion of patents that are utilized through licensing agreements has increased to 26 percent, up from five percent back in 2009. In all, licensing revenues amounted to 114,000 Euros last year, while industry revenues were at 2.3 million Euros. In order to increase the number of industry orders and licenses, additional measures were planned for 2015. As such, a new innovation manager, who specializes in physical and materials research, will make an important addition to the HZDR transfer team.
The HZDR Innovation GmbH's revenues were at the same level as the previous year. In spite of investments in new lines of business, a profit was made in 2014. The research center's subsidiary was part of the HZDR's 2013 outsourcing of i3membrane GmbH. Last year, the company was able to procure venture capital in the amount of 600,000 Euros from several investors for final development and market rollout of its products. Initial sales are projected for fall 2015. Biconex GmbH, a company which develops innovative technologies for electroplating plastics without the use of chromium sulfuric acid, was yet another HZDR outsourcing in the spring of 2014