Our Spin-Offs

To allow their ideas to play a role in the economy, researchers become entrepreneurs. The HZDR provides its scientists with wide-ranging support for their spin-off projects. In addition to creating its subsidiary for technology transfer, HZDR Innovation GmbH, it has also created a series of successful spin-offs.

Foto: Logo Techifab ©Copyright: Techifab


TECHiFAB GmbH was founded in 2021 to develop the world's first memristor for data processing and storage. The MEMRiSTOR is an analog device with distinct properties that enable data classification and data correlation in hardware. The MEMRiSTOR can be used to develop new AI algorithms. The analogue storage and processing of data enables it to be used as a core componen­t in neuromorphic computers.
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Foto: Logo TheiaX ©Copyright: TheiaX


TheiaX GmbH is the latest spin-off of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. Founded in December 2021, the start-up offers services for the efficient exploration and characterisation of raw materials using non-invasive ­techno­logies in combination with robust ML data processing routines.
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Foto: Biconex - Entwicklung umweltverträglicher Produkte ohne Chrom(VI)-haltige Chemikalien, Kunststoffvorbehandlungen die zu einer gleichmäßigen Chromschicht mit hoher Haftfestigkeit führen ©Copyright: Biconex


The HZDR spin-off biconex is founded in 2015 and market leaders in functional coating of high-temperature polymers with metals. Learn more about the high-tech products based on polymers with metallic properties.
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CCR Technology GmbH

CCR Technology GmbH was founded in 1995 as a spin-off from the For­schungs­zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. CCR Technology is the inventor of the COPRA Plasma Technology® and serves its customers in markets like optics, solar, semiconductor, wear & decorative coatings, large area glass coatings as well as storage and display media.
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Foto: Logo_Dreebit ©Copyright: Dreebit


Founded in 2006 as a spin-off from TU Dresden and Oerlikon Leybold Vakuum Dresden GmbH, the DREEBIT GmbH focuses its activities on the development, manufacture, service and sale of ion sources, ion beam systems, electron beam systems and equipment for micro- and nanotechnology as well as for medical applications.
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Foto: Logo Erzlabor Advanced Solutions GmbH ©Copyright: Erzlabor Advanced Solutions GmbH

ERZLABOR Advanced Solutions GmbH

ERZLABOR, a spin-off of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, was founded in 2017. The company offers services related to the qualitative and quantitative mineralogical characterization of solids.
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Foto: Logo_GBS ©Copyright: GBS

GBS Elek­tronik GmbH

The GBS Elek­tronik GmbH was founded 1992 as a spin-off from the For­schungs­zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The company deals with both the manufacturing and development of electronic assemblies, equipment and facilities.
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Foto: Logo_GeSIM ©Copyright: GeSIM


GeSiM - Society for silicon microsystems mbH, a 1995 spin-off from the For­schungs­zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, focuses on the development of microfluidic devices and nanoli­ter pipetting robotics. GeSiM fluidics chips and pipetting equipment are used in biotech laboratories.
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Foto: Logo HZDR Innovation GmbH ©Copyright: MBWM

HZDR Innovation

HZDR Innovation GmbH, founded in 2011, is a technology transfer company for the development and production of prototypes. It receives production orders from industry and uses the know-how and infrastructure of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf in its work.
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Foto: Logo i3membrane ©Copyright: i3Membrane GmbH

i3 Membrane

i3 Membrane produces multifunctional membranes and functional stainless steel foils. The company was founded in 2013.
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Foto: Logo_Rotech ©Copyright: Rotech

Rotech GmbH

The Rotech GmbH was founded in 1995. Its goal is to support the exploitation of research results from scientific institutions in Rossdorf by an appropriate technology transfer.
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Foto: Logo ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH ©Copyright: ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH

ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH

ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH, founded in 2000, specializes in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and kits for the pre­paration of radiopharmaceutical products based on Technetium-99m. The company is located on the research campus in Rossendorf and works closely with HZDR in various areas.
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Foto: Logo_Saxray_neu ©Copyright: Tobias Hauptmann


SaxRay offers X-ray based material analysis for developers of innovative materials. Moreo­ver, the company engages in the development and production of innovative X-ray analysis componen­ts. The company was founded in 2011.
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Foto: Logo_Teletronic ©Copyright: Teletronic

Teletronic GmbH

The engineering firm Teletronic Rossendorf GmbH has been hived off from the For­schungs­zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) in 1991. The Teletronic Rossendorf GmbH is engaged both in the design of equipment in small series production, as well as the implementation of development projects.
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Foto: Logo THATec Innovation GmbH ©Copyright: THATec Innovation GmbH

THATec Innovation GmbH

THATec Innovation GmbH, founded in 2016, offers hardware and software solutions in the following areas of expertise: the automation of laboratory devices, optical scanning microscopy, and Brillouin light scattering.
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Foto: APT GmbH - Innovative Verfahren zur Oberflächenmodifikation von Werkstoffen ©Copyright: APT


The company developed innovative methods to modificate the surfaces of raw materials. The company was dissolved in December, 2017.
Foto: Logo_NanoscopiX ©Copyright: Dr. Grossmann


NanoscopiX, founded in 2009, developed products for a more rapid diagnosis of various diseases. The company was dissolved in 2016.

futureSAX Nominee Portrait about Prof. (em.) Jörg Steinbach from HZDR and Jens Junker from ROTOP

Workbook Alumni in KTT

The brochure presents practical examples of the technology and knowledge transfer at the HZDR.

Partners in technology transfer
