
Dr. Sören Kliem

Tel.: +49 351 260 2318



  • Weiterentwicklung, Validierung und Anwendung des Codekomplexes DYN3D-ATHLET

    Für die Störfallanalyse von Leichtwasserreaktoren (LWR) ist das Reaktordynamikprogramm DYN3D im Institut für Sicherheitsforschung entwickelt und mit dem Thermohydraulik-Systemcode ATHLET der Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit(GRS) gekoppelt worden. Das gekoppelte Programmpaket gestattet die Analyse eines breiten Spektrums von Reaktortransienten. DYN3D steht in zwei Versionen für russische und westliche LWR zur Verfügung. Die Validierung erfolgt anhand von internationalen Programmvergleichen (Benchmarkaufgaben) sowie der Nachrechnung von Transienten in Kernkraftwerken. DYN3D ist Bestandteil der europäischen Codeplattform NURESIM.

    Aktuelle Forschungsziele sind:
    • Implementierung transporttheoretischer Ansätze in die Neutronenkinetik
    • Analyse hypothetischer Reaktivitätstransienten für Druck- und Siedewasserreaktoren (u. a. Bewertung von Borverdünnungstransienten und ATWS-Störfällen)
    • Untersuchungen zur Transmutation von Actiniden in LWR (EU-Projekt)
    • Entwicklung von DYN3D-Dynamikmodellen für Salzschmelzenreaktoren und Hochtemperaturreaktoren

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Advances from R2CA project on reactor simulations for burst rod number evaluation during LOCA

Belon, S. B.; Ederli, S.; Jobst, M.


In the frame of the “Reduction of Radiological Consequences of design basis and extension accidents” European Union’s Horizon 2020 project, a specific effort was focused on the update and the development of methodologies to assess the radiological consequences of loss-of-coolant accidents. Evaluation of the radiological consequences associated to this accident is strongly linked to the prediction of the rod burst ratio and new approaches were investigated through research and development associated to accident simulation software. Complementarily to approaches chaining system thermalhydraulic simulation to fuel performance code, approaches with integral codes ASTEC, DRACCAR and ATHLET-CD were developed respectively by ENEA, IRSN and HZDR. These applications were demonstrated on LOCA simulation for PWR and highlighted the capabilities of the tools. The ASTEC PWR model was extended by ENEA, which proposes a 2D core model with an increased number of representative fuel rods. HZDR and IRSN proposes approaches based on 3D core model which are able to capture distinctive fuel assembly responses and predict the rod burst ratio according to the distribution of rod behaviors within the core. This work highlighted several possible core models to predict the rod burst ratio and which can be used in integral tools abled to couple thermal hydraulics and thermomechanics. Advanced core models simulating the thermomechanical response of several representative rods per fuel assemblies and using 3D thermal hydraulics model are recommended due to the heterogeneities on power distribution, which impacts flow distribution. The need to model RPV in 3D was underlined by ATHLET-CD large break loss-of-coolant demonstrative case, which exhibits non-symmetric core heat-up.
In addition, demonstrative cases proposed by ENEA and IRSN compared predictions obtained with the specific burst criteria developed in the frame of R2CA project and more classical one devoted to the core coolability assessment. The strong sensitivity of the rod burst ratio prediction to the burst criteria was highlighted. The need to handle uncertainties within a global methodology for rod burst ratio evaluation was underlined.
Finally, throughout the development of loss-of-coolant accident applications with ASTEC, DRACCAR and ATHLET-CD, some prospects of development were identified for the codes and should bring advances for LOCA simulation and RBR predictions.

Permalink: https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-37989

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