IHRS NanoNet doctoral programme
The graduate training of the IHRS NanoNet aims at preparing the next generation of excellent scientists in molecular electronics for successful careers in science and industry.
Since the topic of the research school is highly interdisciplinary and comprises very challenging and strongly interlinked research tasks, the scientific curriculum is designed both to provide for a broad basic knowledge to all PhD candidates, facilitating scientific exchange among students and between students and mentors, and also to convey very specialized information to specific subgroups of doctoral candidates. In addition to interdisciplinary scientific competencies, the IHRS NanoNet strongly emphasizes transferable skills and internationality by training the Doctoral researchers (PhD candidates) in communication and cooperation with international colleagues. To account for the highly collaborative and interdisciplinary settings of the IHRS NanoNet, each doctoral candidate will be guided and supported by an individual Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) (involving 3-4 senior researchers) throughout his / her thesis project.
The graduate programme of the IHRS NanoNet offers young scientists a well-structured curriculum in the field of Molecular Electronics. The set of elements of the NanoNet doctoral programme are:
- Technical courses
- Transferable skills training
- PhD seminars
- Tutoring and lab rotations
- NanoNet annual workshop and annual summer meeting
- Other activities (conferences, colloquia, workshops, outreach, lab tours)
The options composing each individual scientific curriculum should be discussed and agreed by each TAC taking into account the specific knowledge and needs of each Doctoral researcher.
The regular duration of graduation is three years if the student joins the school holding a MSc degree.
Progress towards a doctoral degree
In general, the procedure towards a doctoral degree will follow the rules of the TU Dresden, and includes the Dissertation (written thesis), Rigorosum (oral examination), and Disputation (public defense). Upon agreement with the respective faculty, the Rigorosum may consist of the candidates’ approval in the NanoNet doctoral courses.
In addition to the doctoral degree awarded by the TU Dresden (Dr. rer.-nat. or PhD by the School of Science; Dr.-Ing. by the School of Engineering) the students will receive a certificate acknowledging the successful participation in the International Helmholtz Research School NanoNet.
The doctorate regulations of the involved Faculties of the TU Dresden, can be found at:
- Doctoral studies at the School of Science
- Doctorate regulations at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Doctorate regulations at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The PhD students of the TU Dresden can obtain further information and support around the doctoral process at the Graduate Academy (GA) of the TU Dresden.