
PD Dr. Peter Zahn

Phone: +49 351 260 3121

Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe

Phone: +49 351 260 2366

Deputy spokesperson
Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti

Phone: +49 351 463 31414

TUD Logo


The next NanoNet+ Annual Workshop will take place in Schöneck in September 2025.
Topic, date and agenda will be announced soon .

The new SFB-Transregio 404 “Next Generation Electronics With Active Devices in Three Dimensions [Active-3D]” was granted by DFG (spokesperson Thomas Mikolajick). Web-site, Pressemitteilung TUD .

Ahmad Echresh defended his PhD thesis at TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics - Congratulations!

Helmholtz funding of NanoNet expired, but the network will continously promote collaboration and exchange of ideas.
Thanks to all members and partners.
Stay in contact!


NanoNet+11 Workshop 2024, Plauen

DPG Spring Meeting 2025 , Section Condensed Matter, Regensburg, DE

Logo Science Calendar

Dresden Nano Seminar (TUD)

Ascent+ European Nanoelectronics Network

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IHRS NanoNet was funded by Initiative and Networking Fund of Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606) until Dec 2020.

Technical courses / lecture modules

The educational programme of the IHRS NanoNet includes several lecture modules with different characteristics. During the course of the doctoral programme, each doctoral candidate is expected to attend at least four technical courses in minimum equivalent to 8 SWS, advisable two courses in the 1st year and two courses during the 2nd year. Doctoral candidates are not allowed to select courses they may already have fulfilled during their Masters / Diploma studies.

A minimum of two technical courses must be selected from the IHRS NanoNet courses list below. Each doctoral candidate has the option to either select the remaining courses from the below list or to select additional courses - of MSc level or higher - from the official list of courses offered by the TU Dresden (link to list of courses  - German version only).  The IHRS NanoNet particularly recommends the courses offered within the Master's Programme "Organic and Molecular Electronics" (OME) and the International Master's Programme "Nanoelectronic Systems" (NES). Doctoral students interested in attending seminars or practical courses offered by the International Master Programme OME are kindly requested to contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Mannsfeld (Stefan.Mannsfeld(at) beforehand to confirm that a vacancy in the desired seminar or practical course is available. Similarly, interested students for courses of the NES programme should contact Ms. Dipl.-Phys. Manuela Tetzlaff (master-nes(at)

Attention: the selection of all courses to be attended must be discussed with, and agreed by the TAC for each individual doctoral researcher taking into account specific educational background and needs.

Winter Semester Courses

  • Molecular Electronics
    Semester course, Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe
    Winter Semester 2024/25, (2023/24, 2022/23, 2020/21, 2019/20, 2018/19, 2016/17,) WED 14:50 PAU/212, lab WED 16:40 PAU/212
  • Semiconductor Quantum Structures
    Semester course, Prof. Dr. Manfred Helm, Dr. E. Dimakis, Dr. S. Winnerl
    Winter Semester 2024/25, (2023/24, 2022/23, 2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17, 2015/16,) TUE 14:50 REC/B214,
    More info on OPAL
  • Introduction to Nanobiotechnology: Biomolekulare Nanotechnologie
    Semester course, Dr. Jörg Opitz
    Winter Semester 2024/25, (2022/23, 2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17, 2015/16, 2014/15,) THU 8:15 BIOTEC E06, lab time and place tba
    , More info on OPAL
  • Concepts of Molecular Modeling
    Semester course, Dr. Rafael Gutiérrez
    Winter Semester 2024/25, (2022/23, 2018/19, 2017/18, 2015/16, 2014/15, 2013/14,) TUE 9.20 HSZ/401 (check), lab course WED 13:00 ZEU/160 (check),
    More info on OPAL
  • Current Topics in Materials Science: Integrity in Science
    Semester course, Dipl.-Phys. Florian Pump, Prof. Dr. G. Cuniberti
    Winter Semester 2024/25, FRI 11:10 HAL 115,
    More info on OPAL
  • Applied Bionanotechnology
    Semester course, Prof. R. Rinaldi, Dr. Mariafrancesca Cascione
    Winter Semester 2024/25, WED 9:20 BIOTEC E05, lab WED 11:10 BIOTEC E06 (check)
    More info on OPAL

Summer Semester Courses
