
Dr. Sandra Hauser

Research Associate
Radio­pharma­ceutical and Chemical Biology
Phone: +49 351 260 4046

Prof. Dr. Jens Pietzsch

Head Radio­pharma­ceutical and Chemical Biology
Phone: +49 351 260 2622

Tissue Remodeling and Inflammation Imaging

The aim of this group is the development and validation of molecular imaging techniques for the investigation of inflammatory, fibrotic and carcinogenic processes. Our research consists of four main lines. First, we focus on the development of targeted compounds for the detection of early biomarkers of carcinogenesis, cancer progression or tissue regeneration by multimodal (PET, SPECT, MRI and optical) imaging. Secondly, selected compounds are tested for their suitability as targeted or adjuvant cancer theranostics. Examples of such compounds are selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors for both functional characterization and therapeutic modulation of inflammatory processes. Selective transglutaminase 2 inhibitors in turn address matrix-modifying processes. Ligands for solute carriers (SLCs) address important tumor suppressors or promoters that, among other things, influence the uptake of drugs into tumor cells and thus the efficacy of therapeutic approaches. Third, we develop and study three-dimensional (3D) cell models and animal models for solid, in particular therapy-resistant tumors with a distinct inflammatory and/or fibrotic matrix-associated microenvironment to improve our understanding of the disease process. Of particular importance to us are pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and neuroblastoma (NB). Fourthly, intelligent biomaterial approaches for targeted drug delivery, combined therapies and targeted modulation of tissue regeneration are of central importance to us in this context.

Recent key publications

Projects (multicenter)

  • In-depth spatial organisation of hepatocellular carcinoma initiation (DEEP-HCC): Förderung eines systemmedizinischen Forschungsnetzes zur Früherkennung und Prävention von Leber-Krebs (LiSyM-Krebs) im Rahmen der nationalen Dekade gegen Krebs; partners. (BMBF)
  • Tissue-engineering the tumour microenvironment to improve treatment of pancreatic cancer: collaboration with Lössner group at Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden within ERC Consolidator Grant CHlPlN
  • Therapeutic potential of magnetic field stimulation in cancer: collaboration with Herrmannsdoerfer group (Strongly Correlated Electron Systems) at HZDR 

Research initiatives

  • MATRESIST: Matrix-Associated Therapy Resistance 
  • Adenosine Metabolism and Tumor Microenvironment

Further publications on our hypotheses and approaches

  • ref. critical-size bone defects: ⇒ e.g. Topic Issue "Bone Healing"; review "Bone Imaging"
  • ref. smart hydrogel systems for controlled drug release and tissue integration: [1], [2], [3]
  • ref. inflammation and infection imaging: [4]