
PD Dr. Peter Zahn

Phone: +49 351 260 3121

Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe

Phone: +49 351 260 2366

Deputy spokesperson
Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti

Phone: +49 351 463 31414

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The next NanoNet+ Annual Workshop will take place in Schöneck in September 2025.
Topic, date and agenda will be announced soon .

The new SFB-Transregio 404 “Next Generation Electronics With Active Devices in Three Dimensions [Active-3D]” was granted by DFG (spokesperson Thomas Mikolajick). Web-site, Pressemitteilung TUD .

Ahmad Echresh defended his PhD thesis at TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics - Congratulations!

Helmholtz funding of NanoNet expired, but the network will continously promote collaboration and exchange of ideas.
Thanks to all members and partners.
Stay in contact!


NanoNet+11 Workshop 2024, Plauen

DPG Spring Meeting 2025 , Section Condensed Matter, Regensburg, DE

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Ascent+ European Nanoelectronics Network

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IHRS NanoNet was funded by Initiative and Networking Fund of Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606) until Dec 2020.

NanoNet+ Annual Workshop 2023

The Annual Workshop of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) and the Department of Nanoelectronics of HZDR will place at the Jugendherberge Sayda on September 11-13, 2023. It will be organized in collaboration with the Chair for Integrated Photonic Devices at TU Dresden lead by Prof. Dr. Kambiz Jamshidi. This workshop will be exactly 10 years after the first workshop of IHRS NanoNet in 2013.
The topics of the workshop are 1D and 2D Materials and Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications.
For registration details see below.

Sayda/Seiffen 2023

Seiffen Church Seiffen Schwibbogen Seiffen Snow Men Seiffen Trumpet Angel WE Heraeus-Foundation Logo

Participants 2023

More Impressions can be found in the Picture Gallery.

Keynote speakers [Agenda]

  • Prof. Vihar Georgiev (Univ Glasgow, UK) - Simulations of Ultra-Scaled Electronic Devices with a Novel Flexible Nano-TCAD Nano-Electronic Simulator Software (NESS) environment
  • Dr. Miroslav Haluska (ETH Zurich, CH) - CNFETs for sensing applications: Raman monitoring of iSWCNTs during device fabrication process
  • Dr. Ryan Hamerly (MIT, US) - Netcast: Delocalized Photonic Deep Learning on the Internet's Edge
  • Dr. Robert Kirchner (TU Dresden) - Advanced 3D Fabrication for Functional Device Integration
  • Prof. Mohsen Razavi (Univ Leeds, UK) - Quantum Communications Networks: Prospects and Challenges

Contributed Talks [Agenda]

will be given by PhD students, members of both departments, and guests:

  • Catuneanu, Mircea (TU Dresden) - Electric-field-induced second harmonic generation in SOI waveguides and resonators
  • Echresh, Ahmad (HZDR) - Near-infrared photodetectors based on single germanium nanowires
  • Fekri, Zahra (HZDR) - Black phosphorus field-effect transistors and their applications (tbc)
  • Ghosh, Sayantan (HZDR) - Junctionless Nanowire Transistors: From Devices to Sensing Applications
  • He, Menglong (TU Dresden) - Towards Optical Parametric Oscillation in Silicon Ring Cavities
  • Jagtap, Nagesh (HZDR) - Change in mechanical properties of SiC nanoresonators using helium ion implantation
  • Jamshidi, Kambiz (TU Dresden) - Silicon ring resonators for communications and computing
  • Niebauer, Matthias (FAU Erlangen) - Thickness Determination of 2D Materials via Optical Microspectroscopy in Combination with 4x4 Transfer Matrix Modeling, PDF on HZDR cloud server (for participants only, see email 2023-09-26)
  • Rodriguez-Barea, Borja (HZDR) - DNA Origami for Electronics
  • Strobel, Carsten (TU Dresden) - Vertical Graphene-Based Transistors for RF, Power Electronics, and Optoelectronic Applications, PDF (2,3 MB)

Student Award

The Student Award recognizes the best presentation by a young scientist. It consists of a glass trophy for the winner, a certificate, and a voucher of 50/40/30 EUR for the first/second/third prize.
The winner of the First Prize is Sayantan Ghosh from HZDR (as 2022), the Second Prize went to Mircea Catuneanu (TU Dresden), the Third Prize to Borja Rodriguez from HZDR - Congratulations.
Next in the ranking were Nagesh Jagtap, Debadreeto Bhattacharya (both HZDR), and Arezoo Zarif (TU Dresden).

Program, Abstracts, and Transport

The Agenda is available here (PDF).
The complete Abstract Booklet can be downloaded here (5,3 MB).
Printed copies will be provided at the conference venue.
Please, consider the environment before printing.
The scientific program will start after lunch on Day 1, and will run until Day 3 lunch time. It will include keynote talks, contributed talks, and one poster session on Day 1.
Keynote talks will be scheduled for 40+10 minutes,
Contributed talks for 20+5 minutes.
Posters will be on display the whole time. Format should be A0 in portrait orientation.
An Abstract should be submitted for every talk and poster latest August 20th - use the Word template (17 kB), or send a camera-ready one-page A4-PDF.
At Arrival, Sept 11, we will organize a bus shuttle from Dresden-Hauptbahnhof, Bayrische Straße, at 9:30 am (sharp). Every participant is encouraged and invited to join. There is no reservation required.
The youth hostel Sayda can be reached via Freiberg (train from Dresden Hbf) and regional bus no. T737 in direction Seiffen at stop 'Jugendherberge Sayda' just in front of the hostel.
At departure, Sept 13, a bus shuttle will be available to Dresden-Hauptbahnhof at around 2:30 pm.
For participants with contributed talk or poster, no reimbursement of travel costs from/to Dresden will be provided.
For individual travel, this might help: Route and time table from Dresden to Sayda @ Google-maps, Route and time table from Sayda to Dresden @ Google-maps


An Excursion to Seiffen is scheduled on the 2nd day- start at the hostel at 2:15 pm. by bus.
We will get a tour at the Seiffener Volkskunst to learn more on the unique local craftsmanship and the passion for shaping wood. For sure, there will be time to stroll around and admire the many precious wooden objects available in the shops around. Don't be puzzled, Seiffen looks like a German Christmas Market all year round.
At 4:15 pm., the participants may have a coffee break at 'Cafechen', Seiffen, Hauptstraße 102.
At 5:15 pm., we will visit the famous Seiffen Church with the octagonal shape from 1779. We will get an introduction to the history and will follow a short organ concert. At 6:15 pm., the bus will pick up from bus stop 'Seiffen, Mitte' which is a 7-minutes walk from the church.

Workshop Venue: Jugendherberge Sayda

JH Sayda Fassade JH Sayda JH Sayda Meeting Room JH Sayda Ski Fence JH Sayda Ore Mine Entrance
Participation in the workshop program is by invitation only, guests are very welcome. If you would like to join us next time (JH Plauen, September 2024), please contact the NanoNet coordinator by email, there are still slots available. .

This workshop was organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) and the Department Nanoelectronics at HZDR in cooperation with TU Dresden.
Generous financial support by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung Hanau is kindly acklowledged.