Artificial Intelligence Research Platform

Data scientists and researchers from diverse fields at HZDR design and train artificial intelligence models using increasingly large and cross-disciplinary datasets. This approach enables them to develop comprehensive solutions and uncover new insights and applications in the research fields of Matter, Energy, and Health.
The newly established HZDR AI Lab, founded in 2024, serves as a central hub for researchers within HZDR, at other Helmholtz centers, research institutions, and industry.

News from the AI Lab

11.12.2024 AI Lab: Helmholtz Publishes AI Usage Recommendations

26.08.2024 AI Lab: With its kickoff, the HZDR AI Lab launches a new website

More news
Foto: Materials of the future thanks to faster simulations, KI@HZDR ©Copyright: Blaurock/HZDR

AI Lab

Our AI Lab is the central hub for AI-related topics at the HZDR.
Foto: Icon AI offers ©Copyright: iStock

Industry Collaborations

Our goal is to le­verage our expertise in AI for research, innovation, and collaboration with industry partners.
Foto: Icon AI consulting ©Copyright: iStock

Helmholtz AI Consultant Team

We develop and disseminate AI-supported data science solutions to tackle the grand challenges in research and society.
Foto: Brain-inspired computing ©Copyright: Blaurock Markenkommunikation/HZDR

Research Field Mat­ter

Particle accelerators, future materials, brain-inspired computing, planetary research
Foto: Artificial intelligence supports the search for hard-to-reach mineral resources ©Copyright: HZDR/Blaurock Markenkommunikation

Research Field Energy

Machine learning methods drive the search for raw materials
Foto: Cancer irradiation with the highest precision ©Copyright: Blaurock Markenkommunikation/HZDR

Research Field Health

AI algorithms improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer

AI Publications

Journal articles (refereed), Invited lectures


Scalable Machine Learning for Electronic Structure Theory

Cangi, A.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Theoretical Chemistry Colloquium, 21.01.2025, Marburg, Germany

Transferable and Scalable Electronic Structure Simulations Powered by Machine Learning

Fiedler, L.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Physikalisches Kolloqium, 29.01.2025, Freiberg, Deutschland

Surrogate Modeling and Neural Solver in Plasma Physics

Kelling, J.; Aguilar, R. A.; Checkervarty, A.; Rustamov, J.; Pandit, V. S.; et al. (16 authors)

  • Open Access Logo Invited lecture (Conferences) (Online presentation)
    LPA Special Workshop on Intelligent Systems, 13.-17.01.2025, Oxford, UK


Extracting Measurements from (legacy) publications

Steinbach, P.; Gottschall, T.; Niehoff, T.; Ebert, J.; Strube, A.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    1st Large Language Models in Physics Symposium, 22.02.2024, Hamburg, Germany

The emerging role of Artificial Intelligence in proton therapy: a review

Isaksson, L.; Mastroleo, F.; Vincini, M.; Marvaso, G.; Zaffaroni, M.; et al. (26 authors)

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