Videos and radio reports of the Institute of Resource Ecology
Repository Research at HZDR. Sophisticated and Necessary
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In this short film scientists at HZDR’s Institute of Resource Ecology present their work at our research sites in Dresden, Leipzig and Grenoble. For their investigations they use modern spectroscopic methods in order to acquire an understanding of processes at molecular level. When analyzing rock formations they also use positron emission tomography as an imaging technique. This important fundamental research is thus generating robust data which should help experts and politicians to identify potential locations for nuclear waste repositories.
This film was produced in cooperation with AVANGA Filmproduktion GmbH & Co. KG.
Two Gold Awards
At the World Media Festival in Hamburg (Germany) in Mai 2016, this HZDR film won an "interdedia-globe Gold" in the "Research and Science" category, and in April 2016 the Remi Award in Gold (category: Nuclear / Energy Issues) at the 49th WorldFest in Houston.
Research Dresden: Bacteria purify water containing uranium (MDR um 2 as of 16.05.2023)
In the film, the Biogeochemistry Department reports on the latest findings on the removal of radioactive contaminants from water with the aid of magnetotactic bacteria.
"Good question" - Good answers from HZDR scientists
Moderatorin Susanne Jaster im Gespräch mit Dr. Sören Kliem.
The new edition of the TU Dresden's "Gute Frage" video format is all about nuclear energy. No wonder that two scientists from the Institute of Resource Ecology at the HZDR have their say here: Prof. Thorsten Stumpf was asked about the final disposal of nuclear waste, Dr. Sören Kliem about reactor safety and what role science can still play in this field in the future when there are hardly any nuclear power plants left in Germany. The current issue on the topic of "Nuclear energy" is available on YouTube at
Water-soluble uranium: a challenge for nuclear repositories
When treating and storing radioactive waste, protecting health and the environment is the top priority. Researchers at the HZDR have discovered an unexpected compound: In the form of calcium uranyl carbonate, uranium is highly soluble in water. All undertakings for the disposal of radioactive waste must take this into account.
The film was produced in 2017 in collaboration with nufan-Film Berlin.
Research Quartet | Repository - an endless search? (Detektor FM)
This radio report from Detektor FM is all about the search for a safe repository for highly radioactive materials. Prof. Thorsten Stumpf and Dr. Harald Foerstendorf from the Institute of Resource Ecology explain how HZDR research is helping to understand processes that could take place in the repository over the next million years. The broadcast is in German.
Radiobeitrag anhören (7:21 Min.) ►
Elisabeth Fischermeier – Copper transport in cells
PhD candidate Elisabeth Fischermeier explains her research question: "How do cells deal with copper?"
The Institute of Resource Ecology at HZDR (DresdenEINS.TV 2012)
Dr. Katharina Müller und Dr. Robin Steudtner in an interview with DresdenEINS.TV
Radioactive waste from nuclear power plants poses a threat to humans and the environment. The Institute of Resource Ecology is investigating how exactly radioactive shear metals spread in the environment and how a final storage site for nuclear waste should be designed.
The video is available on YouTube at
Source: DresdenEINS.TV