IHRS NanoNet Annual Workshop 2013
10 October 2013, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
The annual workshop organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) joins leading, international scientists and members of the IHRS NanoNet in a common discussion on nanoelectronic networks.
In order to develop electronics further, complex electrical circuits need to be developed on the nanoscale. One approach is to define nanoelectronic networks by combining top-down strategies, such as electron beam lithography, with bottom-up techniques typically given by soft-matter materials. This combination can also be developed towards the integration of single molecular electronic building blocks into electronic circuits, which are compatible with silicon-based electronics.
The workshop gives an overview on the electronic properties of the single building blocks as well as on the characterization of the interconnecting structures.
In particular, the following systems will be discussed:
- Metal-single molecule junctions
- DNA based nanostructures
- Conducting polymers
- Silicon nanowires
- Carbon-based electrodes
The workshop will consist of keynote invited talks, selected talks from the group of principal investigators of the IHRS NanoNet, and a poster session where the doctoral candidates of the IHRS NanoNet will present their work.
Confirmed keynote speakers
Kurt V. GothelfAarhus University (Aarhus, Denmark)Kurt Vesterager Gothelf was born in 1968 in Denmark and studied chemistry at Aarhus University, Denmark and at Heidelberg University, Germany. He performed his PhD in organic synthesis and asymmetric catalysis under Professor K. A. Jorgensen, Aarhus University. Following a period as a postdoc at Aarhus University he joined Professor M. C. Pirrung’s group at Duke University, USA. From May 2002 he has been an Associate Professor at Aarhus University and in August 2007 he was appointed Professor in organic nanochemistry. In 2007 Kurt Gothelf became Director of the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for DNA Nanotechnology. |
Robert M. MetzgerThe University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, USA)Robert Melville Metzger, born in Japan of Hungarian parents, was educated in France, Italy, and the UK. His chemistry degrees are from UCLA and Caltech. He taught Italian at Stanford, and chemistry at the Universities of Mississippi and Alabama. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Heidelberg, Bordeaux, Kyoto, Padova, Parma, Delft, and Dresden. He speaks English, Italian, Hungarian, French and German. He has lectured in 31 countries. He published 220 papers, 5 books, 1 patent; he has graduated 14 Ph.D.s , 1 M.S., and directed 25 post-docs. His work has spanned theory, crystal structures, superconductivity, and magnetism. He pioneered unimolecular rectifiers for nanoelectronics, and now is pushing towards one-molecule amplifiers. |
Heike R. RielIBM Research Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland) |
Herre van der ZantDelft University of Technology (Delft, The Netherlands)Herre van der Zant finished his Ph.D in 1991 at the Delft University of Technology on measurements of classical and quantum phase transitions in Josephson junction arrays. After his Ph.D, he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to work on superconducting electronics. After three years, Herre van der Zant returned to Delft to start a new direction in mesoscopic charge density waves. On this subject he received a five year fellowship from the Royal Academy for Sciences. In 2005, he cofounded the Molecular Electronics and Devices group in the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience at the Delft University of Technology. As a professor in this group, his research focuses on transport through single molecules and nano-electromechanical systems. |
Participation in the workshop programme and dinner is by invitation only. Invitees should follow the personalized instructions received by e-mail to register and submit their abstracts.
The IHRS NanoNet cordially invites all interested to attend the lectures and visit the poster session. Attendance is free (meals are not included), but registration is required until 15 September 2013.
Registration is closed.
The workshop will be held at the lecture hall of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden). Information on how to reach us can be found here.
For enquiries, please contact the IHRS NanoNet coordinator.
This workshop is organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606).