
Dr. Martin Rudolph
Head of the Processing Department

Phone: +49 0351 260 - 4410

All Projects of the Processing Department at a Glance

  • FineFuture - Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU (EU, Horizon2020, 2019-2022)
  • MoCa - Monazite Catalão: Development of a production chain for rare earth elements from tailings of the ultramafic alkaline-carbonatite complex Catalão/Goiás (BMBF CLIENT II, 2018-2021)
  • MultiDimFlot – Multidimensional Flotation Separation of Ultrafine Particles (German Research Foundation, Priority Programme, 2017-2020)
  • NetFlot - Network of Infrastructure: Modelling the Flotation Process (EIT RawMaterials, 2016-2018)