Short-time and THz spectroscopy of semiconductors and quantum materials
Since the commissioning of the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) at ELBE more than 15 years ago, the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM) has operated the user laboratories at the FEL. Equally relevant, however, is the independent research on ultrafast and THz spectroscopy of semiconductors, 2D and quantum materials, and their hetero- and nanostructures. The goals are the understanding of charge carrier dynamics as well as the investigation of various low-energy elementary and coupled excitations (e.g. phonons, plasmons, magnons, bandgaps of superconductors, polaritons) also under strong fields or in the nonlinear regime. With the commissioning of the superradiant THz source TELBE at the Institute of Radiation Physics, the existing cooperation with this institute has been further strengthened. The even higher THz fields achievable by TELBE extend the research spectrum towards field-driven non-equilibrium phenomena, which is reflected in particular in the concept for the planned large-scale facility DALI. The IIM plays an important role in the planning and application process that will take place in the coming years.
Participating departments of the institute: