Publications of Institute of Theoretical Physics - Year 2023 to 2025
Involved institute: Institute of Theoretical Physics (from 2018)
Year 2023 to 2025
Articles ref. in Journals
"Online First" included
Creation and manipulation of surface code defects with quantum optimal control
Raii, O.; Dey, A.; Mintert, F.; Burgarth, D.
The surface code is a spin-1/2 lattice system that can exhibit non-trivial topological order when defects are punctured in the lattice and thus can be used as a stabiliser code. The protocols developed to create defects in the system have previously relied on adiabatic dynamics. In this work we use techniques of quantum optimal control to overcome the requirement for adiabaticity and achieve defect creation and implemention of other important operations required for quantum computation at much faster timescales.
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.012423
arXiv: 2406.00460 -
Physical Review A 111(2024), 012423
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.012423
Active learning for quantum mechanical measurements
Zhu, R.; Pike-Burke, C.; Mintert, F.
The experimental evaluation ofmany quantum mechanical quantities requires the estimation of several directly measurable observables, such as local observables. Due to the necessity to repeat experiments on individual quantum systems in order to estimate expectation values of observables, the question of how many repetitions to allocate to a given directly measurable observable arises. We show that an active learning scheme can help to improve such allocations, and the resultant decrease in experimental repetitions required to evaluate a quantity with the desired accuracy increases with the size of the underlying quantum mechanical system.
Physical Review A 109(2024), 062404
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.062404
arXiv: arXiv:2212.07513
Quantum control by effective counterdiabatic driving
Petiziol, F.; Mintert, F.; Wimberger, S.
We review a scheme for the systematic design of quantum control protocols based on shortcuts to adiabaticity in few-level quantum systems. The adiabatic dynamics is accelerated by introducing high-frequency modulations in the control Hamiltonian, which mimic a timedependent counterdiabatic correction. We present a number of applications for the high-fidelity realization of quantum state transfers and quantum gates based on effective counterdiabatic driving, in platforms ranging from superconducting circuits to Rydberg atoms.
EPL - Europhysics Letters 145(2024), 15001
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/ad19e3
arXiv: arXiv:2402.04936
Variational quantum gate optimization at the pulse level
Greenaway, S.; Petiziol, F.; Zhao, H.; Mintert, F.
We experimentally investigate the viability of a variational quantum gate optimization protocol informed by the underlying physical Hamiltonian of fixed-frequency transmon qubits. Through the successful experimental optimization of two and three qubit quantum gates the utility of the scheme for obtaining gates based on static effective Hamiltonians is demonstrated. The limits of such a strategy are investigated through the optimization of a time-dependent, Floquet-engineered gate, however parameter drift is identified as a key limiting factor preventing the implementation of such a scheme which the variational optimization protocol is unable to overcome.
SciPost Physics 16(2024)082
DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.16.3.082
Low-energy limit of N-photon amplitudes in a constant field: Part II
Lopez Lopez, M. A.
We employ the worldline formalism to derive a series representation of the low-energy limit of the N-photon
amplitude in a constant background field for both scalar and spinor QED. The amplitudes are then written in
terms of a single proper-time integral. The above-mentioned series representation terminates when considering
a constant crossed field. This allows us to obtain even more compact expressions for these particular amplitudes
for which the result of the proper-time integral, for fixed parameters, takes the form of a factorial function. In
addition, we derive all helicity components of these amplitudes and express them explicitly in terms of Bernoulli
numbers and spinor products.
Keywords: Worldline formalism; Photon amplitudes; Low energy; Constant crossed field
Physics Letters B 860(2025), 139157
Online First (2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.139157
Relaxation to persistent currents in a Hubbard trimer coupled to fermionic baths
Szpak, N.; Schaller, G.; Schützhold, R.; König, J.
We consider a ring of fermionic quantum sites, modeled by the Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian, in which electrons can move and interact strongly via the Coulomb repulsion. The system is coupled to fermionic cold baths, which by the exchange of particles and energy induce relaxation in the system. We eliminate the
environment and describe the system effectively by Lindblad master equations in various versions valid for different coupling parameter regimes. The early relaxation phase proceeds in a universal way, irrespective of the relative couplings and approximations. The system settles down to its low-energy sector and is consecutively well approximated by the Heisenberg model. We compare different Lindblad approaches, which, in the late relaxation, push the system towards different final states with opposite, extreme spin orders, from ferromagenetic to antiferromagnetic. Due to spin frustration in the trimer (a three site ring), degenerate ground states are formed by spin waves (magnons). The system described by the global coherent version of the Lindblad operators relaxes
towards the final states carrying directed persistent spin currents. We numerically confirm these predictions.
Keywords: Lindblad equation; Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian; relaxation dynamics; Heisenberg model; coherent approximation
Contribution to WWW
arXiv: 2311.06331 -
Physical Review B 110(2024), 115131
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.115131
Cited 1 times in Scopus
- Open Access Version from
- Secondary publication expected from 17.09.2025
Continuous Dimer Angles on the Silicon Surface: Critical Properties and the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism
Weitzel, A.; Schaller, G.; Queißer, F.; Schützhold, R.
Langevin dynamics simulations are used to analyze the static and dynamic properties of an XY model adapted to dimers forming on Si(001) surfaces. The numerics utilise high-performance parallel computation methods on GPUs. The static exponent ν of the symmetry-broken XY model is determined to ν=1.04. The dynamic critical exponent z is determined to z=2.13 and, together with ν, shows the behavior of the Ising universality class. For time-dependent temperatures, we observe frozen domains and compare their size distribution with predictions from Kibble-Zurek theory. We determine a significantly larger quench exponent that shows little dependence on the damping or the symmetry-breaking field.
Keywords: Kibble-Zurek mechanism; Langevin equation; silicon Si(001) surface; critical exponents; correlation lengths
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2409.06412 -
Physical Review B 110(2024), 245125
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.245125
- Open Access Version from
- Secondary publication expected from 12.12.2025
Momentum space separation of quantum path interferences between photons and surface plasmon polaritons in nonlinear photoemission microscopy
Dreher, P.; Janoschka, D.; Giessen, H.; Schützhold, R.; Davis, T. J.; Horn-Von Hoegen, M.; Meyer Zu Heringdorf, F.-J.
Quantum path interferences occur whenever multiple equivalent and coherent transitions result in a common final state. Such interferences strongly modify the probability of a particle to be found in that final state, a key concept of quantum coherent control. When multiple nonlinear and energy-degenerate transitions occur in a system, the multitude of possible quantum path interferences is hard to disentangle experimentally. Here, we analyze quantum path interferences during the nonlinear emission of electrons from hybrid plasmonic and photonic fields using time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy.We experimentally distinguish quantum path interferences by exploiting the momentum difference between photons and plasmons and through balancing the relative contributions of their respective fields. Our work provides a fundamental understanding of the nonlinear photon–plasmon–electron
interaction. Distinguishing emission processes in momentum space, as introduced here, could allow nano-optical quantum-correlations to be studied without destroying the quantum path interferences.
Keywords: PEEM; surface plasmon polaritons; photoemission
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.11936
arXiv: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.11936 -
Nanophotonics 13(2024)9, 1593-1602
DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0776
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Searching for axion resonances in vacuum birefringence with three-beam collisions
We consider birefringent (i.e., polarization changing) scattering of x-ray photons at the superposition of two optical laser beams of ultrahigh intensity and study the resonant contributions of axions or axionlike particles, which could also be short lived. Applying the specifications of the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF), we find that this setup can be more sensitive than previous light-bylight scattering (birefringence) or light-shining-through-wall experiments in a certain domain of parameter space. By changing the pump and probe laser orientations and frequencies, one can even scan different axion masses, i.e., chart the axion propagator.
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2307.08345
arXiv: -
Physical Review D 109(2024)L091901
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.L091901
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Critical behavior of the dimerized Si(001) surface: Continuous order-disorder phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising universality class
Brand, C.; Hucht, A.; Mehdipour, H.; Jnawali, G.; Fortmann, J. D.; Tajik, M.; Hild, R.; Sothmann, B.; Kratzer, P.; Schützhold, R.; Horn-Von Hoegen, M.
The critical behavior of the order-disorder phase transition in the buckled dimer structure of the Si(001) surface is investigated both theoretically by means of first-principles calculations and experimentally by spot profile analysis low-energy electron diffraction (SPA-LEED). We use density functional theory (DFT) with three different functionals commonly used for Si to determine the coupling constants of an effective lattice Hamiltonian describing the dimer interactions. Experimentally, the phase transition from the low-temperature c(4×2)- to the high-temperature p(2×1)-reconstructed surface is followed through the intensity and width of the superstructure spots within the temperature range 78–400K. Near the critical temperature Tc = 190.6K, we observe universal critical behavior of spot intensities and correlation lengths, which falls into the universality class of the two-dimensional (2D) Ising model. From the ratio of correlation lengths along and across the dimer rows we determine effective nearest-neighbor couplings of an anisotropic 2D Ising model,
J = (−24.9 ± 0.9stat ± 1.3sys )meV and J⊥ = (−0.8 ± 0.1stat )meV.We find that the experimentally determined coupling constants of the Ising model can be reconciled with those of the more complex lattice Hamiltonian
from DFT when the critical behavior is of primary interest. The anisotropy of the interactions derived from the
experimental data via the 2D Ising model is best matched by DFT calculations using the PBEsol functional.
The trends in the calculated anisotropy are consistent with the surface stress anisotropy predicted by the
DFT functionals, pointing towards the role of surface stress reduction as a driving force for establishing the
c(4×2)-reconstructed ground state.
Contribution to WWW
arXiv: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.10488 -
Physical Review B 109(2024)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134104
Cited 3 times in Scopus
Nonperturbative Floquet engineering of the toric-code Hamiltonian and its ground state
Petiziol, F.; Wimberger, S.; Eckardt, A.; Mintert, F.
We theoretically propose a quantum simulation scheme for the toric-code Hamiltonian, the paradigmatic model of a quantum spin liquid, based on time-periodic driving. We develop a hybrid continuous-digital strategy that exploits the commutativity of different terms in the target Hamiltonian. It allows one to realize the required four-body interactions in a nonperturbative way, attaining strong coupling and the suppression of undesired processes. In addition, we design an optimal protocol for preparing the topologically ordered ground states with high fidelity. A proof-of-principle implementation of a topological device and its use to simulate the topological phase transition are also discussed. The proposed scheme finds natural implementation in architectures of superconducting qubits with tunable couplings.
Physical Review B 109(2024), 075126
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.075126
Cited 3 times in Scopus
Quasi-particle propagation across semiconductor-Mott insulator interfaces
Verlage, J.; Queißer, F.; Szpak, N.; König, J.; Kratzer, P.; Schützhold, R.
As a prototypical example for a heterostructure combining a weakly and a strongly interacting quantum many-body system, we study the interface between a semiconductor and a Mott insulator. Via the hierarchy of correlations, we derive and match the propagating or evanescent quasi-particle solutions on both sides. While the propagation is described by a band-like dispersion in both the weakly and the strongly interacting case, the inverse decay length across the interface follows a different dependence on the band gap in the Mott insulator and the semiconductor. As one consequence, tunnelling through a Mott insulating layer behaves quite different from a semiconducting (or band insulating) layer. For example, we find a strong suppression of tunnelling for energies in the middle between the upper and lower Hubbard band of the Mott insulator.
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2303.13507 [cond-mat.str-el]:
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2303.13507
arXiv: -
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 63(2024)11, 285
DOI: 10.1007/s10773-024-05814-5
Higher-harmonic generation in the driven Mott-Hubbard model
Using Floquet theory and the hierarchy of correlations, we study the non-equilibrium dynamics of the Mott insulator state in the Fermi-Hubbard model under the influence of a harmonically oscillating electric field representing the pump laser. After deriving the associated Floquet exponents, we consider higher-harmonic generation where the strongest signal is obtained if the driving frequency equals one third of the Mott gap.
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2309.01021 [cond-mat.str-el]:
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2309.01021
arXiv: -
Physical Review B 109(2024)20
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.205110
Bell test of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization
Ruberti, M.; Averbukh, V.; Mintert, F.
Attosecond physics enables the study of ultrafast coherent electron dynamics in matter upon photoexcitation and photoionization, revealing spectacular effects such as hole migration and coherent Auger dynamics in molecules. In the photoionization scenario, there has been a strong focus on probing the physical manifestations of the internal quantum coherence within the individual parent ion and photoelectron systems. However, quantum correlations between these two subsystems emerging from the attosecond photoionization event have thus far remained much more elusive. In this work, we design theoretically and model numerically a direct probe of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization in the form of a Bell test. We simulate from first principles a Bell test protocol for the case of noble gas atoms photoionized by ultrashort, circularly polarized infrared laser pulses in the strong-field regime predicting robust violation of the Bell inequality. This theoretical result paves the way to the direct observation of entanglement in the context of ultrafast photoionization of many-electron systems. Our work provides a different perspective on attosecond physics directed towards the detection of quantum correlations between systems born during attosecond photoionization and unravelling the signatures of entanglement in the ultrafast coherent molecular dynamics, including in the chemical decomposition pathways of molecular ions.
Contribution to WWW -
Physical Review X 14(2024)4, 041042
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.14.041042
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Momentum spectrum of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production in space-time fields
Degli Esposti, G.; Torgrimsson, G.
We show how to use a worldline-instanton formalism to calculate, to leading order in the weak-field expansion, the momentum spectrum of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production in fields that depend on time and one spatial coordinate. We find a nontrivial dependence on the width, $\lambda$, of the photon wave packet, and the existence of a critical point $\lambda_c$. For $\lambda<\lambda_c$ and a field with one peak, the spectrum has one peak where the electron and positron have the same energy. For $\lambda>\lambda_c$ this splits into two peaks. We calculate a high-energy ($\Omega\gg1$) expansion, which to leading order agrees with the results obtained by replacing the space-time field with a plane wave and using the well-known Volkov solutions. We also calculate an expansion for $\Omega\sim a_0\gg1$, where the field is strong enough to significantly bend the trajectories of the fermions despite $\Omega\gg1$.
Contribution to WWW -
Physical Review D 110(2024)7, 076017
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.076017
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Efficient prediction of attosecond two-colour pulses from an X-ray free-electron laser with machine learning
Alaa El-Din, K. K.; Alexander, O. G.; Frasinski, L. J.; Mintert, F.; Guo, Z.; Duris, J.; Zhang, Z.; Cesar, D. B.; Franz, P.; Driver, T.; Walter, P.; Cryan, J. P.; Marinelli, A.; Marangos, J. P.; Mukherjee, R.
X-ray free-electron lasers are sources of coherent, high-intensity X-rays with numerous applications in ultra-fast measurements and dynamic structural imaging. Due to the stochastic nature of the self-amplified spontaneous emission process and the difficulty in controlling injection of electrons, output pulses exhibit significant noise and limited temporal coherence. Standard measurement techniques used for characterizing two-coloured X-ray pulses are challenging, as they are either invasive or diagnostically expensive. In this work, we employ machine learning methods such as neural networks and decision trees to predict the central photon energies of pairs of attosecond fundamental and second harmonic pulses using parameters that are easily recorded at the high-repetition rate of a single shot. Using real experimental data, we apply a detailed feature analysis on the input parameters while optimizing the training time of the machine learning methods. Our predictive models are able to make predictions of central photon energy for one of the pulses without measuring the other pulse, thereby leveraging the use of the spectrometer without having to extend its detection window. We anticipate applications in X-ray spectroscopy using XFELs, such as in time-resolved X-ray absorption and photoemission spectroscopy, where improved measurement of input spectra will lead to better experimental outcomes.
Contribution to WWW -
Scientific Reports 14(2024)1, 7267
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56782-z
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Photon-photon correlation of condensed light in a microcavity
Tang, Y.; Shekhar Dhar, H.; Oulton, R. F.; Nyman, R. A.; Mintert, F.
The study of temporal coherence in a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons can be challenging, especially in the presence of correlations between the photonic modes. In this work, we use a microscopic, multimode model of photonic condensation inside a dye-filled microcavity and the quantum regression theorem, to derive an analytical expression for the equation of motion of the photon-photon correlation function. This allows us to derive the coherence time of the photonic modes and identify a nonmonotonic dependence of the temporal coherence of the condensed light with the cutoff frequency of the microcavity.
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Physical Review A 109(2024)4, 043713
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.043713
Cited 3 times in Scopus
Breakdown of Temporal Coherence in Photon Condensates
Tang, Y.; Shekhar Dhar, H.; Oulton, R. F.; Nyman, R. A.; Mintert, F.
The temporal coherence of an ideal Bose gas increases as the system approaches the Bose-Einstein condensation threshold from below, with coherence time diverging at the critical point. However, counter-examples have been observed for condensates of photons formed in an externally pumped, dye-filled microcavity, wherein the coherence time decreases rapidly for increasing particle number above threshold. This paper establishes intermode correlations as the central explanation for the experimentally observed dramatic decrease in the coherence time beyond critical pump power.
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Physical Review Letters 132(2024)17, 173601
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.173601
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Light in a Semiconductor Quantum Well Microcavity
Schofield, R. C.; Fu, M.; Clarke, E.; Farrer, I.; Trapalis, A.; Dhar, H. S.; Mukherjee, R.; Heffernan, J.; Mintert, F.; Nyman, R. A.; Oulton, R. F.
When particles with integer spin accumulate at low temperature and high density they undergo Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). Atoms, solid-state excitons and excitons coupled to light all exhibit BEC, which results in high coherence due to massive occupation of the respective system's ground state. Surprisingly, photons were shown to exhibit BEC much more recently in organic dye-filled optical microcavities, which, owing to the photon's low mass, occurs at room temperature. Here we demonstrate that photons within an inorganic semiconductor microcavity also thermalise and undergo BEC. Although semiconductor lasers are understood to operate out of thermal equilibrium, we identify a region of good thermalisation in our system where we can clearly distinguish laser action from BEC. Based on well-developed technology, semiconductor microcavities are a robust system for exploring the physics and applications of quantum statistical photon condensates. Notably, photon BEC is an alternative to exciton-based BECs, which dissociate under high excitation and often require cryogenic operating conditions. In practical terms, photon BECs offer their critical behaviour at lower thresholds than lasers. Our study shows two further advantages of photon BEC in semiconductor materials: the lack of dark electronic states allows these BECs to be sustained continuously; and semiconductor quantum wells offer strong photon-photon scattering. We measure an unoptimised interaction parameter, g̃ =0.0023±0.0003, which is large enough to access the rich physics of interactions within BECs, such as superfluid light or vortex formation.
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Nature Photonics 18(2024), 1083-1089
DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01491-2
Cited 4 times in Scopus
Quantum simulations of time-dependent Hamiltonians beyond the quasi-static approximation
Shi, B.; Mintert, F.
Existing approaches to analogue quantum simulations of time-dependent quantum systems rely on perturbative corrections to the time-independence of the systems to be simulated. We overcome this restriction to perturbative approaches and demonstrate the potential of achievable quantum simulations with the pedagogical example of a Lambda-system and the quench in finite time through a quantum phase transition of a Chern insulator in a driven Hubbard system.
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Physical Review Research 6(2024)023097
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023097
Quantum simulation of hadronic states with Rydberg-dressed atoms
Wang, Z.; Wang, F.; Vovrosh, J.; Knolle, J.; Mintert, F.; Mukherjee, R.
The phenomenon of confinement is well known in high-energy physics and can also be realized for low-energy domain-wall excitations in one-dimensional quantum spin chains. A bound state consisting of two domain-walls can behave like a meson, and in a recent work of Vovrosh et al. [PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)] , it was demonstrated that a pair of mesons could dynamically form a meta-stable confinement-induced bound state (consisting of four domain-walls) akin to a hadronic state. However, the protocol discussed in Vovrosh et al. [PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)] involving the use of interactions with characteristically non-monotonic distance dependence is not easy to come by in nature, thus, posing a challenge for its experimental realization. In this regard, Rydberg atoms can provide the required platform for simulating confinement-related physics. We exploit the flexibility offered by interacting Rydberg-dressed atoms to engineering modified spin-spin interactions for the one-dimensional transverse field Ising model. Our numerical simulations show how Rydberg-dressed interactions can give rise to a variety of effective potentials that are suitable for hadron formation, which opens the possibility of simulating confinement physics with Rydberg platforms as a viable alternative to current trapped-ion experiments.
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Physical Review A 109(2024)3, 032613
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.032613
Universal definition of the non-conformal trace anomaly
Ferrero, R.; Franchino-Vinas, S.; Frob, M. B.; Lima, W. C. C.
We show that there exists a generalized, universal notion of the trace anomaly for theories which are not conformally invariant at the classical level. The definition is suitable for any regularization scheme and clearly states to what extent the classical equations of motion should be used, thus resolving existing controversies surrounding previous proposals. Additionally, we exhibit the link between our definition of the anomaly and the functional Jacobian arising from a Weyl transformation.
Keywords: Conformal anomaly; Trace anomaly; Nonconformal theory; Conformal theory
Contribution to WWW
arXiv: 2312.07666 [hep-th] -
Physical Review Letters 132(2024), 071601
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.071601
Cited 4 times in Scopus
Attraction Versus Repulsion Between Doublons or Holons in Mott-Hubbard Systems
Queißer, F.; Schaller, G.; Schützhold, R.
For the Mott insulator state of the Fermi-Hubbard model in the strong-coupling limit, we study the interaction between quasi-particles in the form of doublons and holons. Comparing different methods – the hierarchy of correlations, strong-coupling perturbation theory, and exact analytic solutions for the Hubbard tetramer – we find an effective interaction between doublons and/or holons to linear order in the hopping strength which can display attractive as well as repulsive contributions, depending on the involved momenta. Finally, we speculate about the implications of our findings for high-temperature uperconductivity.
Keywords: Hubbard model; Quasi-particles; Boltzmann equations; Superconductivity
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2304.03034
arXiv: 2304.03034 -
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 62(2023), 239
DOI: 10.1007/s10773-023-05484-9
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Energy transfer between gravitational waves and quantum matter
Gräfe, J.; Adamietz, F.; Schützhold, R.
We study the interaction between gravitational waves and quantum matter such as Bose-Einstein condensates, superfluid helium, or ultracold solids, explicitly taking into account the changes of the trapping potential induced by the gravitational wave. As a possible observable, we consider the change of energy due to the gravitational wave, for which we derive rigorous bounds in terms of kinetic energy and particle number. Finally, we discuss implications for possible experimental tests.
Physical Review D 108(2024), 064056
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.064056
Cited 1 times in Scopus -
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.14694
arXiv: 2302.14694
Back-reaction and correlation effects on pre-thermalization in Mott-Hubbard systems
Queißer, F.; Kohlfürst, C.; Schützhold, R.
For the Fermi-Hubbard model in the strongly interacting Mott insulator state, we study the pre-thermalization dynamics after a quench. To this end, we employ the method of the hierarchy of correlations and compare different levels of accuracy. To leading order, the usual free quasi-particle dynamics (as encoded in the two-point correlation functions) yields the standard picture of pre-thermalization. Taking into account the back-reaction of these quasi-particle fluctuations onto the mean-field background as the first next-to-leading order effect, we observe a strong degradation of pre-thermalization, especially in low dimensions. In contrast, the inclusion of three-point correlations enhances pre-thermalization.
Keywords: Fermi-Hubbard model; Mott insulator
Contribution to WWW
arXiv: -
Physical Review B 109(2024)19, 195140
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.195140
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Dynamically Assisted Tunneling in the Floquet Picture
Ryndyk, D.; Kohlfürst, C.; Queißer, F.; Schützhold, R.
We study how tunneling through a potential barrier V(x) can be enhanced by an additional harmonically oscillating electric field E(t)=E0 cos(ωt). To this end, we transform into the Kramers-Henneberger frame and calculate the coupled Floquet channels numerically. We find distinct signatures of resonances when the incident energy E equals the driving frequency ω=E which clearly shows the breakdown of the time-averaged potential approximation. As a simple model for experimental applications (e.g., in solid state physics), we study the rectangular potential, which can also be benchmarked with respect to analytical results. Finally, we consider the truncated Coulomb potential relevant for nuclear fusion.
Keywords: Dynamically Assisted Quantum Tunneling; Assisted Hydrogen Fusion; High-Intensity Electric Fields; Coupled-Channel Equations
Contribution to WWW
arXiv: -
Physical Review Research 6(2024), 023056
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.023056
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Strong Interaction Physics at the Luminosity Frontier with 22 GeV Electrons at Jefferson Lab
Accardi, A.; Achenbach, P.; Adhikari, D.; et al; Ding, M.; Schmidt, S. M.
This document presents the initial scientific case for upgrading the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab (JLab) to 22 GeV. It is the result of a community effort, incorporating insights from a series of workshops conducted between March 2022 and April 2023. With a track record of over 25 years in delivering the world's most intense and precise multi-GeV electron beams, CEBAF's potential for a higher energy upgrade presents a unique opportunity for an innovative nuclear physics program, which seamlessly integrates a rich historical background with a promising future. The proposed physics program encompass a diverse range of investigations centered around the nonperturbative dynamics inherent in hadron structure and the exploration of strongly interacting systems. It builds upon the exceptional capabilities of CEBAF in high-luminosity operations, the availability of existing or planned Hall equipment, and recent advancements in accelerator technology. The proposed program cover various scientific topics, including Hadron Spectroscopy, Partonic Structure and Spin, Hadronization and Transverse Momentum, Spatial Structure, Mechanical Properties, Form Factors and Emergent Hadron Mass, Hadron-Quark Transition, and Nuclear Dynamics at Extreme Conditions, as well as QCD Confinement and Fundamental Symmetries. Each topic highlights the key measurements achievable at a 22 GeV CEBAF accelerator. Furthermore, this document outlines the significant physics outcomes and unique aspects of these programs that distinguish them from other existing or planned facilities. In summary, this document provides an exciting rationale for the energy upgrade of CEBAF to 22 GeV, outlining the transformative scientific potential that lies within reach, and the remarkable opportunities it offers for advancing our understanding of hadron physics and related fundamental phenomena.
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European Physical Journal A 60(2024)9, 173
DOI: 10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01282-x
Cited 6 times in Scopus
Pion and kaon electromagnetic and gravitational form factors
Xu, Y.-Z.; Ding, M.; Raya, K.; Roberts, C. D.; Rodríguez-Quintero, J.; Schmidt, S. M.
A unified set of predictions for pion and kaon elastic electromagnetic and gravitational form factors is obtained using a symmetry-preserving truncation of each relevant quantum field equation. A key part of the study is a description of salient aspects of the dressed graviton + quark vertices. The calculations reveal that each meson’s mass radius is smaller than its charge radius, matching available empirical inferences; and meson core pressures are commensurate with those in neutron stars. The analysis described herein paves the way for a direct calculation of nucleon gravitational form factors.
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European Physical Journal C 84(2024), 191
DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12518-x
Cited 14 times in Scopus
Sieving parton distribution function moments via the moment problem
We apply a classical mathematical problem, the moment problem, with its related mathematical achievements, to the study of the parton distribution function (PDF) in hadron physics, and propose a strategy to sieve the moments of the PDF by exploiting its properties such as continuity, unimodality, and symmetry. Through an error-inclusive sifting process, we refine three sets of PDF moments from Lattice QCD. This refinement significantly reduces the errors, particularly for higher order moments, and locates the peak of PDF simultaneously. As our strategy is universally applicable to PDF moments from any method, we strongly advocate its integration into all PDF moment calculations.
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Physics Letters B 851(2024), 138568
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138568
Constraining the pion distribution amplitude using Drell-Yan reactions on a proton
Xing, H.-Y.; Ding, M.; Cui, Z.-F.; Pimikov, A. V.; Roberts, C. D.; Schmidt, S. M.
Using a reaction model that incorporates pion bound state effects and continuum results for proton parton distributions and the pion distribution amplitude, $\varphi_\pi$, we deliver parameter-free predictions for the $\mu^+$ angular distributions in $\pi N \to \mu^+ \mu^- X$ reactions on both unpolarised and polarised targets. The analysis indicates that such angular distributions are sensitive to the pointwise form of $\varphi_\pi$ and suggests that unpolarised targets are practically more favourable. The precision of extant data is insufficient for use in charting $\varphi_\pi$; hence, practical tests of this approach to charting $\varphi_\pi$ must await data with improved precision from new-generation experiments. The reaction model yields a nonzero single-spin azimuthal asymmetry, without reference to $T$-odd parton distribution functions (DFs). This may necessitate additional care when attempting to extract such $T$-odd DFs from data.
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Physics Letters B 849(2024), 138462
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138462
Cited 4 times in Scopus
Optimal control with a multidimensional quantum invariant
Modesto, O.-R.; Selwyn, S.; Sahra, A. K.; Samuel, J. H.; Winfried, K. H.; Mintert, F.
Optimal quantum control of continuous variable systems poses a formidable computational challenge because of the high-dimensional character of the system dynamics. The framework of quantum invariants can significantly reduce the complexity of such problems, but it requires the knowledge of an invariant compatible with the Hamiltonian of the system in question. We explore the potential of a Gaussian invariant that is suitable for quadratic Hamiltonians with any given number of motional degrees of freedom for quantum optimal control problems that are inspired by current challenges in ground-state to ground-state shuttling of trapped ions.
Physical Review A 108(2023), 22601
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.022601
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Fast optomechanical photon blockade
Yuxun, L.; Sofia, Q.; Mintert, F.
The photon blockade effect is commonly exploited in the development of single-photon sources. While the photon blockade effect could be used to prepare high-fidelity single-photon states in idealized regimes, practical implementations in optomechanical systems suffer from an interplay of competing processes. Here we derive a control scheme that exploits destructive interference of Fock state amplitudes of more than one photon. The resulting preparation time for photon-blockaded quantum states is limited only by the optomechanical interaction strength and can thus be orders of magnitude shorter than in existing schemes that achieve photon blockade in the steady state.
Physical Review Research 5(2023), 23148
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.023148
Cited 4 times in Scopus
Momentum spectrum of Schwinger pair production in four-dimensional e-dipole fields
Degli Esposti, G.; Torgrimsson, G.
We calculate the momentum spectrum of electron-positron pairs created via the Schwinger mechanism by a class of four-dimensional electromagnetic fields called e-dipole fields. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the momentum spectrum has been calculated for 4D, exact solutions to Maxwell’s equations. Moreover, these solutions give fields that are optimally focused, and are hence particularly relevant for future experiments. To achieve this we have developed a worldline instanton formalism where we separate the process into a formation and an acceleration region.
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Physical Review D 109(2024)1, 016013
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.016013
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Floquet analysis of a superradiant many-qutrit refrigerator
Kolisnyk, D.; Queißer, F.; Schaller, G.; Schützhold, R.
We investigate superradiant enhancements in the refrigeration performance in a set of N three-level systems that are collectively coupled to a hot and a cold thermal reservoir and are additionally subject to collective periodic (circular) driving. Assuming the system-reservoir coupling to be weak, we explore the regime of stronger periodic driving strengths by comparing collective weak-driving, Floquet-Lindblad, and Floquet-Redfield master equations. We identify regimes where the power injected by the periodic driving is used to pump heat from the cold to the hot reservoir and derive analytic sufficient conditions for them based on a cycle analysis of the Floquet-Lindblad master equation. In those regimes, we also argue for which parameters collective enhancements like a quadratic scaling of the cooling current with N can be expected and support our arguments by numerical simulations.
Keywords: Floquet theory; periodic driving; refrigeration; superradiance; cooling condition; collective effects
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2310.18126 -
Physical Review Applied 21(2024), 044050
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.044050
Cited 2 times in Scopus
- Open Access Version from
- Secondary publication expected from 26.04.2025
Study of QED singular properties for variable gyromagnetic ratio g≃2
Rafelski, J.; Evans, S.; Labun, L.
Using the external field method, {\it i.e.\/} evaluating the effective action $V_{\mathrm{eff}}$ for an arbitrarily strong constant and homogeneous field, we explore nonperturbative properties of QED allowing arbitrary gyromagnetic ratio $g$. We find a cusp at $g = 2$ in: a) The QED $b_0$-renormalization group coefficient, and in the infinite wavelength limit in b) a subclass containing the pseudoscalar ${\cal P}^{2n}= (\vec E\cdot\vec B)^{2n} $ of light-light scattering coefficients. Properties of $b_0$ imply for certain domains of $g$ asymptotic freedom in an Abelian theory.
Keywords: Schwinger effect; vacuum stability; magnetic moment
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.13165
arXiv: 2212.13165 -
Physical Review D 107(2023), 076002-1-076002-12
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.076002
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Improving Euler-Heisenberg-Schwinger Effective Action with Dressed Photons
We implement a longstanding proposal by Weisskopf to apply virtual polarization corrections to
the in/out external fields in study of the Euler-Heisenberg-Schwinger effective action. Our approach
requires distinguishing the electromagnetic and polarization fields based on mathematical tools
developed by Bia lynicki-Birula, originally for the Born-Infeld action. Our solution is expressed
as a differential equation where the one-loop effective action serves as input. As a first result of
our approach, we recover the higher-order one-cut reducible loop diagrams discovered by Gies and
Keywords: Euler–Heisenberg–Schwinger (EHS); non-perturbative vac-uum structure; quantum electrodynamics (QED)
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.143.S13
arXiv: 2306.07887
Cited 2 times in Scopus -
Acta Physica Polonica A 6(2023)143, S13-S17
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.143.S13
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Dimer Coupling Energies of the Si(001) Surface
Brand, C.; Hucht, A.; Jnawali, G.; Fortmann, J. D.; Sothmann, B.; Mehdipour, H.; Kratzer, P.; Schützhold, R.; Horn-Von Hoegen, M.
The coupling energies between the buckled dimers of the Si(001) surface were determined through analysis of the anisotropic critical behavior of its order-disorder phase transition. Spot profiles in high-resolution low-energy electron diffraction as a function of temperature were analyzed within the framework of the anisotropic two-dimensional Ising model. The validity of this approach is justified by the large ratio of correlation lengths, ζ +/ζ∥+=5.2 of the fluctuating c(4×2) Domains above the critical temperature Tc=(190.6±10) K. We obtain effective couplings J∥=(-24.9±1.3) meV along the dimer rows and J⊥=(-0.8±0.1) meV across the dimer rows, i.e., antiferromagneticlike coupling of the dimers with c(4×2) symmetry.
Keywords: Dimers; Electrons; Ising model; Correlation lengths; Coupling energies; Critical behaviour; Critical temperatures; Effective coupling; High resolution; Low-energy electron diffraction; Order/disorder phase transition; Spot profile; Two-dimensional; Anisotropy
Physical Review Letters 130(2023), 126203
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.126203
Cited 3 times in Scopus -
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2302.01715 [cond-mat.mes-hall]:
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.01715
Fresh look at experimental evidence for odderon exchange
Schmidt, S. M.; Cui, Z.-F.; Binosi, D.; Roberts, C. D.; Triantafyllopoulos, D. N.
Theory suggests that in high-energy elastic hadron+hadron scattering, t-channel exchange of a family of colourless crossingodd
states – the odderon – may generate differences between pp¯ and pp cross-sections in the neighbourhood of the
diffractive minimum. Using a mathematical approach based on interpolation via continued fractions enhanced by statistical
sampling, we develop robust comparisons between pp¯ elastic differential cross-sections measured at √s=1.96 TeV by the
D0 Collaboration at the Tevatron and function-form-unbiased extrapolations to this energy of kindred pp measurements at
√s/TeV=2.76,7,8,13 by the TOTEM Collaboration at the LHC and a combination of these data with earlier cross-section
measurements at √s/GeV=23.5,30.7,44.7,52.8,62.5 made at the intersecting storage rings. Focusing on a domain that
straddles the diffractive minimum in the pp¯ and pp cross-sections, we find that these two cross-sections differ at the
(2.2−2.6)σ level; hence, supply evidence with this level of significance for the existence of the odderon. If combined with
evidence obtained through different experiment-theory comparisons, whose significance is reported to lie in the range
(3.4−4.6)σ, one arrives at a (4.0−5.2)σ signal for the odderon.
Keywords: Diffractive processes; High-energy hadron; Odderon; Regge phenomenology; Schlessinger point; Strong interactions in the standard model of particle physics; hadron interactions
Physics Letters B B(2023)839, 137826
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137826
Cited 4 times in Scopus -
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2205.15438
arXiv: Fresh look at experimental evidence for odderon exchange
Generalized Gelfand-Dikii equation and solitonic electric fields for fermionic Schwinger pair production
Ahmadiniaz, N.; Fedotov, A. M.; Gelfer, E. G.; Pyo Kim, S.; Schubert, C.
Schwinger pair creation in a purely time-dependent electric field can be reduced to an effective quantum mechanical problem using a variety of formalisms. Here we develop an approach based on the Gelfand-Dikii equation for scalar QED, and extent it to spinor QED. We discuss some solvable special cases from this point of view. It was previously shown how to use the well-known solitonic solutions of the KdV equation to construct “solitonic” electric fields that do not create scalar pairs with an arbitrary fixed momentum. We show that this construction can be adapted to the fermionic case in two inequivalent ways, both leading to the vanishing of the pair-creation rate at certain values of the P ̈oschl-Teller like index of the associated Schr ̈odinger equation. Thus for any given momentum, we can construct electric fields that create scalar particles but not spinor particles, and also the other way round. Therefore, while often spin is even neglected in Schwingerpair creation, in such cases it becomes decisive.
Keywords: Schwinger mechanism; Pair production; Gelfand-Dikii equation
Contribution to WWW
2205.159 [hep-th]:
arXiv: -
Physical Review D 108(2023)3, 036019
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.036019
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Precision Storage Rings for Electric Dipole Moment Searches: A Tool En Route to Physics Beyond-the-Standard-Model
Ströher, H.; Schmidt, S. M.; Lenisa, P.; Pretz, J.
Electric Dipole Moments (EDM) of particles (leptons, nucleons and light nuclei) are currently deemed one of the best indicators for new physics, i.e. phenomena, which lie outside the Stand-ard Model (SM) of elementary particle physics – so called physics “Beyond-the-Standard-Model” (BSM). Since EDMs of the SM are vanishingly small, a finite permanent EDM would indicate charge-parity symmetry (CP-) violation in addition to the well-known sources of the SM and could explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, while an oscillating EDM would hint at a possible Dark Matter (DM) field comprising axions or axion-like particles (ALPs). A new ap-proach exploiting polarized charged particles (proton, deuteron, 3He) in precision storage rings offers the prospect to push current experimental EDM upper limits significantly further includ-ing the possibility of an EDM discovery. In this paper, we describe the scientific background and the steps towards the realization of a precision storage ring, which will make such measure-ments possible.
Keywords: Baryon Asymmetry; Dark Matter; Electric Dipole Moments; Storage Rings; Polarized Beams
Particles 6(2023)1, 385-398
DOI: 10.3390/particles6010020
Cited 1 times in Scopus
Fresh look at the generalized parton distributions of light pseudoscalar mesons
Xing, Z.; Ding, M.; Raya, K.; Chang, L.
We present a symmetry-preserving scheme to derive the pion and kaon generalized parton distributions (GPDs) in Euclidean space. The key to maintaining crucial symmetries under this approach is the treatment of the scattering amplitude, such that it contains both the traditional leading-order contributions and the scalar/vector pole contribution automatically, the latter being necessary to ensure the soft-pion theorem. The GPD is extracted analytically via the uniqueness and definition of the Mellin moments and we find that it naturally matches the double distribution; consequently, the polynomiality condition and sum rules are satisfied. The present scheme thus paves the way for the extraction of the GPD in Euclidean space using the Dyson-Schwinger equation framework or similar continuum approaches.
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2301.02958 [hep-ph]: -
European Physical Journal A 60(2024), 33
DOI: 10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01256-z
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Detection schemes for quantum vacuum diffraction and birefringence
Ahmadiniaz, N.; Cowan, T.; Grenzer, J.; Franchino-Vinas, S.; Laso García, A.; Smid, M.; Toncian, T.; Trejo Espinosa, M. A.; Schützhold, R.
Motivated by recent experimental initiatives, such as at the
Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF)
at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL), we calculate
the birefringent scattering of x-rays at the combined field of
two optical (or near-optical) lasers and compare various scenarios.
In order to facilitate an experimental detection of quantum vacuum diffraction and
birefringence, special emphasis is placed on scenarios where the initial
and final x-ray photons differ not just in polarization, but also in
propagation direction (corresponding to scattering angles in the mrad regime)
and possibly energy.
Keywords: Strong Field QED; Vacuum qirefringence; Quantum vacuum diffraction; Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian; XFEL; Laser; Light-by-light scattering
Contribution to WWW -
Physical Review D 108(2023)7, 076005
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.076005
Cited 3 times in Scopus
Resummed heat-kernel and form factors for surface contributions: Dirichlet semitransparent boundary conditions
Franchino-Vinas, S.
In this article we consider resummed expressions for the heat-kernel's
trace of a Laplace operator, the latter including a potential and imposing Dirichlet semitransparent boundary conditions on a surface of codimension one in flat space.
We obtain resummed expressions that correspond to the first and second order expansion of the heat-kernel in powers of the potential.
We show how to apply these results to obtain the bulk and surface form factors of a scalar quantum field theory in $d=4$ with a Yukawa coupling to a background.
A characterization of the form factors in terms of pseudo-differential operators is given.
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Journal of Physics A 56(2023), 115202
DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/acbd26
Cited 2 times in Scopus
Geometrizing the Klein–Gordon and Dirac equations in Doubly Special Relativity
Franchino-Vinas, S.; Relancio, J. J.
In this work we discuss the deformed relativistic wave equations, namely the Klein--Gordon and Dirac equations in a Doubly Special Relativity scenario.
We employ what we call a geometric approach, based on the geometry of a curved momentum space, which should be seen as complementary to the more spread algebraic one.
In this frame we are able to rederive well-known algebraic expressions, as well as to treat yet unresolved issues, to wit, the explicit relation between both equations, the discrete symmetries for Dirac particles, the fate of covariance, and the formal definition of a Hilbert space for the Klein--Gordon case.
Keywords: Doubly Special Relativity; Klein-Gordon equation; Dirac equation; Curved momentum space
Contribution to WWW -
Classical and Quantum Gravity 40(2023), 054001
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/acb4d4
Cited 12 times in Scopus
- Open Access Version from
- Secondary publication expected
Worldline instantons for the momentum spectrum of Schwinger pair production in space-time dependent fields
Degli Esposti, G.; Torgrimsson, G.
We show how to use the worldline-instanton formalism to calculate the momentum spectrum of the electron-positron pairs produced by an electric field that depends on both space and time. Using the LSZ reduction formula with a worldline representation for the propagator in a spacetime field, we make use of the saddle-point method to obtain a semiclassical approximation of the pair-production spectrum. In order to check the final result, we integrate the spectrum and compare with the results obtained using a previous instanton method for the imaginary part of the effective action.
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Physical Review D 107(2023)5, 056019
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.056019
Cited 6 times in Scopus
Pair Production in Circularly Polarized Waves
We study electron-positron pair production within two counter-propagating, circularly polarized electromagnetic fields through the Wigner formalism. We numerically generate high-resolution momentum maps to perform a detailed spectroscopic analysis. We identify signatures of polarization and kinematics of the incident fields in the final positron distribution and, on this basis, provide an intuitive picture of helicity transfer in multiphoton pair production.
Keywords: Strong-Field Quantum Electrodynamics; Electron-Positron Pair Production; Breit-Wheeler Process
Related publications
Data publication: Pair Production in Circularly Polarized Waves
ROBIS: 40230 HZDR-primary research data are used by this (Id 35736) publication -
Data publication: Pair Production in Circularly Polarized Waves
RODARE: 3338 HZDR-primary research data are used by this (Id 35736) publication
Contribution to WWW
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.03180 -
Physical Review D 110(2024), L111903
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.110.L111903
Identifying Time Scales in Particle Production from Fields
Diez, M.; Alkofer, R.; Kohlfürst, C.
Particle production through ultra-strong electric fields is a well-studied research field. Nevertheless, despite repeated attempts to relate the production rate within the field to the formation time of a particle, the latter is still shrouded in mystery. We provide an interpretation of a particle
distribution at finite times enabling us to isolate and, therefore, identify the relevant time scales
regarding particle formation in quantum physics within and beyond perturbation theory.
Keywords: Non-equilibrium Quantum Field Theory; Strong-Field Quantum Electrodynamics; Schwinger effect; Time scales
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2211.07510 [hep-ph]:
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2211.07510 -
Physics Letters B 844(2023), 138063
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2023.138063
Cited 13 times in Scopus
A glimpse into pion gravitational form factor
We provide a novel approach to calculate the gravitational form factor of pion under the ladder approximation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation, with contact interactions. Central to this approach is a symmetry-preserving treatment of the dressed ππ amplitude, which shows explicitly the contributions from intrinsic quarks and bound states, the latter being necessary to produce the D-term of pion in the soft-pion limit. The approach we provide in this work can be applied to many processes of physical significance.
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2211.06635 [hep-ph]:
arXiv: 2211.06635 -
Physical Review D 107(2023), L031502
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.L031502
Cited 13 times in Scopus
Emergence of Hadron Mass and Structure
Ding, M.; Roberts, C. D.; Schmidt, S. M.
Visible matter is characterised by a single mass scale; namely, the proton mass. The proton’s existence and structure are supposed to be described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD); yet, absent Higgs boson couplings, chromodynamics is scale invariant. Thus, if the Standard Model is truly a part of the theory of Nature, then the proton mass is an emergent feature of QCD; and emergent hadron mass (EHM) must provide the basic link between theory and observation. Nonperturbative tools are necessary if such connections are to be made; and in this context, we sketch recent progress in the application of continuum Schwinger function methods to an array of related problems in hadron and particle physics. Special emphasis is given to the three pillars of EHM – namely, the running gluon mass, process-independent effective charge, and running quark mass; their role in stabilising QCD; and their measurable expressions in a diverse array of observables.
Keywords: confinement of gluons and quarks; continuum Schwinger function methods; Dyson- Schwinger equations
Particles 1(2023)6, 50-120
DOI: 10.3390/particles6010004
Cited 45 times in Scopus
Performance boost of a collective qutrit refrigerator
A single qutrit with transitions selectively driven by weakly-coupled reservoirs can implement one of the world's smallest refrigerators. We analyze the performance of N such fridges that are collectively coupled to the reservoirs. We observe a quantum boost, manifest in a quadratic scaling of the steady-state cooling current with N. As N grows further, the scaling reduces to linear, since the transitions responsible for the quantum boost become energetically unfavorable. Fine-tuned inter-qutrit interactions may be used to maintain the quantum boost for all N and also for not-perfectly collective scenarios.
Keywords: open quantum systems; Lindblad equation; Redfield equation; collective effects; quantum absorption refrigerator; qutrits; Holstein-Primakoff transform; quadratic boost; nonequilibrium steady state
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2210.07844 [quant-ph]:
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.07844 -
Physical Review Applied 19(2023), 034023
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.034023
Cited 13 times in Scopus
- Open Access Version from
- Secondary publication expected
A correspondence between the free and interacting field theories
Gao, F.; Ding, M.; Liu, Y.; Schmidt, S. M.
We discover a correspondence between the free field and the interacting states. This correspondence is firstly given from the fact that the free propagator can be converted into a tower of propagators for massive states, when expanded with the Hermite function basis. The equivalence of propagators reveals that in this particular case the duality can naturally be regarded as the equivalence of one theory on the plane wave basis to the other on the Hermite function basis. More generally, the Hermite function basis provides an alternative quantization process with the creation/annihilation operators that correspond directly to the interacting fields. Moreover, the Hermite function basis defines an exact way of dimensional reduction. As an illustration, we apply this basis on 3+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory with three dimensional space being reduced through the Hermite function basis, and if with only the lowest order Hermite function, the equivalent action becomes the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind (BFSS) matrix model.
Contribution to WWW -
European Physical Journal C 83(2023), 144
DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11278-4
The QED four – photon amplitudes off-shell: part 1
Ahmadiniaz, N.; Lopez-Arcos, C.; Lopez-Lopez, M. A.; Schubert, C.
The QED four-photon amplitude has been well-studied by many authors, and on-shell is treated in many textbooks. However, a calculation with all four photons off-shell is presently still lacking, despite of the fact that this amplitude appears off-shell as a subprocess in many different contexts, in vacuum as well as with some photons connecting to external fields. The present paper is the first in a series of four where we use the worldline formalism to obtain this amplitude explicitly in terms of hypergeometric functions, and derivatives thereof, for both scalar and spinor QED. The formalism allows us to unify the scalar and spinor loop calculations, to avoid the usual breaking up of the amplitude into three inequivalent Feynman diagrams, and to achieve manifest transversality as well as UV finiteness at the integrand level by an optimized version of the integration-by-parts procedure originally introduced by Bern and Kosower for gluon amplitudes. The full permutation symmetry is maintained throughout, and the amplitudes get projected naturally into the basis of five tensors introduced by Costantini et al. in 1971. Since in many applications of the “four-photon box” some of the photons can be taken in the low-energy limit, and the formalism makes it easy to integrate out any such leg, apart from the case of general kinematics (part 4) we also treat the special cases of one (part 3) or two (part 2) photons taken at low energy. In this first part of the series, we summarize the application of the worldline formalism to the N-photon amplitudes and its relationto Feynman diagrams, derive the optimized tensor-decomposed integrands of the four-photon amplitudes in scalar and spinor QED, and outline the computational strategy tobe followed in parts 2 to 4. We also give an overview of the applications of the four-photon amplitudes, with an emphasis on processes that naturally involve some off-shell photons, either because external fields are involved or we use the amplitude as a building block for higher-order process. The case where all photons are taken at low energy (the “Euler-Heisenberg approximation”) is simple enough to be doable for arbitrary photon numbers,and we include it here for completeness
Keywords: Four-photon amplitude; Worldline formalism; Bern-Kosower formalism
Contribution to WWW -
Nuclear Physics B 991(2023), 116216
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2023.116216
Cited 10 times in Scopus
Optical absorption and carrier multiplication at graphene edges in a magnetic field
Queisser, F.; Lang, S.; Schützhold, R.
We study optical absorption at graphene edges in a transversal magnetic field. The magnetic field bends the trajectories of particle- and hole excitations into antipodal direction which generates a directed current. We find a rather strong amplification of the edge current by impact ionization processes. More concretely, the primary absorption and the subsequent carrier multiplication is analyzed for a graphene fold and a zigzag edge. We identify exact and approximate selection rules and discuss the dependence of the decay rates on the initial state.
Keywords: Graphene; Auger processes; optical absorption
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:2107.14524 [cond-mat.mes-hall]: -
Physical Review B 108(2023)045403
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.045403
Hierarchy of double-time correlations
The hierarchy of correlations is an analytical approximation method which allows us to study non-equilibrium phenomena in strongly interacting quantum many-body systems on lattices in higher dimensions. So far, this method was restricted to equal-time correlators ⟨A ^ μ (t)B ^ ν (t)⟩ . In this work, we generalize this method to double-time correlators ⟨A ^ μ (t)B ^ ν (t ′ )⟩ , which allows us to study effective light cones and Green functions and to incorporate finite initial temperatures.
Contribution to WWW
arXiv:1909.10938: -
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 5(2023), 053101
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/acccde
Cited 4 times in Scopus