Departments of the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research
Directors: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Faßbender |Prof. Dr. Manfred Helm
Ion Beam Center
The department „Ion Beam Center“ focuses on the modification and analysis of solid surfaces and thin film by the using ion beams in a wide energy range from few eV to 60 MeV. Besides broad beam irradiation, local modifications of surfaces are also studied by focused and highly charged ion beams. For a comprehensive characterization of materials, electron microscopy (TEM, SEM, cross-beam system), electron spectroscopy, and X-ray-based analysis techniques are used for the structural analysis in addition to ion beam analysis.
The Ion Beam Center (IBC) is furthermore a user facility for ion beam techniques providing ion beams for research and development to national and international partners. Ion beam services to industry are provided in close collaboration with HZDR Innovation GmbH.
The Ion Beam Center (IBC) is furthermore a user facility for ion beam techniques providing ion beams for research and development to national and international partners. Ion beam services to industry are provided in close collaboration with HZDR Innovation GmbH.
The department focuses on the creation, characterization, and modeling of nanostructures and nanostructured matter. Electron lithographic top-down methodes, ion-beam-assisted processes, and nanometrology techniques are applied and developed. Modeling on different scales gives insight in the interactions on the nanoscale.
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Research
The department Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) and Isotope Research conducts interdisciplinary research in a broad application spectrum ranging from nuclear astrophysics to environment and biomedical applications utilizing natural and anthropogenic fingerprints of rare isotopes and trace elements. In addition, the technological advancement of AMS to new isotopes is pursued.
The Spectroscopy Department deals with the optical investigation of novel materials in the visible, infrared and terahertz range for the investigation of charge carrier dynamics on a femtosecond or picosecond timescale. Specifically, the materials studied are low-dimensional semiconductor structures: quantum wells, heterostructures, superlattices, quantum dots and wires, graphene and other two-dimensional semiconductors (transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers), and topological insulators.
The department of magnetism concentrates on research in nanomagnetism and magnonics, spin(orbi)tronics, interface magnetism, intelligent materials and magnetic functional materials. In the mentioned areas basic as well as application oriented research is targeted.
Semiconductor Materials
This department focuses on the synthesis and modification of semiconductor materials using ion implantation, flash lamp annealing and pulsed laser melting for microelectronics, optoelectronics and quantum technologies.
Intelligent Materials and Systems
The main activities of the group are focused on the development of magnetoelectronics which can be reshaped on demand after fabrication. These shapeable (flexible, stretchable and printable) magnetic sensorics can be used to realize interactive consumer electronics, e.g. intelligent packaging, postcards or promotional materials in the spirit of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Alternatively, shapeable magnetosensitive devices can be used to monitor displacements or motion and provide feedback as needed, e.g. for smart implants, proximity sensorics for on-skin or wearable electronics or for the realization of the sensory feedback systems for unique class of soft actuators – soft robotics.
Quantum Technologies
PD Dr. habil. Astakhov, Georgy
The group research focuses on the interaction of quantum systems with optical, electronic, magnetic and mechanical excitations in nanostructures. Atomic-scale qubits are created using ion-beam technologies, and their coherent control is carried out using various spectroscopic techniques with temporal and spatial resolution. The goal is to evolve from basic science to practical applications in quantum sensing, communication, and computing.