
Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe

Lei­ter Nanoelek­tronik
Tel.: +49 351 260 2366

Dr. Ahmad Echresh

Nanofabrikation und Analyse
Tel.: +49 351 260 3893

Dr. Ciaran Fowley

Lei­ter Nanofabrikation und Analyse
Tel.: +49 351 260 3253

Nanofabrication and Analysis

FWIZ-P Lithography ©Copyright: Dr. Fowley, Ciaran

Photolithography Lithography

Foto: Ciaran Fowley


The Nanofabrication and Analysis group performs semiconductor preparation processes for silicon and other semiconductor materials, like GaAs, SiC, Ge and diamond. Activities include pre- and post-ion beam implantation lithographic processing, wet and dry etching of devices, deposition of materials, as well as, different analytical and electrical investigations. The group is a one-stop-shop providing start-to-finish processing or any intermittent steps. The group serves the needs of the IBC, HZDR and industry, as well as, the wider scientific community as a user facility. 

The cleanroom assists in enabling the various research topics of the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research including  NanostructuresOptoelectronic Materials, Nanomagnetism, Transport in nanostructures and Doping & Defects in Semiconductors.

Cleanroom Introduction

New users, and those who wish to use the cleanroom can do the Cleanroom Introduction online. This is the first step on your journey to using the cleanroom. 

Instruction Portal ->  Occupational safety -> Repeated briefing -> FWIO - Cleanroom 711/105

Note: the test is only available internally.

Useful Forms:

All samples processed in the cleanroom are required to have a processing template. This is commonly known as a process flow. These are currently managed through the process approval section of the Nanofaro Wiki.

However, if one only requires short work to be done in the cleanroom you can fill in one of the following forms and bring it to Ciaran Fowley or the relvant staff member. Processing is then be handled by the cleanroom staff. The forms are also available on the NanoFaRo Wiki under Useful Forms.

  • Wet chemistry : For chemistry processes, e.g. Piranha, buffered oxide etching, KOH etching
  • Photolithography : For UV lithography with photomasks, otherwise known as microfabrication
  • Deposition : Material deposition by evaporation (e-beam and thermal) and sputtering
  • Reactive Ion Etching : Reactive ion etching with SF6, CF4, O2 and C4F8 
  • Thermal Processing : For thermally grown oxides, annealing and rapid themal annealing / processing

Note: the forms are only available internally.

Services and methods:

Foto: FWIZ-P Reinraum ©Copyright: Dr. Ciaran Fowley


Der Reinraum bietet eine Fläche von 320 m² der Klasse 500.000 oder besser, innerhalb der insgesamt 40 m² Arbeitsfläche der Klasse 100 sind. Es befindet sich neben den Implan­tier­hallen.
Foto: Nasschemie im Reinraum ©Copyright: Dr. Bernd Schmidt


Die chemische Vorberei­tung sauberer Oberflächen über Lö­sungs­mittel- und Säure­verfahren (Piranha, RCA-1, RCA-2 usw.) ist ­verfügbar. Das selektive Ätzen von Si, SiOx, Al, GaAs und Ge ist ­verfügbar.
Foto: Fotolithographie ©Copyright: Dr. Bernd Schmidt


Photolithographie mit einer Auflö­sung von weniger als 2 um über einen 150 mm Wafer ist ebenso ­verfügbar wie direkte Laserschreibmöglich­keiten.
Foto: Anlage zum Reaktiven Ionenätzen ©Copyright: Dr. Bernd Schmidt

Reaktives Ionen­ätzen

Das induktiv gekoppelte plasmareaktive Ionen­ätzen von Si, SiOx und ­verschiedenen 2D-Material­ien ist sowohl in kontinuierlichen als auch in zyklischen (Bosch-Prozess) Prozessen möglich.
Foto: CREAVAC evaporation tool ©Copyright: Dr. Ciaran Fowley


Die physikalische Abscheidung einer Vielzahl von Elementen durch Sputtern und Verdampfen ist möglich. Insgesamt stehen 12 Elek­tronen­strahltaschen, 2 Wärmequellen und 4 Sputtertargets zur Verfü­gung.
Foto: Halbautomatischer Prober PA200 (Karl Süss) ©Copyright: Holger Lange


Optische Inspektion, Dickenmes­sungen und elektrische Charakterisie­rung im Reinraum ermöglichen eine schnelle Kalibrie­rung von Abscheidungs­-, Oxidations- und Ätzprozessen in sauberer Umge­bung

Group information:

The preparation equipment in the Class-100 cleanroom incorporates:

  • Processing Technologies
    • Piranha, RCA1, RCA2, and solvent cleaning up to 6"
    • Anisotropic and isotropic material etching, BHF, HP3O4, TMAH, KOH, Al-etch up to 6"
    • Front and back side UV lithography up to 6"
    • ICP reactive ion etching, anisotropic and isotropic etching of Si, SiC, SiO2 etc. up to 6"
    • Thermal oxidation, diffusion and annealing in precision furnances (1050°C in O2/HCl, Ar/H2, H2O) up to 6"
    • Rapid thermal processing (annealing and oxidation up to 1050°C for 600 s) up to 4"
    • High Temperature vacuum annealing
  • Thin Film Deposition
    • Sputtering: DC- and RF-magnetron sputtering of Al, Si, SiO2, Ge, AlSi (other materials are available) up to 6"
    • Evaporation: 12 pocket E-Beam, 2-pocket thermal evaporator for evaporation of Cr, Au, SiO, Mn, Pt, Ti, Al, Ni, NiFe, CoFe....) up to 4"
  • Device Packaging
    • Ultrasonic wire bonding with Au and Al wires
  • Measurement and Characterization
    • Interferometric thicknesses measurements of resist, oxide, SOI thicknesses. Ellipsometry is also available
    • Optical microscopy with resolution down to 1µm measurement
    • Dektak profilometry 
    • Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
    • Electrical measuring techniques (I/V-, MIS-C/V-measurement)
  • Computer Aided Design
    • Assistance for mask layout design for photolithography (AUTOCAD/GDSII)