Mechanical material testing laboratory
1. Material testing system MTS 810.23 (MTS Systems)
2. Material testing system Inspect Retrofit (Hegewald & Peschke)
3. Universal testing machines Inspekt Desk (Hegewald & Peschke)
4. Instrumented pendulum impact tester PSd300 (WPM Leipzig)
5. MIKROTRON resonant testing machine (Russenberger Prüfmaschinen AG)
6. Measuring devices
7. Evaluation Software
8. Various hardness testers
9. Ultrasonic measuring system
1. Material Testing System MTS 810.23 (MTS-Systems)
Servo-hydraulic testing system for static and dynamic testing
2. Material Testing System Inspect Retrofit (Hegewald & Peschke)
Electromechanical testing system for static testing
3. Universal testing machines Inspekt Desk 10 kN and 20 kN (Hegewald & Peschke)
Electromechanical Universal testing machines Inspekt Desk with implemented Small Punch Test setup.
4. Instrumented pendulum impact tester PSd300 (WPM Leipzig)
Impact testing according to DIN EN ISO 148-1:2010 and EN ISO 14556:2006
5. MIKROTRON resonant testing machine (Russenberger Prüfmaschinen AG)
Machine for the generation of fatigue cracks in fracture mechanics specimens and fatigue testing
6. Measuring devices
7. Evaluation software
Other hardness testers see also:
Fracture toughness testing according to ASTM E1820, ASTM E 399, IASTM E1921, ISO 12135, EN ISO 12737
Tensile testing according to DIN EN 10002-1, DIN EN 10002-5
Impact testing according to EN ISO 14556:2006 and ISO TC 164/SC4 N465.5
8. Various hardness testers
Other hardness testers see also:
9. Ultrasonic measuring system
Pulser/Receiver model 5800 (Panametrics)
Digitising oscilloscope TDS 1002 (Tectronix)
Ultrasound Pulse-Echoe technique for characterizing of elastic material properties
Longitudinal and transverse waves
Frequency area 2 - 20 MHz