CFD-Simulations on the bubble entrained caused by a liquid jet
The bubble entrainment caused by an impinging liquid jet considerably influences the flow in the pool. For practical applications questions as the mixing between hot water in a pool with cold water from the jet (e.g. in case emergency core cooling injection into the cold leg of a Pressurized Water reactor) re-suspension of particles in the pool have to be answered. In such a flow situation the gas phase simultaneously occurs as continuous phase (gas above the pool surface) and dispersed phase (entrained bubbles). Investigations are done on the influence of different model parameter and the consideration of bubble forces. Up to now no satisfactory simulation of the bubble entrainment from the continuous gas phase below the pool surface itself exits. For this reason different simulations are done to investigate possibilities for improvements of the modelling.
Picture: A jet hits a free surface (CFD-simulation)
The impinging jet also occurs as a sub-problem in other projects:
Numerical and experimental investigations for insulation particle transport phenomena in water flow
By using high-speed video and laser (LDA and PIV) measurements, the progression of the momentum by a plunging jet in the pool is investigated. Of special importance is the role that entrained gaseous bubbles play on disturbing the fluid and potentially influencing the fibre sedimentation and resuspension. -
Mixing and heat transfer while filling up an emergency coolant tank with deborated water
A tank is partially filled with borated water of a given concentration and temperature. It is filled up through an inlet device above the water level with deborated water, which has another temperature. Two-phase CFD simulations are applied to calculate the spacial development of the temperature and the boron concentration.
M. Schmidtke, D. Lucas "CFD Appraches for Modelling Bubble entrainment by an Impinging Jet", Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Volume 2009 (2009), doi:10.1155/2009/148436
D. Lucas. “Identification of Relevant PTS Scenarious, State of the Art of Modelling and Needs for Model Improvements”, Deliverable 2.1.1., NURESIM-SP2-TH.
D. Lucas. “Review of the Existing Data Basis for the Validation of Models for PTS”, Deliverable 2.1.2., NURESIM-SP2-TH.
NURESIM-SP2-TH, Deliverable Progress Report on the Modeling of the Plunging Jet Configuration. E. Bodèle, D. Lucas.
(Available only for partners of the NURESIM project group)
NURESIM-SP2-TH, Deliverable Progress Report on the Modeling of the Plunging Jet Configuration. E. Bodèle, D. Lucas.
(Available only for partners of the NURESIM project group)
This work is carried out in the frame of the NURESIM project funded by European Union.
European Platform for NUclear REactor SIMulations (NURESIM)
Experimental Investigation of Mixing Phenomena in an Emergency Core Cooling Scenario: TOPFLOW-PTS