Awards of the Experimental Thermofluiddynamics Division
- Amit Kumar, Extraordinary prize for a doctorate in Water Science and Technology, University of Girona, Spain, "Design, development and characterization of atmospheric plasma system for wastewater treatment"
- Tanzila Nurjahan, Best Poster Award (3rd place), Nuclear Days 2024
- Tanzila Nurjahan, Best Presentation Award (3rd place), Falling Walls Lab 2024
- Stefan Fogel, Franz-Stolze-Prize of the Technische Universität Dresden 2024, PhD thesis: "Integrated Electrolysis-Synthesis Systems for Flexible and Decentralized Production of Methanol"
- Wei Ding, Best Presentation Award, ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer (MNHMT 2024)
- Suzanne Eisenhofer, 2nd place in the Young Scientist‘s Workshop, Kerntechnik 2024
- Philipp Wiedemann, Uwe Hampel, GVT project of the year 2024, Forschungsgesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik
- Julien Bouldoire, Best Master thesis of the specialization, Department of Energetique & Environment, University of Poitiers (France)
- Amit Kumar, Winner of "Falling walls lab engage pitch competition", Summer School: Global Solutions for Water Security, (Hannover, Germany)
- Tobias Pyka (TU Dortmund), Best Poster Award: "Analysis and application of rotating baffle distributors for distillation in a two-rotor rotating packed bed", 8th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC, Poland)
- Alexandre Florian Guille-Bourdas, Best Internship Award of the Engineering School ENSIP (Poitiers, France)
- Rouven Loll, Best Poster Award: "Phase distribution in Zickzack packings for rotating packed beds", PAAT - Annular meeting
- Philipp Wiedemann, Best Poster Award, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNET-Fachgruppe Fluidverfahrenstechnik
- Sebastian Unger, Doktotrand*innenpreis des HZDR, "Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung der Wärmeübertragungs- und Strömungscharakteristik von berippten Einzelrohren und Rohrbündeln"
- Vineet Vishwakarma, EFCE Excellence Award, "Experimental and Numerical Investigations for an Advanced Modeling of Two-Phase Flow and Mass Transfer on Column Trays"
- André Bieberle et al., HZDR Science Communication Award
- Alexander Döß, Ronald Franz, Dr. Holger Kryk, Eckhard Schleicher, Dr. Markus Schubert, Martin Tschofen und Michael Wiezorek, HZDR Technology and Innovation Award
- Uwe Hampel, Gregory Lecrivain, 1st place at the HZDR Innovation Contest, “Fluid dynamic air purifier”
- Ulrich Harm, Best Poster Award in the Session „Nuclear Corrosion“ of the EUROCORR 2020, Poster: „Electrochemical corrosion studies on zinc in boric acid containing electrolytes“, Link:
- Martin Arlit, Franz-Stolze Prize of the Technische Universität Dresden 2020, PhD thesis: „Entwicklung eines thermoanemometrischen Mehrpunktmessverfahrens und dessen Anwendung zur verteilten Temperatur- und Geschwindigkeitsmessung in geschlossenen Kanälen“
- Felix Möller, PhD Recognition Award 2019, PhD thesis: „Advanced modeling and experimental analysis of bubble columns with internals“
- Martin Neumann-Kipping, Martina Bieberle, Michael Wagner, André Bieberle, Uwe Hampel, Outstanding Paper Award 2019, Measurement Science and Technology (IOP Publishing)
- Uwe Hampel, Honory doctor of the University of Liège (Belgium)
- J. N. C. Hernandez, Best paper award, 4th World Congress of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'19)
- Ragna Kipping, Best Presentation Award (1st place), HZDR PhD seminar 2019
- Felipe de Assis Dias, Best Poster Award (1st place), HZDR PhD seminar 2019
- Hans-Ulrich Härting, Boysen-Preis 2018 der Friedrich und Elisabeth Boysen-Stiftung
- Johannes Zalucky, Linde-Award 2018
- P. Stasch, VDI-Förderpreis
- Sebastian Unger, Best Presentation Award (3rd place), HZDR PhD seminar 2018
- Martin Arlit, Best Poster Award (1st place), HZDR PhD seminar 2018
- Felix Möller, Best Poster Award (3rd place), HZDR PhD seminar 2018
- Chris Engmann, Günther-Grüning-Preis, Landesvereinigung der Prüfingenieure für Bautechnik in Sachsen
- Felix Möller, Best Poster Award (2nd place), HZDR PhD seminar 2017
- Ehsan Mohseni, Best platform presentation, 9th Eastern European Young Water Professionals, 2017
- Thomas Schäfer, Competence Prize 2017, First place at the Workshop "Preserving Competence", 48th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (AMNT 2017)
- Anne Pfahl, Poster Award (2nd place), Studierendentagung des BioMedTec Wissenschaftscampus, 2017
- André Bieberle, Michael Wagner, Tobias Frust, Guido Juckeland*, Siegfried Lieber*, Uwe Eisold*, HZDR Technology and Innovation Award 2016
- Ragna Kipping, Best Poster Award (3rd place), HZDR PhD seminar 2016
- Thomas Geißler, Best Poster Award (2nd place), HZDR PhD seminar 2016
- Ragna Kipping, Best Student Award, 8th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-8) 2016
- Ragna Kipping, Barkhausen Poster Award 2015
- Martin Arlit, Best Poster Award, 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-16) 2015
- Stephan Boden, Mohammad Haghnegahdar, Best Poster Award, 7th International Symposium on Process Tomography (ISPT-7) 2015
- Tobias Seidel, Siempelkamp Kompetenzpreis 2015, First place at the Workshop "Kompetenzerhaltung Kerntechnik“ at the Annular Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2015
- Sebastian Reinecke, SICK-Promotionspreis 2014
- Swabna Rabha, Markus Schubert, HZDR Research Award 2013
- Manuel Banowski, Best Poster Award, HZDR PhD seminar 2013
- Sebastian Reinecke, Best Young Researcher Presentation, 7th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-7) 2013
- Manuel Banowski, Best Poster Award, 7th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-7) 2013
- Thomas Barth, Best Presentation Oral Paper Award, 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics (NURETH-15) Pisa, 2013
- Matthias Beyer, Eckhard Schleicher, Heiko Pietruske, Tobias Seidel, Helmar Carl, HZDR Technology Award 2012
- Christoph Vallée, Heinrich-Mandel-Preis 2012 der VGB-Forschungsstiftung
- Christoph Vallée, HZDR Ph.D. Recognition Award 2011
- Sebastian Reinecke, Second Place at "Beste 3 Poster", 10. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 2011
- Sebastian Reinecke, Best Presentation Award, HZDR Graduate Student Meeting 2011
- Manuel Banowski, Best Poster Award, HZDR Graduate Student Meeting 2011
- Sebastian Reinecke, Uwe Pöpping, Uwe Hampel, Preis enertec dezentral 2011, Verbundnetz Gas AG and Leipziger Messe GmbH
- Martina Bieberle, HZDR Ph.D. Recognition Award 2010
- Martina Bieberle, Heinrich-Barkhausen-Preis 2010 der Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung
- André Bieberle, Commerzbankpreis of the Technische Universität Dresden 2009
- Martina Bieberle, Dresden Barkhausen Poster Award 2009
- Marco José da Silva, Messtechnikpreis 2009 des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik (AHMT)
- Frnak Fischer, Third Place at theWorkshop "Kompetenzerhaltung Kerntechnik", Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2009
- Uwe Hampel, Eckhard Schleicher, Marco José da Silva, T Hauptmann, R. Schmid, Björn Wolf, First Place: Businessplan-Wettbewerb "futureSAX 2009" (phase 1)
- Marco José da Silva, HZDR Ph.D. Award 2008
- Sebastian Thiele, Marco José da Silva, Uwe Hampel, Best Paper Award, 5th International Symposium on Process Tomography (PROCTOM 2008)
- Christophe Vallée, Second Place at the Workshop "Kompetenzerhaltung Kerntechnik", Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2008
- Christophe Vallée, Best Presentation Award (Europe), 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE16) 2008
- Sebastian Thiele, Diplomarbeitspreis (Diploma Thesis Award) of the Institute of Solid-State Electronics (TU Dresden) 2007
- Uwe Hampel, Frank Fischer, Eckhard Schleicher, Martina Bieberle, Dietrich Hoppe, HZDR Technology and Innovation Award 2007
- Sebastian Thiele, Student Award Third Place, IEEE Sensors 2007 Conference
- Frank Fischer, Best Presentation Award, HZDR Graduate Student Meeting 2007
- Marco José da Silva, Best Poster Award, HZDR Graduate Student Meeting 2007
- André Bieberle, Best Student Paper Award, 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15) 2007
- André Bieberle, Siempelkamp Kompetenzpreis 2006, First place at the Workshop "Kompetenzerhaltung Kerntechnik“ at the Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2006
- Martina Speck, Uwe Hampel, D. Kock, H.-G. Mayer, H.-J. Menz, H.-M. Prasser, Eckhard Schleicher, The Maurice Beck Price, Best Paper Award at the World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-4) 2005
- André Bieberle, Diplomarbeitspreis (Diploma Thesis Award) of the Institute of Solid-State Electronics (TU Dresden) 2004
- Martina Speck, Johannes-Görges-Preis 2004, Diploma Thesis Award of the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (TU Dresden) and ABB Germany
- H.-M. Prasser, M. Beyer, A. Böttger, H. Carl, D. Lucas, A. Schaffrath, P. Schütz, F.-P. Weiß, u. J. Zschau, Best Paper Award, 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics 2003