
Porträt Prof. Dr. Fischer, Cornelius; FWOT

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Fischer

Head of Department
Reactive Transport
Phone: +49 351 260 4660

Katrin Gerstner

Secretary's office / Administration
Reactive Transport / Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy
Phone: +49 351 260 4601

Nadja Pedrosa Gil

Business administration Reactive Transport
Business administration Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy
Phone: +49 351 260 4690

Social Media


Department of Reactive Transport

In the Reactive Transport Department we study the heterogeneity of material surface reactivity, including sorption and dissolution reactions and material degradation. We use experimental and numerical methods to quantify and predict surface reaction rates using rate maps. Transport in complex porous materials is another important aspect of our work. We develop conservative and reactive radionuclide tracers using our cyclotron laboratory and apply positron emission tomography (PET). We use and develop numerical methods for transport analysis at the pore scale and above. Our research is motivated and driven by applications in nuclear safety research and we provide critical links to earth, environmental and materials sciences.

Foto: PET scan of a drill core with <sup>22</sup>Na diffusion  ©Copyright: PD Dr. Cornelius Fischer

Latest publication

Implementing electronic signatures of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride in twisted bilayer molybdenum disulfide

Arnold, F. M.; Ghasemifard, A.; Kuc, A. B.; Heine, T.


Angeli and MacDonald reported a superlattice-imposed Dirac band in twisted bilayer molybdenum disulphide (tBL MoS2) for small twist angles towards the R_h^M (parallel) stacking. Using a hierarchical set of theoretical methods, we show that the superlattices differ for twist angles with respect to metastable R_h^M (0°) and lowest-energy H_h^h (60°) configurations. When approaching R_h^M stacking, identical domains with opposite spatial orientation emerge. They form a honeycomb superlattice, yielding Dirac bands and a lateral spin texture distribution with opposite-spin-occupied K and K’ valleys. Small twist angles towards the H_h^h configuration (60°) generate H_h^h and H_h^X stacking domains of different relative energies and, hence, different spatial extensions. This imposes a symmetry break in the moiré cell, which opens a gap between the two top-valence bands, which become flat already for relatively small moiré cells. The superlattices impose electronic superstructures resembling graphene and hexagonal boron nitride into trivial semiconductor MoS2.

Related publications


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Head/ Administration

NameBld./Office+49 351 260EmailPosition/Tasks
Prof. Dr. Cornelius FischerL9.3/2124660
c.fischerAthzdr.deHead of Department
Katrin GerstnerL9.3/2174601
k.gerstnerAthzdr.deSecretary's office / Administration
Reactive Transport / Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy
Nadja Pedrosa GilL9.3/2214690
n.pedrosa-gilAthzdr.deBusiness administration Reactive Transport
Business administration Experimental Neurooncological Radiopharmacy


NameBld./Office+49 351 260EmailPosition/Tasks
Alexandra BeckerL9.3/2114692
a.beckerAthzdr.dePhD Student
Ismail ErenL9.3/2114692
i.erenAthzdr.dePhD Student
Elvira Gouatieu DongmoL9.3/2114692
e.gouatieu-dongmoAthzdr.dePhD Student
Sieglinde HolzknechtL9.3/2224664
s.holzknechtAthzdr.dePhD Student
Dr. Johannes KulenkampffL9.3/2024663
j.kulenkampffAthzdr.deResearch Scientist
Dr. Marcel LindemannL9.3/3184671
m.lindemannAthzdr.deResearch Scientist
Dr. habil. Holger LippoldL9.3/4014672
h.lippoldAthzdr.deResearch Scientist
Jing LiuL9.3/2114692
j.liuAthzdr.dePhD Student
Dagmar LöselL9.3/4024673
d.loeselAthzdr.deLaboratory technician
Dr. Alexander Mansela.manselAthzdr.deResearch Scientist
Jann SchöngartL9.3/2224658
j.schoengartAthzdr.dePhD Student
Claudia SchößlerL9.3/4024674
c.schoesslerAthzdr.deChemical laboratory technician
Wenyu ZhouL9.3/2224664

Other employees

NameBld./Office+49 351 260EmailPosition/Tasks
Dr. Karsten FrankeL9.3/3184629
k.frankeAthzdr.deResearch Associate